No fencing the rest of this week

No fencing the rest of this week
Although I imagine most of you were not going to come in, let’s make it official. 
No school the rest of the week, so afterschool and Topsail are cancelled.
Let’s go ahead and cancel evening, homeschool, and Camp Lejeune practices.
Everyone should do what is best for you and your family.  Hopefully we can get restarted next Monday, but no guarantees.  I will keep you informed.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

update on fencing

update on fencing
UNCW has cancelled classes as of noon tomorrow, so no UNCW practice tomorrow night.  Right now I don’t see anything regarding New Hanover for tomorrow.  Expect that we will cancel classes starting either Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on what the schools do.  Plan ahead and stay safe.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for (/9

CFFA update for (/9
Obviously, keep
an eye on the weather for the upcoming week as that will have an impact
on about everything.  The general rule of thumb for the afterschool is
that if St. Mary closes, we will not have afterschool.  St. Mary follows
the lead of the New Hanover schools as regards closings due to
weather.  For Topsail we will follow Pender county school closings.  For
Camp Lejeune we will follow the base closings.  Things may be closed
even if the schools are open, such as if the basement floods or roads
are impassible.  I will do my best to give everyone plenty of notice. 
If we miss a class for any reason we have the flexibility to tack it on
at the back end. so we will make certain you get the correct number. 
The bottom line is that fencing, great as it is, is not worth risking
your safety for.
Herman wants to get an order
together, to, hopefully, get it here in time for the September 22
event.  Therefore, contact him or me by Thursday, if you have an order.
The latest word about equipment we have is that the foam foil chest
protector is required now.  The mask back strap issue is still a bit up
in the air.  The expected decision is along the lines of it will be
required for National events starting in January, regional events
sometime in the spring, and all events probably at the start of next
season.  I will let you know when things become more settled.
Eidt attended the Kick Off event in Richmond yesterday and took 6th in
Mixed Division III epee and 2nd in the Women’s epee.
Barring weather, we should be back to the full fall schedule this week.
September 10th, and Tuesday, September 11th, will be the new beginner class start dates for afterschool
students. (3 pm)  It is also the start of September Mon/Wed evening beginner
class.  (6:30 pm)
Regular Tuesday Thursday classes and the homeschool class on Wednesday, again, Florence permitting.
12th will see the
UNCW students coming in on Wednesday evenings.  High school fencers from
school are also welcome for what I hope will be come sort of a combined
and friendly NCFL practice.  You can save destroying each other for NCFL
meets.  Fencing for the UNCW students and the high school students is
free on Wednesday nights (NO floor fees).  However, it is necessary for
all fencers to have some level of USA Fencing membership due to our
insurance requirements.  The $10 non-competitive membership is fine. 
Let me know if you have problems navigating the site.
On September 15-16, Mid-South will be hosting a sabre only RYC.  Check for more info.
permitting, on Saturday the 15th, I will be with Kenyatta Sanford
promoting the club at the Feast of the Pirates Event.  If there is to be
a Saturday practice someone else will need to open and close.  I will
keep everyone informed regarding what is up.
first event this season will be on September 22nd.  It will be open
foil at 9:30 am, open epee at 12:30 pm, and open sabre at 3:30 pm.
Thanks to everyone who has already signed up.  The epee has got some
good numbers and ranks and the foil is picking up some people,  Sabre
fencers need to get signed up, plus we could use some of our “heavy
hitters” to get the ranks up.  If you are coming, get signed up now! 
There are no
other local events listed for that date and people will probably be
looking for someplace to fence their first event of the season, knock
some rust off, or just get out of the house after the storm.
will be hosting an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) on September 22-23.  It
has Y-10, Y-12, and Y 14 events.  This is that next step for those of
you who have been competing in the local youth events.  It will be much
harder as it will be the best fencers from clubs throughout the Atlantic
Coast region.  You will need a full uniform, so if you are interested,
talk to Herman or I about ordering or borrowing gear.  Check at for more information.  Do realize that entry fees will be
higher than they are for local events.
I am
looking at September 29 for our first youth (12 and under) event, and I
think that will be pretty solid.  10 am foil start, epee at 2 pm, sabre
at 3:30 pm.  Trophies to the top three finishers in each weapon and
ties, medals to the top three 9 and under fencers unless they won a
trophy.  Swords for the top boy and girl, as determined by season long
points, and the person voted by the other fencers as showing the best
sportsmanship over the course of the season.  Volunteer foil referees are greatly appreciated.
For adults on that date, Apex is is holding unsanctioned men’s foil, women’s foil, and mixed epee.

VA, has announced a fall SYC (Super Youth Circuit), October 6-8,
(Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.  Super youth circuits are a level up from Regional
youth circuits.  They are the step below going to National level events,
but it isn’t absolutely necessary that you take this in a step like

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for September 2

CFFA update for September 2
I spoke with Herman and those of you needing to upgrade your chest protector (for foil only) have two options:  Absolute will be selling a foam overlay that you can attach for $25.  However, a new chest protector with the foam added is going to run about $34, so I think that is probably the better choice.  (Anyone who tried to attach the electric bib to their old mask can tell you how that goes.) Anyone needing gear before our first event, September 22nd, should let Herman or I know ASAP.
I hope everyone has a good Labor Day.  Things are starting to pick up as everyone is acknowledging that summer is over and it is time to get back to work.  Kenyatta Sanford has taken over the duties for putting things on Facebook and has already been putting up footwork videos, etc.  Go to Cape Fear Fencing and follow us and maybe you will see yourself.
No practice of any kind Monday due to the holiday.
Returning afterschool fencers can
start back on Tuesday, September 4th.  I will be over to the lower school at 3 pm to pick the fencers up.
Homweschool fencing will start
back up on Wednesday, September 5th.  Returning fencers at 1 pm, the new
beginner class at 1:30 pm.  UNCW will have their introductory meeting at 7 pm in Trask.
Friday, September 7th will start the next
beginner class at Camp Lejeune, open fencing at 6 pm, the beginner class at 7 pm.   Also, that Friday will also
restart fencing at Topsail Middle School.  Everyone will start at 3 pm, the beginners will end about 4 pm, returning fencers about 4:30 pm.
Saturday practice on the 8th.  I will be in about 10 am.  All of you fashionably late people seem to show up closer to 10:45 – 11.
September 10th will be the new beginner class start date for afterschool
students. (3 pm)  It is also the start of September Mon/Wed evening beginner
class.  (6:30 pm)
September 12th will see the UNCW students coming in on Wednesdays.  High school fencers from any school are also welcome for what I hope will be come sort of a combined and friendly NCFL practice.  You can save destroying each other for NCFL meets.
On September 15-16, Mid-South will be hosting a sabre only RYC.  Check for more info.
first event this season will be on September 22nd.  It will be open
foil at 9:30 am, open epee at 12:30 pm, and open sabre at 3:30 pm. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up.  The epee has got some good numbers and ranks and the foil is picking up some people,  Sabre fencers need to get signed up, plus we could use some of our “heavy hitters” to get the ranks up.  If you are coming, get signed up now!  There are no
other local events listed for that date and people will probably be
looking for someplace to fence their first event of the season and knock some rust off..
will be hosting an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) on September 22-23.  It
has Y-10, Y-12, and Y 14 events.  This is that next step for those of
you who have been competing in the local youth events.  It will be much
harder as it will be the best fencers from clubs throughout the Atlantic
Coast region.  You will need a full uniform, so if you are interested,
talk to Herman or I about ordering or borrowing gear.  Check at for more information.  Do realize that entry fees will be
higher than they are for local events.
I am looking at September 29 for our first youth (12 and under) event, and I think that will be pretty solid.  10 am foil start, epee at 2 pm, sabre at 3:30 pm.  Trophies to the top three finishers in each weapon and ties, medals to the top three 9 and under fencers unless they won a trophy.  Swords for the top boy and girl, as determined by season long points, and the person voted by the other fencers as showing the best sportsmanship over the course of the season.
For adults on that date, Apex is is holding unsanctioned men’s foil, women’s foil, and mixed epee.

VA, has announced a fall SYC (Super Youth Circuit), October 6-8,
(Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.  Super youth circuits are a level up from Regional
youth circuits.  They are the step below going to National level events,
but it isn’t absolutely necessary that you take this in a step like

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr

Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 26

CFFA update for August 26
I attended the NCFL preparatory meeting at East Chapel Hill Saturday.  Here are the important items from that meeting.  The NCFL is NOT going to require either the rubberized chest protectors or the upgraded mask straps this season.  Here are the tentative dates:
November 3  (I have requested this one for here)  regular team meet
December 1  location TBA         regular team meet
January 12   location TBA         regular team meet
January 20  location TBA         Conference individual championship
February 9  Orange High School  Team State Championship
February 23  Simkins Sport Center, Greensboro   Individual State Championship
To participate in either State Championship you must have participated in two of the first four events.  There are A and B Divisions.  An A team is an official (varsity or club) team from a high school.  A teams are foil and split by gender.  B teams can be second teams of High School fencers, teams of middle school (6-8th grade)/high school fencers from one school, or teams of composite fencers representing a club (like CFFA).  B teams can be coed.  Homeschool fencers are not allowed as you have your own league.  If anyone wants to fence but does not have a team, let me know.  All epee competition is considered B level at the moment.  You do need a full uniform so, if you are interested and need to borrow gear, let me know.
Just for my edification and planning, can people let me know where your “teams” stand?
Hoggard – Will and Andrew – I assume a men’s team, women?
Ashley – Emma – Women only, foil and maybe some epee?
New Hanover – Emma & Elina – I asked and you can just pick the team back up if the club gets restarted, so maybe a women’s foil?  (I know it is a bit early to tell)
Isaac Bear – Logan – I checked and it is okay for IBEC people to compete in whatever district you reside.  However, would you like me to speak with the principal about possibly competing as Isaac Bear?
Laney – Bea? – any interest in starting a club?  If not, you can compete as a CFFA B team person
Topsail – Ivonne and Stephen – any interest in starting a club at the High School?  If not, and you want to compete, you could be CFFA Bs
White Oak – Nicole – If nothing happens it won’t make a lot of difference as epee is B anyway.  You can still compete without a school team.
Anybody at a place I am missing?
This week, Tuesday and Thursday night practice, Friday at Camp Lejeune finishes the current class, and I will be in Saturday if anyone is interested.
Returning afterschool fencers can start back on Tuesday, September 4th.  Homweschool fencing will start back up on Wednesday, September 5th.  Returning fencers at 1 pm, the new beginner class at 1:30 pm.  Friday, September 7th will start the next beginner class at Camp Lejeune.  Also, hopefully, that Friday will also restart fencing at Topsail Middle School.
Monday, September 10th will be the new beginner class start for afterschool students.  It is also the start of September Mon/Wed evening beginner class.
On September 15-16, Mid-South will be hosting a sabre only RYC.  Check for more info.
first event this season will be on September 22nd.  It will be open
foil at 9:30 am, open epee at 12:30 pm, and open sabre at 3:30 pm.  So far very few people are signed up.  We get people to come to our events by two methods.  One, our people go out to other people’s events.  Two, we have enough of our people preregistered on so that people realize it will be a good event.  On the other hand, don’t sign up if you know you won’t be coming.  Nothing gives a club a bad rep more than seeing enough fencers to make an A2 and then on that day the event is only an E event.  If you are coming, get signed up now!  There are no other local events listed for that date and people will probably be looking for someplace to fence.
will be hosting an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) on September 22-23.  It
has Y-10, Y-12, and Y 14 events.  This is that next step for those of
you who have been competing in the local youth events.  It will be much
harder as it will be the best fencers from clubs throughout the Atlantic
Coast region.  You will need a full uniform, so if you are interested,
talk to Herman or I about ordering or borrowing gear.  Check at for more information.  Do realize that entry fees will be
higher than they are for local events.
I am looking at September 29 for our first youth event, but that may change.
Apex may be having a senior foil on that date.

VA, has announced a fall SYC (Super Youth Circuit), October 6-8,
(Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.  Super youth circuits are a level up from Regional
youth circuits.  They are the step below going to National level events,
but it isn’t absolutely necessary that you take this in a step like

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 19

CFFA update for August 19
A lot to take in this week, so please feel free to ask questions.
Most importantly, our insurance standards are going to be stricter, so if you are going to be coming in on Tuesday/Thursday night to fence, you will need to be in a full uniform.  That means knickers and plastron (underarm protector).  We have some that you can borrow, but I won’t swear about fit.  Therefore, people may want to start saving up so you can purchase your own that fit.  Not certain what it means for the youngsters yet, but it will probably mean that you will need to borrow our knickers for our in house competitions.  You probably should wear knickers and plastrons to practice if you have them.  I will keep you posted.
Also some equipment changes for this year you may want to prepare for:  Women (and men who wear a chest protector) who will be fencing foil competitively will need to purchase a new chest protector that has rubber over the plastic.  This is because the tips of your opponents were bouncing off and not always registering hits.  On January 1st your mask will need a different strap system on the back in order to compete.  You can get them upgraded through THE COMPANY THAT MADE IT.  You can’t send your Leon Paul mask to Absolute for example.  I know Erica has the new system on her mask if you want to see what it looks like.  This is so the old elastic strap doesn’t get weak and let the mask fall off your head.
Summer, in fencing terms, is almost officially over.  We start moving back to our school year schedule this week.  Tuesday night is the start of our first beginner class for the year.  People can still come in and practice at 6:30 pm, I just won’t be available to work with you.  We will usually have class by the mirror, so I would ask that you practice on the other end of the room.  Standard Friday practice up at Camp Lejeune.  On Saturday the 25th, I will open at 10 am, but then have to go to an NCFL meeting, so someone else will need to close up.
The North Carolina Fall schedule is out.  I will try to get our events on askfred later today. 
Charlotte Fencing Academy is hosting an event next weekend with unrated foil and epee and a women’s epee event.  It isn’t up on askfred yet, but keep checking there for more info.
On September 15-16, Mid-South will be hosting a sabre only RYC.  Check for more info.
Our first event this season will be on September 22nd.  It will be open foil at 9:30 am, open epee at 12:30 pm, and open sabre at 3:30 pm.
will be hosting an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) on September 22-23.  It
has Y-10, Y-12, and Y 14 events.  This is that next step for those of
you who have been competing in the local youth events.  It will be much
harder as it will be the best fencers from clubs throughout the Atlantic
Coast region.  You will need a full uniform, so if you are interested,
talk to Herman or I about ordering or borrowing gear.  Check at for more information.  Do realize that entry fees will be
higher than they are for local events.
I am looking at September 29 for our first youth event, but that may change.
Apex may be having a senior foil on that date.

VA, has announced a fall SYC (Super Youth Circuit), October 6-8,
(Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.  Super youth circuits are a level up from Regional
youth circuits.  They are the step below going to National level events,
but it isn’t absolutely necessary that you take this in a step like

Here is when our fall classes will be starting back up:

August 21 – Tu/Th evening beginner class  (6 weeks)
September 4 – returning afterschool fencers can come back
5 – homeschool fencing starts back up.  The only people who opined on
the start time either preferred the later time or didn’t care, so it
will be returning fencers at 1 pm and the new beginner class at 1:30
pm.  (Beginner class is once per week for 8 weeks.) Help get the word

September 7 – next Camp Lejeune beginner class will start.  Once a week on Friday for 8 weeks.
September 7 – (tentatively) Topsail middle school fencing  Beginning class is once per week for 8 weeks.

September 10 – afterschool beginners can start.  Twice per week for 6 weeks, once Mon/Tu; once Wed/Thur.
September 10 – Mon/Wed evening beginner class starts (6 week)

Sometime around September 5th or 12th the UNCW club should be back up and we will add Wednesday back into the mix.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 13

CFFA update for August 13
We had a number of people go up to the Big Blue event at Mid-South over the weekend.  Kim Phillips competed in the A rated Men’s sabre on Saturday.  He went 3-2 in his pool, won his first DE, but lost the second and finished 7th.  On Sunday Oliver Galbraith went up to fence both the foil and epee.  The foil was a B rated event in which Oliver went 3-2 in his pool, won his first DE, but lost the second.  He finished 10th overall. That pattern (3-2 in pool, win then lose in the DE) continued in the A rated epee, and he finished 13th.  We had five women go up for the B rated Women’s epee.  Samantha Milewski, after basically taking a year off, went 1-3 in her pool and got sister Nicole for her first DE losing 12-15.  She finished 12th.  Christi Golder was 2-3 in her pool, and then ran into Kenyatta for her DE, finishing 11th.  Erica Julien also went 2-3 in her pool.  She lost her first DE and finished 10th.  Kenyatta Sanford was 3-2 in her pool, won her first DE, then lost to the eventual winner in the second, coming in 6th.  Finally, Nicole Milewski was 3-1 in her pool, won her first DE, beat an A in her second DE, and lost to Leslie Marx (two time US champion/current world champion in her age group) 12-15.  Nicole tied for third.  Knowing that most people have been taking it easier over the summer, it was a good showing for the first event of the season.
This week will be the last week of the “summer” schedule, meaning it will be the last week for the youngsters to come in early on Tuesday and Thursday as I have a beginner class starting on the 21st.  Everything else will be per usual.
On Saturday the 25th, I will open, but then have to go to an NCFL meeting, so someone else will need to close.
will be hosting an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) on September 22-23.  It
has Y-10, Y-12, and Y 14 events.  This is that next step for those of
you who have been competing in the local youth events.  It will be much
harder as it will be the best fencers from clubs throughout the Atlantic
Coast region.  You will need a full uniform, so if you are interested,
talk to Herman or I about ordering or borrowing gear.  Check at for more information.  Do realize that entry fees will be
higher than they are for local events.

VA, has announced a fall SYC (Super Youth Circuit), October 6-8,
(Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.  Super youth circuits are a level up from Regional
youth circuits.  They are the step below going to National level events,
but it isn’t absolutely necessary that you take this in a step like

What I can start giving you is our schedule for when things will restart for the fall.  Right now:
August 21 – Tu/Th evening beginner class  (6 weeks)
September 4 – returning afterschool fencers can come back
5 – homeschool fencing starts back up.  The only people who opined on
the start time either preferred the later time or didn’t care, so it
will be returning fencers at 1 pm and the new beginner class at 1:30
pm.  (Beginner class is once per week for 8 weeks.) Help get the word

September 7 – next Camp Lejeune beginner class will start.  Once a week on Friday for 8 weeks.
September 7 – (tentatively) Topsail middle school fencing  Beginning class is once per week for 8 weeks.

September 10 – afterschool beginners can start.  Twice per week for 6 weeks, once Mon/Tu; once Wed/Thur.
September 10 – Mon/Wed evening beginner class starts (6 week)
Sometime around September 5th or 12th the UNCW club should be back up and we will add Wednesday back into the mix.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 5

CFFA update for August 5
We had a nice big Saturday practice yesterday.  We had a surprise guest as Samantha Milewski is back in town. She is back for this week only so make sure you stop in.

Regular week of practice, Tuesday, Thursday, Camp Lejeune on Friday, and Saturday.
The Division schedule should be out fairly soon and I will let you know what is up then.  A few things to finish out this season and to start the regional season are on the schedule at the moment.
has their Big Blue tournament next weekend, August 11-12.  Men’s and Women’s
events in all three weapons.  The men’s epee is already a strong A,
needs bodies to be an A2  Men’s foil is a B1 and needs another A to become an A2.  The men’s sabre needs a C (or higher) to become an A1.  On the women’s side, the epee needs
a couple of bodies to be a C, an A or B could jump it up to a B.  The foil looks like it will stay a small sized lower level event with one “killer” foilist.  And strangely, for a Mid-South event,
the women’s sabre needs another person to be a winnable E event.  It is up on

Richmond will be hosting an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) on September 22-23.  It has Y-10, Y-12, and Y 14 events.  This is that next step for those of you who have been competing in the local youth events.  It will be much harder as it will be the best fencers from clubs throughout the Atlantic Coast region.  You will need a full uniform, so if you are interested, talk to Herman or I about ordering or borrowing gear.  Check at for more information.  Do realize that entry fees will be higher than they are for local events.

VA, has announced a fall SYC (Super Youth Circuit), October 6-8, (Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.  Super youth circuits are a level up from Regional youth circuits.  They are the step below going to National level events, but it isn’t absolutely necessary that you take this in a step like approach.

What I can start giving you is our schedule for when things will restart for the fall.  Right now:
August 21 – Tu/Th evening beginner class  (6 weeks)
September 4 – returning afterschool fencers can come back
September 5 – homeschool fencing starts back up.  The only people who opined on the start time either preferred the later time or didn’t care, so it will be returning fencers at 1 pm and the new beginner class at 1:30 pm.  (Beginner class is once per week for 8 weeks.) Help get the word out.
September 7 – next Camp Lejeune beginner class will start.  Once a week on Friday for 8 weeks.
September 10 – afterschool beginners can start.  Twice per week for 6 weeks, once Mon/Tu; once Wed/Thur.
September 10 – Mon/Wed evening beginner class starts (6 week)
Sometime around September 5th or 12th the UNCW club should be back up and we will add Wednesday back into the mix.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon


Wyman Seaux, Erica’s son-in-law, is probably coming down Saturday.  He is contemplating competing and it would be good for him to get a true idea of what he is facing.  Of course, he is left handed.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for July 29

CFFA update for July 29
We had the advanced epee camp last week, which I hope has convinced at least a couple of people that they need to get out and compete.  This week’s last camp will be a second advanced foil camp.  Not as large as the first one.  Downside, not as many people to fence.  Upside, more time with the coach.

A regular week of practice.  Tuesday evening, Thursday
evening, Friday night at Camp Lejeune, and Saturday morning. 

Don’t forget that the August 1st date for renewing both your USA Fencing and club memberships is fast approaching.  Actually, it’s here.
has their Big Blue tournament on August 11-12.  Men’s and Women’s
events in all three weapons.  The men’s epee is already a strong A, needs bodies to be an A2  Men’s foil is a C and needs another B & C to become a B.  The men’s sabre needs an A, a C (or higher), and a body to become an A.  On the women’s side, the epee needs one D or better and a couple of bodies to be a C.  The foil looks like it will stay a medium sized lower level event.  And strangely, for a Mid-South event, the women’s sabre only has two entrants.  It is up on
VA, has announced a fall SYC, October 6-8, (Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.
Also, it is about that
time of year when I purge the lists of people we haven’t seen in a
while.  If that is you and you want to keep receiving these, please let
me know.  Conversely, if I should remove you from the emails, let me
know that as well.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon