CFFA update for September 23

CFFA update for September 23
We held our first adult event of the year on Saturday with good turnouts and a number of people updating or earning new ratings.  In the foil, Oliver Galbraith defended the house by defeating Gerhard Guevarra of All-American Fencing to take the gold medal.  CFFA’s Will Golder and Edge of America’s Ian Dube tied for the bronzes, each updating their D19.  Kieran Farrell of the University of South Carolina and Edward Distance of All-American both earned their Es.  Will decided that wasn’t good enough so he won his B by finishing first in the epee.  He defeated Jesse Harvey, with Oliver and Kenyatta Sanford taking the thirds.  Ethan Hortelano of Apex upgraded to a D19 by finishing 7th.
In the last event, it was again an all CFFA epee podium with Eoin O’Brien 1st, James Fitch, 2nd and Miller Dumas and Nora Reber grabbing the thirds.  Thanks to Brendan McConville for reffing and the night before set up work.Thanks to Josh White, Mike Nicholson, and Paul Perkins for refereeing.  Thanks to Zemi Lawrence for observing and running the table and Herman for armoring.  Also thanks to Mandy and Eilis O’Brien for throwing in so it was a B2.

We also had fencers in another event, the SYC in Fredericksburg, Virginia.  SYC stands for Super Youth Circuit, which means it is an event that drew the best youth fencers from the eastern half of the US, a few fencers from west of the Mississippi, and even a few Canadians.  Jackson Jones didn’t win any bouts, but his fencing at that level is definitely improving.  Amelia Alexander was shut out in Saturday’s Cadet (13-16) event.  She did better in Sunday’s Y-14 event.  She won one pool bout handily and was in all her bouts.  She was the top ranked fencer with one victory, but unfortunately lost her first DE.  She, likewise, is starting to look more comfortable at this level.

No afterschool today as St. Mary does not have school.  The class tonight WILL meet, and the rest of the week will be normal.  UNCW will start showing up on Wednesday, so those of you who want more practice are welcome.  Surf City and Camp Lejeune will meet on Friday.  I will let people know about Saturday practice, as Kenyatta and I will be working a table at the Feast of The Pirates event.  We have a demo time scheduled, I believe it is close to noon.  If anyone wants to come out and put on a show talk to Kenyatta or me.

Lots going
on September 28th.  All-American in Fayetteville has a number of
unsanctioned foil events. 

Charlotte Fencing Academy has a number of
unsanctioned youth epee and a sanctioned senior unrated foil event that currently has enough fencers to give someone an E.  Their
adult epee is sanctioned and looks like it might get enough fencers to give away a D.  However, like us, they have gone to raising their fees if you are not signed up a week early, so things are more expensive

Mid -South has sanctioned Div III foil (it might reach D1 levels) and
saber (1 D and 22 unrated sabrists).  On Sunday, Mid-South starts their series of unsanctioned youth
sabre events.  Check out to get the details.

5th has Apex starting their series of unsanctioned youth foil, gender
based adult foil, and mixed epee events. 

Mid-South has sanctioned adult
epee events split by gender on that day.

Nothing nearby for the weekend of the 12th.

responses I received for our first under 12 event were unanimously for
it being on the 19th.  Therefore, Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, Sabre
at 3:30 pm.  For those who have not yet participated in one of these, We
give trophies for each weapon to the top 3
(and ties) finishers, medals to the top 3 nine and under finishers,
unless they won a trophy.  We keep a year long accumulated points
standing which counts all three weapons and at the end of the season,
the top ranked boy and girl will each win a sword.  We also have the
fencers vote at each event for the person who shows the best
sportsmanship and the fencer who wins that gets a sword.  Cost per event
is $5.

Also on that date All-American is having Y10, Y12 foil and adult foil and epee.  All are unsanctioned.

October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by
gender.  Currently, the women’s epee and the women’s foil are both
E1s.  The men’s epee will probably become a at least a C1.  However, the men’s
foil is an A1 event.

NCHSFL debated splitting, but decided not to.  The first event for them
for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated.

The homeschool league will be meeting on October 13, so I will let people know what is up after that.

believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th.  This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.

The new club jacket situation is moving.  We will soon have a mock up and a price for everyone to look at.

I will start purging the email list soon.  If you want off please tell
me.  If you haven’t been fencing for a while, but still want the info,
also tell me

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for September 15

CFFA update for September 15
Things are almost back up and totally running.  This week we have Monday: afterschool, evening beginner class, and UNCW practice at UNCW.  Tuesday:  afterschool, evening beginner class, club practice.  Wednesday: homeschool, afterschool, evening beginner class, and UNCW practice at UNCW  (starting next Wednesday the 25th they will be at the club). Thursday; afterschool, evening beginner class, club practice. Friday: Surf City and Camp Lejeune

first sanctioned event of
the year will be on Saturday the 21st.  Open foil and epee, and a D and
under epee.  You have missed the original registration date, so now events are $30 for the 1st event, $20 for subsequent events.  The foil has 20 fencers and hopefully we will pull another C to make it a C1.  The epee is at 22 and needs an A to make it an A1.  The Div3 epee is at 10.  It has the rankings, but will probably not pull the numbers to make it more than an E1.

Division schedule looks to be a bit clearer at this point.  Lots going
on September 28th.  All-American in Fayetteville has a number of
unsanctioned foil events.  Charlotte Fencing Academy has a number of
unsanctioned youth epee and a sanctioned senior unrated foil event.  It looks like their
adult epee is sanctioned.  Mid -South has sanctioned Div III foil ( it has 6 bodies with a couple of Ds and Es) and
saber (13 unrated sabrists).  On Sunday, Mid-South starts their series of unsanctioned youth
sabre events.  Check out to get the details.

October 5th has Apex starting their series of unsanctioned youth foil, gender based adult foil, and mixed epee events.  Mid-South has sanctioned adult epee events split by gender on that day.

Nothing nearby for the weekend of the 12th.

The responses I received for our first under 12 event were unanimously for it being on the 19th.  Therefore, Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, Sabre at 3:30 pm.  For those who have not yet participated in one of these, We give trophies for each weapon to the top 3 (and ties) finishers, medals to the top 3 nine and under finishers, unless they won a trophy.  We keep a year long accumulated points standing which counts all three weapons and at the end of the season, the top ranked boy and girl will each win a sword.  We also have the fencers vote at each event for the person who shows the best sportsmanship and the fencer who wins that gets a sword.  Cost per event is $5.

Also on that date All-American is having Y10, Y12 foil and adult foil and epee.  All are unsanctioned.

On October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by gender.  Currently, the women’s epee is small, the women’s foil is an E1.  The men’s epee is 1 B and a bunch of Es and Us.  However, the men’s foil needs a C and a couple more bodies to be an A1 event.

NCHSFL debated splitting, but decided not to.  The first event for them
for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated.

The homeschool league will be meeting on October 13, so I will let people know what is up after that.

The Milwaukee NAC registration is now open until September 25th.  Junior, Cadet, and Y-14 the November 8-11 weekend.

believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th.  This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.

The new club jacket situation is moving.  We will soon have a mock up and a price for everyone to look at.

Again, I will start purging the email list soon.  If you want off please tell me.  If you haven’t been fencing for a while, but still want the info, also tell me.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Next Saturday, info

Next Saturday, info
Just a reminder that you need to be signed up by midnight tonight to be able to get the original entry fee price.  After that, it will be $10 more for each event.  Sign up at and the event is the CFFA Season Opener.
Also, I will start purging the lists of people we haven’t seen in a while, so if you are intending to come back contact me and let me know you would like to keep receiving these notes.  Also, if you aren’t coming back and no longer want them, feel free to contact me so I feel secure in removing your name.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for September 8

CFFA update for September 8
Hopefully everyone came through Dorian okay.  It looks like we can get back on track and get the season started.

We can begin the next evening class tomorrow, Monday the
9th at 6:30 pm.  Afterschool
fencing will start
back up tomorrow at 3:30 pm.  Homeschool Fencing will start
Wednesday the 11th, 1:00 pm for returners; 1:30 pm for beginners.  The
UNCW fencers were hoping to get back downtown on Wednesday the 18th.  The Tuesday/Thursday class will just pick back up and I will move the October class back.  There should be a Saturday practice.

The fencing at Surf City Middle school is getting moved back and will begin this Friday at 3 pm.  Camp Lejeune fencing will pick back up Friday night.

Our first sanctioned event of
the year will be on Saturday the 21st.  Open foil and epee, and a D and
under epee.  The policy that we instituted for last year is still in
effect.  If you get your name on askfred by the Saturday prior to the
event (9/14, next Saturday), the cost will be $20 for one event and $10 for subsequent
events.  If you sign up after Saturday, the fees will be $30 and $20. 
Get signed up now to attract out of town fencers.  Currently there are just a handful of fencers in all events.  We seem to be one of the few clubs doing comprehensive sanctioned events, so they could be huge if just get all of our fencers signed up.

The Division schedule looks to be a bit clearer at this point.  Lots going on September 28th.  All-American in Fayetteville has a number of unsanctioned foil events.  Charlotte Fencing Academy has a number of unsanctioned youth epee and a senior foil event.  It looks like their adult epee is sanctioned.  Mid -South has sanctioned Div III foil and saber.  On Sunday, Mid-South starts their series of unsanctioned youth sabre events.  Check out askfred to get the details.

October 5th has Apex starting their series of unsanctioned youth foil, gender based adult foil, and mixed epee events.

I am looking at either October 12th or 19th for our first 12 and under event of the season.  Let me know which one works best.

The NCHSFL debated splitting, but decided not to.  The first event for them for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated.

The homeschool league has not yet met, so I don’t have any dates for them.

The Milwaukee NAC registration is now open until September 25th.  Junior, Cadet, and Y-14 the November 8-11 weekend.

I believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th.  This year the JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.

The new club jacket situation is moving.  I believe we are close to having a mock up and a price for everyone to look at.

Let me know if there is anything I forgot.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for September 2

CFFA update for September 2
Things appear to be a little clearer and the most sensible thing is to cancel all of the classes and club for the week.  Nothing Tuesday or Thursday nights, and no Saturday morning.  We’ll add a week to the Tuesday Thursday class and start the next Tu/Th one a week later.  The Surf City classes will start the 13th and no Camp Lejeune class Friday.

forward, hopefully, we can start the next evening class on Monday the 9th at 6:30 pm.  Depending on what the schools do, the afterschool fencing will start
back up on that date at 3:30 pm.  Homeschool Fencing will start
Wednesday the 11th, 1:00 pm for returners; 1:30 pm for beginners.  The UNCW fencers were hoping to get back downtown on Wednesday the 18th.  Of course this all depends on the aftermath of Dorian.

Barring a much heavier hit than is now forecast, our first sanctioned event of the year will be on Saturday the 21st.  Open foil and epee, and a D and under epee.  The policy that we instituted for last year is still in effect.  If you get your name on askfred by the Saturday prior to the event, the cost will be $20 for one event and $10 for subsequent events.  If you sign up after Saturday, the fees will be $30 and $20.  Get signed  up now to attract out of town fencers.

Stay safe.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update

CFFA update
NO Saturday practice.
Our Fall events are now all up on askfred.  September 21, November 9, December 7.
Have a happy and safe end of the summer weekend.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Kansas City NAC

Kansas City NAC
Just as an FYI for all of you who are starting your run at the 2020 Olympics, the first NAC in Kansas City has its registration deadline as midnight tomorrow night (Pacific Time).  It has Division I, Cadet, and Division II events.  It is October 18-21.  Just as an aside to our C and below epeeists.  The numbers will certainly go up before tomorrow night, but both the men’s and women’s Div II epee are on Monday the 21st.  Right now, the women’s has only 55 fencers (20 Cs), and the men’s is 49 fencers (14 Cs).  By regulation, Division II NACs have to be considered as B3 events.  Thus the top 4 fencers will get Bs, 5-8 will get Cs if they don’t already have them.  Looks to be a cheap way to get a B, at the moment.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 25

CFFA update for August 25
A big thanks to Herman for cleaning the the fencing room and washing jackets.  Thanks to Kenyatta and Mike for keeping reels and weapons working.  Thanks to Brendan for keeping overheads going.  It almost looks like a fencing club is getting ready to get into high gear. 

Regular fencing Tuesday and Thursday.  No
Camp Lejeune practice on the 30th due to the Labor Day weekend.  I am going to try to get out of here for a weekend before it all goes crazy, so I won’t be in for Saturday.  I will let you know if it looks like anyone else will be opening up.

I will be gone on Tuesday night, September 3rd.  The club will be open, but no class.  I should be back for practice on the 5th, but it isn’t guaranteed.  I will keep you updated.  On Friday, September 6th, fencing will be restarting in Pender County at Surf City middle school from 3-4 pm.  Camp Lejeune will meet at the regular times that evening.

forward, The next evening class will be a Monday/Wednesday one.  It will
start on the Monday after Labor Day, (September 9th) 6:30 pm.  Afterschool fencing will start
back up on that date at 3:30 pm.  Homeschool Fencing will start
Wednesday the 11th, 1:00 pm for returners; 1:30 pm for beginners.    I don’t know yet when the
UNCW fencers will be back for Wednesday nights.
No sanctioned fencing any closer than Baltimore over the Labor Day weekend.  Check askfred if you are interested.

Division schedule is not up yet and Homeschool league has not met to
set their schedule.  We asked for our first event to be on September 21
with mixed open foil, mixed open epee, and a Div III (D and under
epee).  I will keep you posted.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 18

CFFA update for August 18
standard week of fencing this week.  I will be in for Saturday
practice at 10 am.  Our first class of the fall starts on Tuesday
evening at 6:30 pm.  We will also be starting a new class on board Camp
Lejeune on Friday at 7 pm.

No Camp Lejeune practice on the 30th due to the Labor Day weekend.  I may try to blow out of here for a weekend before it all goes crazy, so I will keep you informed about Saturday.

I will be gone on Tuesday night, September 3rd.  I should be back for practice on the 5th, but it isn’t guaranteed.

Looking forward, The next class will be a Monday/Wednesday one.  It should start on the Monday after Labor Day.  Afterschool fencing should start back up on that date as well.  Homeschool Fencing will start back up on Wednesday the 11th.  And fencing will start up at Surf City middle school (if approved) on the Friday the 13th.  (I don’t know about you, but it’s always been a good date for me.)  I don’t know yet when the UNCW fencers will be back for Wednesday nights.

For those looking for opportunities to fence next weekend, the closest is an unusual unsanctioned Team event at the Charlotte Academy of Fencing.  It is for epee teams, but their coach will decide who goes on what team.  Cost is only $10.

If you are looking for a sanctioned event, the best two options seem to be in the DC area.  On Saturday and Sunday, in Herndon, VA, near Dulles Airport, they have a number of youth events plus currently rated B1 events in epee and foil.  Both need a couple of A or B fencers and a few bodies to become A2s.  If you really want a challenge, the first of the DCFC Champagne Challenges for the year is on Sunday in Silver Springs, MD.  Currently it is a twenty three person A1 with 7 As and 5 Bs.  Silver Spring is just across the border from Herndon, and the Herndon epee is on Saturday, so the really serious epeeists could make a weekend of it.

Maryland Division schedule is not up yet and Homeschool league has not met to set their schedule.  We asked for our first event to be on September 21 with mixed open foil, mixed open epee, and a Div III (D and under epee).  I will keep you posted.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 12

CFFA update for August 12
Our women (and a couple of guys) had a good showing at the Big Blue to get this season started.  We had Amelia Alexander and Eilis O’Brien in the women’s foil to get the day going.  Eilis, in her first event not at our club, was not on.  But she battled through and gave a good accounting of herself while losing her first DE.  She finished 12.  Amelia started slowly and then got it together, winning her last two bouts in the pool.  One of those was beating the current woman’s high school state champion (Amelia’s in 7th grade).  She then won her first DE although giving away five points on red cards for covering target.  That means our foil referees need to be more strict during practice.  She then lost her second DE to the number one seed and finished 8th.
The men’s epee (A1 with 3 As and 4 Bs) had Eoin O’Brien and Miller Dumas.  It was only Miller’s second tournament.  He got a touch on everyone he fenced and went 3-5 with a B and a C.  Eoin was 2-4 with a 0 indicator.  He beat a B, and had 3 one touch losses; one of which was against eventual winner Lars Hansen, who re-earned his A.  Eoin’s other loss was to an A 3-5.  As sometimes happens at these events, the only two CFFA fencers drew each other in their first DE.  Eoin won, but lost his next DE to the B who tied for 3rd.  Eoin ended up 13th and Miller was 19th.
We had seven of the sixteen women in the epee, which had the potential to be a C event.  Erin Alexander was in her first event and got the hardest pool.  She didn’t win any, but things improved as the day went on.  Erin had lost her pool bout to Meredith Powers (who won every event at the Iron Maiden a couple of years ago) 0-5, but when she drew top seed Meredith in the DEs the score was 7-15.  She finished 16th.  Daughter Amelia (in her first adult epee event) looked a bit tired after the foil, but got points against everyone in her pool, and unfortunately drew Lauren Dunseath as her DE opponent, finishing 15th.  Alice Bromberg, in her first tournament, got at least 3 points against everyone in her pool except Lauren.  She got 9 points against the number 3 seed in her DE and finished 14th.  Lydia Huggins was in her first event not at our club.  She won one match and got at least 2 points in every other match.  In the see above category, she drew Nicole Milewski for her first DE and finished 13th.  Erica Julien had an excellent first pool, going 3-1.  She lost her first DE and finished 9th.  Kenyatta Sanford started 3-2 in that very nasty pool.  She won her first DE, then avenged her pool loss to number one seed Meredith Powers in her second DE, before a 12-15 loss to Nicole in the her third DE.  She won a bronze medal.  Nicole went 3-1 in her opening pool.  She then defeated Lydia for her first DE, avenged her pool loss in her second DE, eked by Kenyatta in the third one, and lost a tight 13-15 very back and forth bout to Lauren in the finals.  She earned the silver medal.  A good day for everyone and I think most, if not, all have the bug for more fencing.
A standard week of fencing this week.  I will be in for Saturday practice.  Next week our first class of the fall starts on Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm.  We will also be starting a new class on board Camp Lejeune on Friday at 7 pm.
The Division schedule is not yet finalized, but I will let everyone know once it is settled.  For those who feel they must have a competitive fix, the closest big thing is a currently 32 person mixed epee in Jacksonville, Florida, next Saturday.  It also has a D and under mixed epee the same day.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon