youth events, camp dates

youth events, camp dates
First, is it possible to hold the last 12 and under youth event of the season on May 18th (a little over a week away)?  Not many people have gotten to me about either date.  That would mean we would hold a middle school team event on the 8th of June.  The middle school league is grades 4-8.  How does that work for possible middle school teams?
I think I have a reasonable solution for the camp date problem.  If I leave the beginner camp date at July 8-12, I could then do two weeks of advanced foil, one July 15-19, and one July 22-26.  That covers both of the weeks I had mentioned, so no one would need to change plans.  Similarly, no one has expressed an interest in the sabre camp, and it didn’t happen last year.  Therefore, if we turn the sabre camp into a second week of advanced epee, it gives that both weeks I had previously mentioned and no one should need to alter any plans.  Thus advanced epee camps on July 29- August 2, and August 5-9.  Both sets of the advanced camps would be based on the same schedule, so they should be almost identical.  That also gives us a couple of advantages.  The advanced camps should be a smaller so I will have more time to work with individuals.  It makes our armorers happy because we don’t have to have so many electrical weapons for one huge week of either camp,
If that helps you make a decision as to which week, please let me know, what camp you will be attending.  PLEASE let me know your T-shirt size as I will be putting an order together in early June.
Let me know if you have other questions.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

dates for camps, events

dates for camps, events
Totally my fault, and I have confused people.  After asking people about times early in the year I had said the camp schedule would be:
July 8-12  beginner camp
July 15-19 advanced foil
July 22-26 advanced sabre
July 29- August 2  advanced epee
Some time later I looked at things, totally blanked that I had set some dates, and put everything a week later on the website.
July 15-19   beginner camp
July 22-26   advanced foil
July 29- August 2  advanced sabre
August 5-9  advanced epee

Let me know which dates work best for people.  No one has mentioned sabre and not much response to the beginner camp, so there should be some flexibility on my end.  But I do want to get us all on the same page as quickly as possible and realize that many of you are juggling camps around.

It does mean that people, especially those in the Y10/Y12 range need to let me know about whether they are going to Nationals, as that will affect how much time I have to drive home from Columbus.
Also, the Memorial Day weekend seems pretty booked.  If we want to do youth events it looks like it will have to be May 18th or June 8th.  We would like to do the final individual under 12 events, as well as trying to get a middle school team event.  Which works best for everyone – May 18th as the individual with June 8th as the team or vice versa?   The middle school teams are for 4th – 8th graders.  Please let me know.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for May 5

CFFA update for May 5
We had an excellent tournament yesterday.  It should be the baseline for what should be happening all of next season.  Yes, there were a couple of hiccups, but one of the things that saved it was all the CFFA people who showed up in plenty of time to help with set up, stayed late to help with clean up, etc.  Specific thanks to Mike Nicholson, Steve Pashby, Josh White, and Brendan for a long day of refereeing. Thanks to Zemi Lawrence for observing.  Thanks to Herman and Kenyatta for armoring.  And thanks to all the fencers, because of whom, a large number of people earned new rankings.  The open foil turned into a C event, (which will undoubtedly upset a couple of people who signed up but didn’t show up because they figured they wouldn’t get/up a rating.)  It was won by Gerhard Guevarra of All-American Fencing who updated his C.  CFFA’s Jesse Harvey took 2nd and updated his D.  CFFA’s Oliver Galbraith took one third, and Salle New Bern’s Josh White took the other, finally earning his D19 in the process.  Also congratulations to Frank Newson and Kalei Woodford, two Charlotte Fencers who won their Es.  Also thanks to Josh Harvey, who rolled out of bed and got here so we would have the ranks necessary to make it a C event.  In the open epee, Jesse won and updated his rank to a B19 by defeating Oliver in the final.  Colson Combs of Apex took one third and Robert Mones of Edge of America Fencing took the other, updating his C along the way.  CFFA’s Mike Kinney earned his D19 with a 6th place finish, and Apex’s Ethan Hortelano earned an E19 by coming in 8th.  With 4 more people, it would have been a B2 instead of a B1, and Ethan would have earned a D, and the 9-12 finishers (all Us) would have earned Es.  That didn’t turn out to be that important as three of the four won a rating in the next event.  If we had the four bodies and an A so it was an A2, Jesse would be an A, Robert would be a B, Mike and Ethan would be Cs, Kent and Owen would both be Ds, and Robert and William Joseph would be Es.  The final event, an E & under epee worked exactly as it was hoped as we got 4 new ranked fencers.  Kent Walston, who started here but now claims Salle New Bern as his primary club, won and earned his D.  CFFA created 3 new Es with Eoin O’Brien’s 2nd and Robert Smith and Lydia Huggins’s 3rds.  The influx of new Ds and Es certainly will make it easier to hold an E & under next season which will give away a D, and might even be able to do D & under which would give away a C.  Just as a comparison, 8 ranks from the club were earned or re-earned through the season before yesterday.  Yesterday, by itself, saw 6 ranks earned or re-earned.  Thanks again to everyone who helped and participated.

The May beginner class will start on Tuesday, May 7th.  This will probably be the last beginner class until fall.

On the 11th Apex will have another one of their unsanctioned youth events. Check askfred, we already have a number of people competing.
on the 11th, All-American in Fayetteville. is having low level
sanctioned events.  Both the men’s and women’s foils should be giving
away Es. 
They are also having an open epee, which will probably also have an E on
the line.  See askfred for more info.
18th is a sanctioned set of 1A foil and epee events at Apex.  Right
now, the women’s 1A epee looks more like a C and under while the women’s
1A foil is more of a D and under.  The men’s 1A epee needs bodies to be
a B event, the foil 1A is already a strong A2, 35 fencers with 4 As.  The Div II (C and
under) mixed epee looks more like a D and under and foil should be a
C2.  Check askfred for more details.
We are looking for a date to have a middle school team event.  It will probably be May 18th or 25th.  May
25th is the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, there are no events close by, so we could have a Saturday practice if it does not turn into a team event. 
June 1-2 is the Powerade State Games.  Remember that you need to enter on the
website.  However, this year they are working to make the askfred list
more accurate as far as the entries.  Right now it looks pretty sparse
for all the events.  Our only fencers currently registered are all in the Y12 events.

8 is another unsanctioned event at Apex.  We will probably use this
date for one of our youth events.

We are talking about having a club end of year party, probably on the 15th of June.  I’ll keep you updated.
Looking ahead to summer planning, I would like to get a confirmation from everyone who is going to Summer Nationals and which events you are doing so I can plan my time in Columbus.
Similarly, even if you have told me you will be participating in a summer camp, can you reconfirm that?  I also would like to know your T-shirt size so I can order those.  As of a couple of year’s ago, the camps have become open to adults, who want it use them as a vacation.  Just, no crying when the kids go after you.  Dates are:
Beginning Fencing        July 15-19
Advanced Foil             July 22-26
Advanced Sabre          July 29 – August 2
Advanced Epee           August 5-9
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for April 29

CFFA update for April 29
To the best of my knowledge, we only had one person competing this weekend.  Amelia Alexander was at the Virginia Grand Prix RYC in Fairfax.  In the Y-14 women’s foil she took 13th.  In the Y-12 women’s foil she tied for the bronze.  In both DEs she lost to the eventual winner and the second event’s DE was closer than the first.

Things are starting to wind down toward the end of the season.  UNCW is about to head into finals, so there will not be any Wednesday evening practices until they start back up in the fall.  The Monday/Wednesday beginner class will still meet.  Tuesday/Thursday practice and the Friday classes will continue to meet.

May 4th is our
Stab-a-thon.  The Open epee is currently a B2, and needs just one more A to be an A event.  The
Open foil is a D, and needs one more C to make a C event.  The E and under
epee should be a D1.

The May beginner class will start on Tuesday, May 7th.  This will probably be the last beginner class until fall.
On the 11th Apex will have another one of their unsanctioned youth events.
on the 11th, All-American in Fayetteville. is having low level
sanctioned events.  Both the men’s and women’s foils should be giving
away Es. 
They are also having an open epee, which will probably also have an E on
the line.  See askfred for more info.
18th is a sanctioned set of 1A foil and epee events at Apex.  Right
now, the women’s 1A epee looks more like a C and under while the women’s
1A foil is more of a D and under.  The men’s 1A epee needs bodies to be
a B event, the foil 1A is already a strong A2.  The Div II (C and
under) mixed epee looks more like a D and under and foil should be a
C2.  Check askfred for more details.
25th is the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.  No big events close by,
so that may become the last youth event or a middle school team event
like the one last year.  Let me know what works better for people.
June 1-2 is the Powerade State Games.  Remember that you need to enter on the
website.  However, this year they are working to make the askfred list
more accurate as far as the entries.  Right now it looks pretty sparse
for all the events.

8 is another unsanctioned event at Apex.  We will probably use this
date for whichever of the youth events we don’t use the Memorial Day weekend for.

Next year’s NAC schedule is out and it isn’t tremendous, but isn’t bad for our area.  Remember, all of you trying out for the Olympic team next year will need to make all the Div I events (plus some international events wouldn’t hurt).
October            Kansas City            Div1, Div II, Cadet
November          Milwaukee             Junior, Cadet, Y-14
December          Salt Lake City        Div I, Div II, Vets
January            Charlotte                Div I, Junior, Senior Team
February            Columbus              JOs
March                Detroit                Div II, Y-10, Y-12, Y-14  (NCAAs held right before)
April                  St. Louis                Div I, Div II, Vets
Summer nationals   Louisville

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

practice, Stab-a-thon

practice, Stab-a-thon
Just a reminder that we will have a Saturday practice.  I will be in about 10 am.  It seems that the fashionable people show up more toward 10:30 – 10:45 am.
Also a reminder that you need to be registered for the Stab-a-thon by midnight Saturday to avoid the higher fees.  Right now the open epee is a B1, it needs another A to become an A event, 4 more bodies makes it a B2.  The E and under epee is an E1, it needs 5 bodies, two of whom are Es to become a D event.  The open foil is also an E1.  It needs two bodies to become a D event, if one of the two is a C or higher it will become a C1.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA Update for April 21

CFFA Update for April 21
We held one of our youth 12 and under events yesterday, with a good turn out considering the holiday, etc.  In the foil, Amelia Alexander was 1st, Jackson Jones was 2nd, James Russell and Eamon O’Brien took the thirds.  For the 9 and under set, John Alexander won gold, Lou Lightner won silver, and Noah Droke won bronze.  Amelia also won the epee.  In that Linus Huggins was 2nd, John Alexander and Porter Havens tied for 3rd.   Ellery O’Brien won the gold for 9 and under epee with Noah Droke getting the silver.  Sabre was James Russell 1st, Eamon O’Brien 2nd, and Ellery O’Brien and John Alexander tied for 3rd.  Thanks to Eoin and Eilis O’Brien for reffing.  Thanks to Herman and Kenyatta for armoring.  Thanks to all the parents with helping with set up, tear down, and hooking up fencers.  Planning on having one more such event before the end of the school year, the date is still up in the air.  As far as the sword points, Amelia is pretty well untouchable on the girls side, up by 36 points.  On the guys side it looks to be a three way race:  Eamon has 44 points, James has 40 points, and John has 35 points.

Mary is off on Monday the 22nd, so no afterschool tomorrow.  The beginner class will meet in the evening and everything will
be back to normal on Tuesday.  There will probably be a Saturday practice at 10 am this week.

May 4th is our
Stab-a-thon.  The Open epee is currently a B, and needs just one more A to be an A event.  The
Open foil needs 4 bodies, one of whom is a C to make a C event.  The E and under
epee needs a number of people and two Es to be able to give away a
D.  Don’t forget that you must be entered by a week before (that deadline is this coming Saturday) or the fees go up.
The May beginner class will start on Tuesday, May 7th.  This will probably be the last beginner class until fall.
On the 11th Apex will have another one of their unsanctioned youth events.

Also on the 11th, All-American in Fayetteville. is having low level sanctioned events.  Both the men’s and women’s foils should be giving away Es. 
They are also having an open epee, which will probably also have an E on the line.  See askfred for more info.

May 18th is a sanctioned set of 1A foil and epee events at Apex.  Right now, the women’s 1A epee looks more like a C and under while the women’s 1A foil is more of a D and under.  The men’s 1A epee needs bodies to be a B event, the foil 1A is already a strong A2.  The Div II (C and under) mixed epee looks more like a D and under and foil should be a C2.  Check askfred for more details.
May 25th is the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.  No big events close by, so that may become the last youth event or a middle school team event like the one last year.  Let me know what works better for people.
June 1-2 is the Powerade State Games.  Remember that you need to enter on the website.  However, this year they are working to make the askfred list more accurate as far as the entries.  Right now it looks pretty sparse for all the events.
June 8 is another unsanctioned event at Apex.  We will probably use this date for whichever of the youth events we don’t use the Memorial d
Day weekend for.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for April 15

CFFA update for April 15
Numerous fencers in multiple events again.  At the Pirate Olympics in Charleston, Brendan McConville did the best in the open, coming in 3rd.  Eoin O’Brien was 9th, Kenyatta Sanford was 15th, Mike Kinney 17th, Joey and Robert Smith were 19th and 20th.  Eoin took 2nd in the 1 touch epee, no other results are on askfred. 

At Apex, Amelia Alexander took 3rd in the Y12 women’s foil and John took 7th in the Y12 men’s foil.
Out west in Salt Lake City, competing in the NAC, Erica Julien was 9th in the 70+ women’s epee, 57th in the Vet’s combined women’s epee, and took the 5th place medal in the 70+ women’s sabre.
A very light week of practice this week.  St.
Mary will be on Spring Break the week on 4/15 – 4/19, so no
afterschool.  I am planning to have a homeschool practice on 4/17 and the Tuesday and Thursday evening practices are a go.  No evening practices on Wednesday.  No Topsail or Camp Lejeune practice
on Good Friday.

response was pretty overwhelming to have the next youth event on the
20th, so that is when it will be. Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, and
Sabre at 3:30 pm.  Again, refereeing help is greatly appreciated.

Mary is also off on Monday the 22nd, so no afterschool that day
either.  The beginner class will meet that evening and everything will
be back to normal on Tuesday.
May 4th is our
Stab-a-thon.  The Open epee is currently a B.  The
Open foil needs a number of ranked fencers and bodies.  The E and under
epee needs a number of people and another E to be able to give away a
D.  Don’t forget that you must be entered by a week before or the fees go up.
The May beginner class will start on Tuesday, May 6th.
On the 11th Apex will have another one of their youth events.
Also on the 11th, All-American
in Fayetteville is having unrated (Meaning only U fencers) with men’s
and women’s foil.  If there are 6 people then someone will get an E. 
They are also having an open epee.  See askfred.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for April 7

CFFA update for April 7
Results from the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden held yesterday in the Tileston Gym.  It was a small group, but we did get a number of our fencers to participate in their first USA Fencing event.  The epee was won by Kenyatta Sanford, with Nicole Milewski in second, and Nora Reber and Erica Julien (all of CFFA) tied for third.  Nora improved a couple of positions to win the foil event and get back her E rating.  Taylor May of CFFA/UNCW was second.  The thirds were split by Layla Tart of All-American Fencing and Lydia Webb of Apex.  Thanks to Brendan for reffing, Herman for armoring, and Zemi for managing the event.  Thanks to everyone who helped with set up and clean up.  April 13th is the
next Apex unsanctioned set of events.  Check askfred for times.  The
events are Y 10/12 boys and girls foil, Senior Men’s and Women’s foil,
and mixed epee.  All are unsanctioned.

This week will be pretty regular as far as practice.
April 13th is the
next Apex unsanctioned set of events.  Check askfred for times.  The
events are Y 10/12 boys and girls foil, Senior Men’s and Women’s foil,
and mixed epee.  All are unsanctioned.

of our people are planning to go to the Pirate Olympics in Charleston,
South Carolina, also on that date.  A sanctioned open epee, which is now
a B2 and just needs another A to be an A event; with unsanctioned 1 touch and Y 14 epee. See askfred for more
details.  Talk to Brendan about ride
possibilities. We have at least a half dozen fencers going at moment.

If you live out be Boone, App State is also holding a tournament.  Foil and epee are small but sabre is fairly large.
St. Mary will be on Spring Break the week on 4/15 – 4/19, so no afterschool.  I am planning to have a homeschool practice on 4/17 and all the evening practices are a go.  No Topsail or Camp Lejeune practice on Good Friday.

response was pretty overwhelming to have the next youth event on the
20th, so that is when it will be. Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, and Sabre at 3:30 pm.  Again, refereeing help is greatly appreciated.

St. Mary is also off on Monday the 22nd, so no afterschool that day either.  The beginner class will meet that evening and everything will be back to normal on Tuesday.
May 4th is our Stab-a-thon.  The Open epee looks like it could become a B event.  The Open foil need a number of ranked fencers and bodies.  The E and under epee needs a number of people and two more Es to be able to give away a D.
The May beginner class will start on Tuesday, May 6th.
On the 11th Apex will have another one of their youth events.
All-American in Fayettevilel is having unrated (Meaning only U fencers) with men’s and women’s foil.  If their are 6 people then someone will get an E.  They are also having an open epee.  see askfred.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for March 31

CFFA update for March 31
Another busy weekend with a number of good results.  First we had a fair number of people go to the Div II/III National Qualifiers in Durham. 

Oliver Galbraith got things started on Saturday by winning the Men’s foil, which qualifies him for the Division II National Championships.  Nicole Milewski followed that up by winning the Women’s epee, also qualifying for Division II.  Erica Julien was 5th, qualifying for the Veterans event.  Erica followed that up with a 5th in sabre, qualifying for the Veterans in that as well.  On Sunday, Robert Thomas took 2nd in the Men’s epee; qualifying for Division II, Division III, and Veterans.  Eoin O’Brien claimed 3rd, qualifying for the Division II and III.  Robert Smith finished 7th and Joey Smith finished 9th.  In Y-14 women’s foil Amelia Alexander was 4th, Eilis O’Brien was 7th, and Chloe Craig was 9th.

UNCW’s Fencing Club was also competing over the weekend at the Southeastern Fencing Association Championships in Greensboro.   Their Men’s epee was 11th of 19.  The women’s epee was 3rd of 11.  Oliver ran from the Divisionals to the SEFA event and lead the Men’s foil to 1st out of 11 teams.

April 1st is the start of our next evening beginner class.

6th is the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden.  Women only events in
foil, epee.  Registration for the event is now at the higher rate.  Epee at 12:30 pm, foil at 3:30 pm.  Remember to plan around the Azalea Festival for parking.
April 13th is the next Apex unsanctioned set of events.  Check askfred for times.  The events are Y 10/12 boys and girls foil, Senior Men’s and Women’s foil, and mixed epee.  All are unsanctioned.

of our people are planning to go to the Pirate Olympics in Charleston,
South Carolina, also on that date.  A sanctioned open epee, which is now a B1; with unsanctioned 1 touch and Y 14 epee..  See askfred for more details.  Talk to Brendan about ride

The response was pretty overwhelming to have the next youth event on the 20th, so that is when it will be.  More details as we get closer.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

update to the CFFA updates

update to the CFFA updates
Looking at the driving and parking situations for the Iron Maiden on the 6th, we are doing the following:
We are eliminating the sabre as there was only one entrant.  We are moving the foil, which was to begin at 9:30 am to the 3:30 pm spot the sabre was occupying.  5th Street is going to be closed that morning until noon. so getting near the gym would be very difficult.  Even when 5th Street becomes open, please expect parking to fill up pretty quickly.  Talk to Herman or me if you have questions.  We still hope to have a solid tournament.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon