CFFA update for January 27

CFFA update for January 27
We had a solid turnout for the Old Man Winter event yesterday.  We had our first rated foil event in a while and CFFA’s Oliver Galbraith took advantage of the opportunity to win and re-earn his C19.  Patrick Lausi of Edge of America Fencing was second.  Patrick’s teammate, Luke Kinney, and Gerhard Guevarra, the coach of the All-American Fencing Academy in Fayetteville tied for third.  Josh White of Salle New Bern re-earned his E and Gabe Guevarra earned his E19.  The epee was won by Markus Lang of Mid-South who defeated Oliver to re-earn his B19.  Will Golder of Cape Fear and Nicholas Beach of Foothills Fencing Academy tied for the bronzes and each re-earned their C19.  In the final event, Vet epee, Markus earned his 2nd gold medal.  Robert Thomas of CFFA took the silver.  John Rea of Wilmington Fencer’s Club and Markus’s Mid-South teammate, Scott Anderson, tied for the bronzes.  Thanks go to Zemi Lawrence for observing and running everything.  Brendan McConville, Josh White, Paul Perkins, and Jesse Harvey refereed.  Thanks to the Whiteheads, Golders, O’Briens, and Kenyatta Sanford for helping with set up, clean up, and handing out medals. 

We also had people competing at the NCFL qualifying meet in Durham.  In the Women’s foil competition, we had two Ashley fencers.  Emma Graf went 2-1 in her pool, then won her first 2 DEs, before bowing out.  Clair Hommes also went 2-1, but then lost her first DE in a close 14-15 bout.  We had three CFFA fencers in the middle school division.  Chloe Craig had a hard first round, but won her first DE before losing the second.  Megan Looney went 3-2 in her pool, but lost her first DE.  Amelia Alexander went 5-0 in her pool, won her first DE, but lost her second.  All of them are now qualified for the finals.
This week things keep edging back to normal.  The
next homschool class will begin on January 30th.  The 30th is also the
first Wednesday that UNCW will start showing up in the evening for

Capitol Clash is up by DC on the February 2-3 weekend.  Here is whom I see as
entered.  Nicole, Herman, Amelia, Jackson, Erica, Christi, Will, and Kim.

The February beginner class starts on February 4th and goes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

February 9th is the NCFL A Team and epee team Championships at Orange County High School.

February 16th is the next homeschool meet, which will also be held here.

February 23rd is the NCFL individual finals at the Simpkins Center in Greensboro.  More info will be forthcoming.
Also on that date are unsanctioned events in Apex.  They are having Y-10/12 Women’s and Men’s foil, Senior Women’s and Men’s foil, and a mixed Senior epee.  Check askfred for more details.
Our other events are now on askfred.  The policy of you need to be entered by a week prior for the regular registration fee will continue.  We have events on March 9th, the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden on April 6th, and the Stab-a-thon on May 4th.  See askfred for further details.
I got very little response to my two questions from last week.  Anyone interested in doing a demo at a Shark’s Baseball game this summer? 

Anyone have a preference for a certain week for advanced summer camps?  They would run July 22-26,
July 29-August 2, and August 5-9.  The advanced camps are for anyone
from those who have just passed their beginner class to those competing
at higher levels.  Camps run 9-5 Monday – Thursday and 9-3 on Friday. 
Cost is $195 for the week.  We provide Gatorade and snacks, students
need to bring a lunch.  I haven’t chosen any particular week for any
weapon yet, so if something works better for someone, let me know ASAP
so I can nail down a schedule.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for January 19

CFFA update for January 19
Final reminder that there are just a few hours to sign up for the Old Man Winter before the entry fee increases.   The Old Man Winter will be on January 26th.  Open
foil, open epee, and Vet
epee.  IMPORTANT!!  We are going to start
requiring that people are registered a week before the event to get the
regular pricing.  We have been unable to gauge the size of events in a
manner that lets us hire the correct number of referees.  If we expect a
large crowd that doesn’t materialize the club loses money.  If we wait
and things pop a day or two before the event, it can be hard to find any
local referees.  Then some of our fencers have to drop out to help
referee.  Anyone registering after the deadline will be charged $10
extra per event, so that will hopefully be the incentive for people to
get signed up earlier.  Read the More Information section on askfred to
get the full information.  Right now the Mixed epee should become at
least a B, the Mixed foil is inching toward the 15 it needs it give it a
rating, and the Vet epee
is at 10 people, also smaller than it should be.  Remember that Vet
events can be rated if we get enough people.  With the ratings available
plus a few more bodies, it could end up a C event.  YOU MUST BE SIGNED

Today our homeschool fencers competed in their third meet of the year.  The Southeastern Cardinals A team (Kyler Schoonmaker, Eoin and Eilis O’Brien) went 2-1 beating New Bern and Jacksonville, and losing to Twin City 43-45.  The Jacksonville Hurricanes (Matthew Burns, Noah Snyder, and Matthan Droke) lost all their meets, but they are the youngest team and are learning some good things.  The B fencers fenced as individuals.  We were represented by Rayne Schoonmaker, Eamon, and Ellery O’Brien for the Cardinals, and Caleb Forman for the Hurricanes.  Rayne did the best, going 5-1.

It looks like St. Mary is having class on MLK day, so I will be in for afterschool, Monday, the 21st.  Regular practice the rest of the week including Topsail and Camp Lejeune on Friday.

In addition to the Old Man Winter, there is the NCFL seeding meet on the 26th.  You only need to compete if you want to continue to the post season and have only fenced once so far.
The next homschool class will begin on January 30th.  The 30th is also the first Wednesday that UNCW will start showing up in the evening for practice.

Capitol Clash is up by DC on the February 2-3 weekend.  Here is whom I see as
entered.  Nicole, Herman, Amelia, Jackson, Erica, Christi, Will, and Kim.

The February beginner class starts on February 4th and goes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

February 9th is the NCFL A Team and epee team Championships
February 16th is the next homeschool meet, which will also be held here.
Two things have come up which require some thinking ahead.  I received a call from the Wilmington Sharks baseball team.  They would be interested in having a fencing demo before a game sometime during their season.  Fencers helping with the demo get into the game free, parents are at a “reduced rate”, not certain what that amounts to.  Let me know if you might be willing to participate so I can gauge if we have enough interest to do a good demo.
I am looking ahead to Summer camp timing.  I have to wedge things in between the end of Summer Nationals and the beginning of the UNCW school year.  I like to do the beginner camp first and am looking at the week of July 15-19 at this time.  The next three weeks would be advanced camps, hopefully one for foil, epee, and sabre.  However, no one has been interested in the sabre camp the last couple of years.  Anyway, they would run July 22-26, July 29-August 2, and August 5-9.  The advanced camps are for anyone from those who have just passed their beginner class to those competing at higher levels.  Camps run 9-5 Monday – Thursday and 9-3 on Friday.  Cost is $195 for the week.  We provide Gatorade and snacks, students need to bring a lunch.  I haven’t chosen any particular week for any weapon yet, so if something works better for someone, let me know ASAP so I can nail down a schedule.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Askfred entry for Old Man Winter

Askfred entry for Old Man Winter
Just a reminder that we have changed our entry fee policy for the events the last half of this season.  You need to be entered by the Saturday the week before or it is $10 more per event.  Thus you need to get entered in approximately the next 24 hours or face the financial consequences.
Right now the epee needs an A to become an A1 and a few bodies more to be a B2 or A2.  The foil and Vet epee need bodies to become rated events.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for January 14

CFFA update for January 14
We had people participating in a couple of events over the weekend.  On Saturday, at the NCFL meet in Chapel Hill, the Hoggard men’s team (Will Golder, Andrew Whitehead) went 3-3 although fencing a person down.  Two of the matches were 4-5 losses.  Ashley women (Katelyn Guthrie, Claire Hommes) were also fencing a person down and went 0-3.

Also on the weekend was the Apex RYC (Regional Youth Circuit).  Jackson Jones fenced in the Y-10 and Y-12 boys foil.  He took the 8th place medal in the Y-10.  Amelia Alexander fenced the Y-12 and Y-14 women’s foil.  She was having some ankle problems and finished out of the medals in each.
Getting back to normal, but not totally there for this week.  Afterschool per usual, Tuesday and Thursday night practice as normal.  I will be in Wednesday, but I don’t know if UNCW is coming down.  Fencing at Topsail Friday, but no Camp Lejeune due to the early shutdown for MLK day.

January 19th is a homeschool meet at our club.  Looking at a 10 am start time.  Everyone is welcome to come watch.

It looks like St. Mary is having class on MLK day, so I will be in for afterschool, Monday, the 21st.

first event of 2019 will be the Old Man Winter on January 26th.  Open
foil, open epee, and Vet epee.  IMPORTANT!!  We are going to start
requiring that people are registered a week before the event to get the
regular pricing.  We have been unable to gauge the size of events in a
manner that lets us hire the correct number of referees.  If we expect a
large crowd that doesn’t materialize the club loses money.  If we wait
and things pop a day or two before the event, it can be hard to find any
local referees.  Then some of our fencers have to drop out to help
referee.  Anyone registering after the deadline will be charged $10
extra per event, so that will hopefully be the incentive for people to
get signed up earlier.  Read the More Information section on askfred to
get the full information.  Right now the Mixed epee should become at
least a B, the Mixed foil is inching toward the 15 it needs ti give it a rating, and the Vet epee
is at 9 people, also smaller than it should be.  Remember that Vet
events can be rated if we get enough people.  With the ratings available
plus a few more bodies, it could end up a C event.  YOU MUST BE SIGNED UP BY MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY THE 19TH TO AVOID THE EXTRA FEES.
The February 2nd homeschool meet has been moved to the 16th, so I will be up to the Capitol Clash.  

Capitol Clash is up by DC on that weekend.  Here is whom I see as
entered.  If you are entered and I missed, let me know.  Friday –
nobody  If you are entered on Friday, definitely let me know as it will
have an impact upon Topsail and Lejeune on that date.  Saturday:  8 am
Nicole Y-14 WE should be an A-2; 9 am Herman VME looks to be an A; 9 am
Christi and Erica VWE, needs bodies to be a B; 12:30 pm Jackson Y-10 MF;
Amelia, 1:30 pm Y14 WF, could be a B2; 1:30 pm Kim VMS, an A2; 1:30 pm
Erica VWS; and Will 2 pm CME an A2.  There will also be Vet foil with
the women being a B1 and the men needing bodies to get past an E
rating.  Sunday:  8 am Will Cadet MF, an A2; 8 am Amelia Y12 WF, a C2;
and 12:30 pm Nicole Cadet WE, a C2.

The February beginner class starts on February 4th and goes on Mondays and Wenesdays

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Monday NAC update

Monday NAC update
On Monday we had a Women’s Epee Team consisting of Erica Julien, Christi Golder, and Nicole Milewski compete at the NAC.  They cam in as the number 9 seed and therefore fenced the 8th seed, a team of women from South Carolina.  To be honest everyone was only fencing so-so in the beginning.  You fence nine encounters with each one climbing 5 points higher as the target, so the last one should end at 45.  At the end of the 8th encounter the score was 40-24 in favor of the South Carolinians.  Nicole was our anchor and two minutes and ten seconds later the score was Cape Fear 45 South Carolina 44.  She outscored her opponent 21-4, including the last 8 straight.
That got them the Number 1 seed, a trio of women from Northwestern University.  All three of the women are currently in the top 60 in the country.  Our women started slowly, so after the first two rounds (6 encounters) the score was 30 – 8.  They then decided there was no reason to hold back and lost the last round by a score of 13-15 so the final was 45-21.  Erica went 5-5 with her opponent (she actually got to 5 first, so if it was a pool bout she would have won).  Christi went 3-5 and Nicole finished out with another 5-5 score.  Northwestern went on to win the event and en route to that defeated the Temple University team 45-27, so absolutely nothing to complain about for how our team did.
Will Golder fenced the Div 1 Men’s “consolation” event.  It took him a while to convert his thinking from foil to epee, but his last three bouts were all very solid.  He won 1, but didn’t make the DEs.
I do want to comment on the really excellent support that all of our fencers gave each other throughout the entire weekend.
Also, I didn’t say specifically in the weekly email, so there IS practice Tuesday and Thursday night.  The UNCW club won’t get back to Wednesday night for a couple of weeks, but if anyone wants to come in I will be there.  Just let me know so I can get the word out.  Also, Kim may be in on Thursday night if anyone is looking for some sabre practice.  Plus there will be homeschool and afterschool for the rest of the week.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for 1/6

CFFA update for 1/6
Busy weekend with multiple events going on.  At the NAC in Charlotte we had Erica Julien and Nicole Milewski competing in the Division 1 women’s epee.  This is the highest level of fencing there is in the United States.  It has a convoluted format.  It is a two day event.  The first day the top 62 fencers are given a bye into the second day.  The other fencers fence a tournament that stops when they get to the top 64 fencers.  Those 126 then basically continue into a second tournament on the 2nd day, and fence to a winner.  Everyone who gets knocked out on the first day get to have their own new tournament on the second day.  Erica and Nicole both fenced on the first day and then the “consolation” round the second.  Erica got a lot of play on the Vet’s website for easily being the oldest fencer in the event.  She didn’t win any, but pushed one of the fencers who finished in the mid-forties to 4-5.  Plus, she is on a first name basis with Miles Chamley-Watson.  Nicole went 2-3 in her pool, but lost her first DE to an A fencer.  On the second day, she went 4-1 and won her first DE.  She then lost 12-15 to the Notre Dame A fencer who went on to win the whole event.  Today Nicole fenced in the Junior event and the last two days of hard fencing showed as she did not make the cut into the DEs.  Also fencing a Division 1 event today was Kim Phillips.  He was also probably the oldest fencer in the field.  (Where are our younger fencers?)  Division 1 sabre is done in the usual individual format.  Kim just missed the cut into the DEs by 3 or 4 positions.  Will Golder fenced the men’s epee Division 1.  He has never fenced an epee event outside of local events.  That is like going from junior high basketball to playing in the NBA.  Will didn’t make the cut, so he will be fencing in the “consolation” tournament tomorrow.  Also fencing tomorrow will be a women’s epee team of Erica, Nicole, and Christi Golder.  I will let you all know how they do.
On Saturday, there was also a homeschool meet in Winston-Salem.  Th Southeastern Cardinal team of Eoin, Eilis, and Eamon O’Brien went 3-1.  The Jacksonville Hurricanes team of Noah Snyder, Matthew Burns, and Matthan Droke went 1-3.  In the Individual B pool, Ellery O’Brien was 1-1.
No afterschool on Monday January 7th as I will still be in Charlotte with Will.
The new evening class will start on Tuesday, January 8th, at 6:30 pm.  The new class at Topsail Middle school will start on Friday, January 11th.  Camp Lejeune will also get started back up on that Friday with a new beginner class.
January 12 is the next NCFL meet.  It will be held at Chapel Hill.  It will be the final regular season team meet.
Also on this weekend is a foil and epee RYC in Apex.  The events are Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14.  Registration at the regular price has ended.  It looks like Amelia and Jackson are fencing on the 13th, so I will be up for that.
For adults, there is the Hangover in Richmond that weekend.  Right now it looks small, but it is hard to tell with entries only being accepted through askfred.
Also on the 13th is Mid-South’s first set of Youth events for 2019.  Check askfred for particulars.
January 19th is a homeschool meet at our club.  Looking at a 10 am start time.
Our first event of 2019 will be the Old Man Winter on January 26th.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet epee.  IMPORTANT!!  We are going to start requiring that people are registered a week before the event to get the regular pricing.  We have been unable to gauge the size of events in a manner that lets us hire the correct number of referees.  If we expect a large crowd that doesn’t materialize the club loses money.  If we wait and things pop a day or two before the event, it can be hard to find any local referees.  Then some of our fencers have to drop out to help referee.  Anyone registering after the deadline will be charged $10 extra per event, so that will hopefully be the incentive for people to get signed up earlier.  Read the More Information section on askfred to get the full information.  Right now the Mixed epee should become at least a B, the Mixed foil is smaller than it should be, and the Vet epee is at 9 people, also smaller than it should be.  Remember that Vet events can be rated if we get enough people.  With the ratings available plus a few more bodies, it could end up a C event.
The February 2nd homeschool meet has been moved to the 16th, so I will be up to the Capitol Clash.  
The Capitol Clash is up by DC on that weekend.  Here is whom I see as entered.  If you are entered and I missed, let me know.  Friday – nobody  If you are entered on Friday, definitely let me know as it will have an impact upon Topsail and Lejeune on that date.  Saturday:  8 am Nicole Y-14 WE should be an A-2; 9 am Herman VME looks to be an A; 9 am Christi and Erica VWE, needs bodies to be a B; 12:30 pm Jackson Y-10 MF; Amelia, 1:30 pm Y14 WF, could be a B2; 1:30 pm Kim VMS, an A2; 1:30 pm Erica VWS; and Will 2 pm CME an A2.  There will also be Vet foil with the women being a B1 and the men needing bodies to get past an E rating.  Sunday:  8 am Will Cadet MF, an A2; 8 am Amelia Y12 WF, a C2; and 12:30 pm Nicole Cadet WE, a C2.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Vacations over

Vacations over
Things will get started back up tomorrow.
Homeschool at 1 pm.  Beginner class at 1:30 pm.
Afterschool at 3:30 pm.
Evening fencing about 6:30 pm.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for December 30

CFFA update for December 30

The USFA has put out a call for volunteers to help with the NAC in Charlotte.  Here is the webpage:  USA Fencing 2019 January NAC Volunteers
What they are looking for is help with Registration, camera operators (the big ones that they use in semis and finals), and the wheelchair fencing.  The trade off is that you get free entry into the event.  Remember they are now charging for entry at National events if you are not a fencer, official, etc.
I know a number of you are planning on going to
Charlotte, so there will be practice, Wednesday 1/2, and Thursday 1/3. 
New Year’s Day, Tuesday 1/1, Research Triangle Fencing is holding an
event.  Mixed foil and Sabre.   The Mixed sabre
looks like it should become an A event.  Of course, you will have to get
past Duke’s sabre coach to win.  The youth events look to have been cancelled.
homeschool fencers have a meet the first weekend of January, so there
will be homeschool practice January 2nd.  Since there are also people
wanting to get ready for Charlotte, there will be practice that
evening.  Therefore, I might as well also have afterschool practice for
returning fencers Wednesday and Thursday.  No sweat if that feels too early for anyone and they
can’t make it in.

are the people I see entered for the Charlotte NAC, January 4-7.  If I
missed you, let me
know.  Nicole and Erica in the Div 1 epee Fri/Sat, Will in the Div 1
epee Sun/Mon, Kim in the Div 1 sabre Sun, Nicole in the Junior epee
Sunday, Nicole, Erica, and Christi in the Epee team Monday.  I intend to
be out there to help, so no fencing at Hampstead or Camp Lejeune that
Friday.  (January 4).

5 is also another homeschool meet in Winston Salem at the Star of Bethlehem Church.  I may not be there
for any/all of
it due to the conflict with the NAC.  If Nicole and Erica finish early I
will try to make it there for at least some of the day.  I will send out a note to help plan for who is going and getting everyone everything they need.
No afterschool on Monday January 7th as I will probably still be in Charlotte.
new evening class will start on Tuesday, January 8th, at 6:30 pm.  The
new class at Topsail Middle school will start on Friday, January 11th. 
Camp Lejeune will also get started back up on that Friday with a new beginner class.
12 is the next NCFL meet.  I am not certain as to where yet, but it may
be Chapel Hill.  It will be the final regular season team meet.
on that weekend is a foil and epee RYC in Apex.  The events are Y-10,
Y-12, and Y-14.  Registration at the regular price has ended.  It looks
like Amelia and Jackson are fencing on the 13th, so I will be up for
For adults, there is the Hangover in Richmond that weekend.  The last date to enter before the Triple fees kick in is the 6th.  Right now it looks small, but it is hard to tell with entries only being accepted through askfred.
Also on the 13th is Mid-South’s first set of Youth events for 2019.  Check askfred for particulars.
January 19th is a homeschool meet at our club.  Looking at a 10 am start time.
first event of 2019 will be the Old Man Winter on January 26th.  Open
foil, open epee, and Vet epee.  IMPORTANT!!  We are going to start
requiring that
people are registered a week before the event to get the regular
pricing.  We have been unable to gauge the size of events in a manner
that lets us hire the correct number of referees.  If we expect a large
crowd that doesn’t materialize the club loses money.  If we wait and
things pop a day or two before the event, it can be hard to find any
local referees.  Then some of our fencers have to drop out to help
referee.  Anyone registering after the deadline will be charged $10
extra per event, so that will hopefully be the incentive for people to
get signed up earlier.  Read the More Information section on askfred to
get the full information.  Right now the Mixed epee should become at
least a B, the Mixed foil is smaller than it should be, and the Vet epee is at 6 people, also smaller than it should be.  Remember that Vet events can be rated if we get enough people.
The February 2nd homeschool meet has been moved to the 16th, so I will be up to the Capitol Clash. 
The Capitol Clash organizers may think the numbers were a bit low, so they have extended the entry date until January 5th. A couple more of our Vet fencers and a number of those events would get higher ratings, or these would be good events for you to attend to get the feeling of a more regional event.  Here is whom I see as entered.  If you are entered and I missed, let me know.  Friday – nobody  If you are entered on Friday, definitely let me know as it will have an impact upon Topsail and Lejeune on that date.  Saturday:  8 am Nicole Y-14 WE should be an A-2; 9 am Herman VME looks to be an A; 9 am Christi and Erica VWE, needs bodies to be a B or C; 12:30 pm Jackson Y-10 MF; 1:30 pm Y14 WF, could be a B2; 1:30 pm Kim VMS, a B2; 1:30 pm Erica VWS with 9 entries; and Will 2 pm CME an A2.  There will also be Vet foil with the women being a B1 and the men needing bodies to get past an E rating.  Sunday:  8 am Will Cadet MF, an A2; 8 am Amelia Y12 WF, a C2; and 12:30 pm Nicole Cadet WE, a C2.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

practice and clash

practice and clash
Just a reminder that we will have practice tonight and Saturday morning.
Also that today is the last day to sign up for the Capitol Clash at regular prices.  The Clash covers both ends of the spectrum:  Y-8, Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14, plus cadet; and on the other end Vet’s combined.  Most of the Vet events are close enough to 15 that hopefully they will be able to be rated events.
Let me know if you have questions.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for December 23

CFFA update for December 23
We received an offer from the Capitol Clash.  They will give clubs $100 for every five “participants” in Vet events or Y-8 events.  I have asked for clarification about the definition of participant as to whether that is distinct individuals, or whether multiple entries in separate events count; but as of yet, have not received clarification.  At the moment, we have three Vets in 4 events, so it could be important.  This is the first year they have added the Vet combined events (and the Y-8) and all of the Vet events are on Saturday, February 2nd.  Right now, Vet Men’s epee is at 11 and Herman is the #2 seed, so it might become a B event.  Women’s epee is at 6 and we have 1/3 of the field with Christi and Erica.  Men’s sabre is a 15 person B1 and would be close for anyone living in the DC area (Don’t know who that might be.)  Women’s sabre is at 4 with Erica involved.  Vet men’s foil is at 11 and vet women’s foil is 8.  Most of the Y-8 events are at 4-5 fencers.  The entire Clash goes February 1-3.  This is a
large sectional/national event.  The events being contested are in all
weapons for Cadets (13-16), Y-14, Y-12, and Y-10.   The deadline for entering at
the regular price is December 27.  This is the next step up from an RYC
and the level just below National events.  The information and registration is on the
national website.
Christmas and New Year’s both fall on Tuesday this year, no Tuesday
practices over break.  I know a number of you are planning on going to
Charlotte, so there will be practice, Thursday 12/27,
Saturday 12/29, Wednesday 1/2, and Thursday 1/3. 
On New Year’s Day, Wednesday 1/1, Research Triangle Fencing is holding an event.  Mixed foil and Sabre plus Y-10 and Y-14 sabre.  The Mixed sabre looks like it should become an A event.  Of course, you will have to get past Duke’s sabre coach to win.
The homeschool fencers have a meet the first weekend of January, so there will be homeschool practice January 2nd.  Since there are also people wanting to get ready for Charlotte, there will be practice that evening.  Therefore, I might as well also have afterschool practice for returning fencers.  No sweat if that feels too early for anyone and they can’t make it in.

are the people I see entered for the Charlotte NAC, January 4-7.  If I
missed you, let me
know.  Nicole and Erica in the Div 1 epee Fri/Sat, Will in the Div 1
epee Sun/Mon, Kim in the Div 1 sabre Sun, Nicole in the Junior epee
Sunday, Nicole, Erica, and Christi in the Epee team Monday.  I intend to
be out there to help, so no fencing at Hampstead or Camp Lejeune that
Friday.  (January 4).

5 is also another homeschool meet in Winston Salem at the Star of Bethlehem Church.  I may not be there
for any/all of
it due to the conflict with the NAC.  If Nicole and Erica finish early I
will try to make it there for at least some of the day.  Let’s stay in
communication so that I know you have what you need to compete, and can
arrange rides.
new evening class will start on Tuesday, January 8th, at 6:30 pm.  The
new class at Topsail Middle school will start on Friday, January 11th. 
Camp Lejeune will also get started back up on that Friday with a new beginner class.
January 12 is the next NCFL meet.  I am not certain as to where yet, but it may be Chapel Hill.  It will be the final regular season team meet.
on that weekend is a foil and epee RYC in Apex.  The events are Y-10,
Y-12, and Y-14.  Registration at the regular price has ended.  It looks like Amelia and Jackson are fencing on the 13th, so I will be up for that.
Also on the 13th is Mid-South’s first set of Youth events for 2019.  Check askfred for particulars.
January 19th is a homeschool meet at our club.  Looking at a 10 am start time.
first event of 2019 will be the Old Man Winter on January 26th.  Open
foil, open epee, and Vet epee.  IMPORTANT!!  We are going to start requiring that
people are registered a week before the event to get the regular
pricing.  We have been unable to gauge the size of events in a manner
that lets us hire the correct number of referees.  If we expect a large
crowd that doesn’t materialize the club loses money.  If we wait and
things pop a day or two before the event, it can be hard to find any
local referees.  Then some of our fencers have to drop out to help
referee.  Anyone registering after the deadline will be charged $10
extra per event, so that will hopefully be the incentive for people to
get signed up earlier.  Read the More Information section on askfred to
get the full information.  Right now the Mixed epee should become at least a B, the Mixed foil is a clash of O’Briens, and the Vet epee is at 3 people.
February 2nd is a homeschool meet at our place that I am trying to get moved to the 16th so that I can go help our fencers at the Clash.  No final agreement from the other clubs.  I will keep you informed.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr

Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon