CFFA Update for November 30

CFFA Update for November 30
Oliver Galbraith went to Mid-South’s Black Friday event and won both the foil and epee events.
The homeschool team went to a meet yesterday in Oak Ridge and came away 1-1.  Caroline Artz got the winning touch in a match that was tied four bouts apiece in a bout that had gone to La Belle.
Should be the standard week of practice this week.
6th is the 2nd NCFL meet,.  This one will be at East Chapel Hill High
School.  It starts at 10 am and will last until?  Let me know who is
interested in going so we can plan carpools, equipment, teams, etc.  Should be about the more or less standard leave from Sam’s Club on College about 6:45 am time frame.

getting Holiday request orders to Herman or me.  A cutoff date of about
two weeks before Christmas gives us a bit of room for mistaken orders,
pick up, wrong sizing, etc.
The week of the 8th the UNCW students will be in exams, so I doubt they will be in for Wednesday practice.  I will be there if anyone is interested, let me know.


next home adult event is December 13.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet
epee.  Start getting signed up now.  We are currently have 18 for the
open epee, 11 in the open foil, and 7 in the Vet epee.  If you are
thinking about it, get signed up. Salle New Bern is again
donating some tickets for winners to the Tryon Palace for a tour on the 20th.

I am looking at the 18th as the last day for afterschool this year.  I will be gone the week of Christmas, but will let you know if it looks like people will be getting together for practice on Tuesday of that week.
Looking at the New Year, the next homeschool meet is January 3rd at Oak Ridge.  For adults there is the Hangover in Richmond.  It is usually a large event with each weapon being an A in the opens and with separate strong women’s events.
Afterschool and a new beginner afterschool class will start on January 5th.  The next adult beginner class will start on January 6th, with an intermediate class to follow if anyone is interested.  The next Homeschool beginner class will start on the 7th.
The 10th is the first NCFL meet of 2015, at Kestrel Heights.
The 17th is our first adult event of the New Year.  With this one we are bringing back the one touch epee event in addition to the open foil and epee.  All of our spring events are now up on askfred, so start getting signed up.
The 18th is a homeschool event.  I am hoping to get it on board Camp Lejeune.  In addition to the homeschool teams, I am going to try to have a meet with women’s foil teams and mixed epee teams in the morning.  I will keep everyone posted.  These would all be for high school age and below fencers and you would need a full uniform.  We will loan you knickers (if we have them in your size) and underarm protectors.  No cost to fence and we can always make composite teams.
The next set of Camp Lejeune classes should start on the 23rd.
The 24th will be our first 12 and under event for 2015.  Standard times and rules.
The 31st is the second NCFL meet of January, location yet to be decided.
pax vobiscum.
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

2015 Tournaments

2015 Tournaments
The NC Division has released the schedule for early 2015.  Here are the adult tournaments and where I am currently plugging in youth tournaments.
USA Fencing Tournaments  (All events mixed unless otherwise noted)
January 17, 2015   Open Foil and Epee     One Touch Epee
February 7, 2015   Open Foil and Epee     D and Under Epee
March 21, 2015    Women’s Open Foil and Epee   Women’s D and Under Sabre
April 18, 2015        Open Foil and Epee     E and Under Sabre
May 23, 2015        Open Foil and Epee    D and under Foil
Youth Tournaments   (All Foil, Sabre, and Epee)
January 24, 2015
March 14, 2015
May 30 2015
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA Update for November 23

CFFA Update for November 23
We held the initial NCFL meet of the year at the Tileston gym yesterday.  There were teams from six high schools plus a CFFA team.  The local fencers and teams did pretty well.  In the A division, Coastal Christian went 3-2 and finished second.  Their members were Oliver Galbraith, Mack Smith, Jonathan Hartness, and Taylor Kinsey.  Oliver went 15-0 for the day.  Hoggard High School was 2-3 and finished fifth, which shows how tight all the teams were.  Hoggards members were Ryan Hightower, Michael Hall, and Natalie Schmidt.  Ryan led the team at 9-4.  Hoggard won the intercity match 5-4.  In the B division a CFFA team of Emma Filer, Emma Graf, and Reaghan Juelke went 3-1 and finished first.  Emma Filer was 9-1 while Emma Graf was 8-2.
Thanks to Brendan McConville, Jesse and Josh Harvey, and Michael Glapion for refereeing.  A big thanks to the Harveys for helping with the tear down.  We started on time and were done and out by 3 pm with time for an impromptu sabre pool thrown in.  Hopefully we can get everyone else to run things that efficiently.

Short week due to Thanksgiving.  Afterschool on Monday and Tuesday only. Homeschool on Wednesday, but no evening practice.   No practice on Thanksgiving or on board Camp Lejeune on Black Friday.

Mid South is again hosting their Black Friday event on the 28th.  See askfred for details.

29th is the 2nd homeschool fencing event, again at Oak Ridge.  Fencers
can still join until January.  Another fencer 13 or over would allow us to
have a full A team.  Let me know if you are interested.  I think you can
talk to our people who competed and you will find out they enjoyed it.  We will make certain that everyone has all the gear they need after practice on Wednesday.

December 6th is the 2nd NCFL meet,.  This one will be at East Chapel Hill High School.  It starts at 10 am and will last until?  Let me know who is interested in going so we can plan carpools, teams, etc.
Keep getting Holiday request orders to Herman or I.  A cutoff date of about two weeks before Christmas gives us a bit of room for mistaken orders, pick up, wrong sizing, etc.


next home adult event is December 13.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet
epee.  Start getting signed up now.  We are currently have 15 for the open epee, 11 in the open foil, and 7 in the Vet epee.  If you are thinking about it, get signed up. Salle New Bern is again
donating some tickets for winners to the Tryon Palace

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Non fencing issue updates

Non fencing issue updates
Herman is starting to collect orders for people wanting to order fencing equipment for holiday gifts.  If you are not certain about a size you can go to a company website (if it needs to be a secret) or we can just finagle the information out of the youngsters while they are getting dressed.  Those of you who have ordered things, please take care of payment ASAP so we can free space up on the club credit card for the holiday rush.  If we can, we will probably try to find equipment that fits out of the cabinets.  Although rush things can happen, if we would set a two weeks before Christmas date as the last day to order that will give us some time to deal with wrong sizes, incorrect merchandise, picking it up surreptitiously, etc.
I have information concerning an Italian exchange student who fences looking for a host family in  North Carolina.  He is 16 and I am not certain what weapon he fences.  It would be for Fall 2015.  If you are interested I can give you the sponsoring group’s contact information.
Lastly, I am looking at holding one of the homeschool meets on board Camp Lejeune on Sunday, January 18th.  The homeschool meet would start at the standard 1:30 pm time.  I would like to combine that with an NCFL auxiliary meet of women’s foil teams and mixed epee teams.  That would start about 11 am I am guessing.  Fencers would need to be high school age or under. Fencers would need full uniforms and we would help with that as much as possible.  It would cost nothing for fencers to participate.  If you are not associated with the base I would need to know who would be driving to get you a pass to get on base.  MCCS is offering us part of their 1 year old very nice facility in which to hold this, but want to know what the numbers might be before giving a final approval.  Let me know if you are interested.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for November 16

CFFA update for November 16
We had four people compete at the JO qualifiers at Mid-South this weekend.  In junior men’s foil, Oliver Galbraith started slowly, but then got it together to take the silver medal and qualify for both the junior and cadet foil competitions.  Samantha Milewski and Riley Hart competed in the junior women’s epee.  Unfortunately, they ran into each other in the first DE.  Samantha avenged her loss to Riley from the pool round and rode the momentum to the gold medal.  That qualifies her for both the Junior and cadet women’s epee events.  Riley finished fifth.  Oliver went undefeated in the pool round of the Junior men’s epee.  However, he dropped his first DE and came in 5th.  Emma Filer took the silver in the Junior Women’s foil which qualified her for that and the cadet women’s foil.  Oliver came back Sunday and took the silver in the cadet men’s epee, so he is also qualified for that.
Erica Julien did a couple of events in Virginia, but no results are up on askfred.
Should be a standard week of practice this week.
North Carolina Fencing League’s first event is
November 22nd and we will be hosting it.  Right now the people who will be fencing in the B division for CFFA will be the Emmas  (F & G), Reaghan Juelke and Harry Shaheen.  It would be good to have a couple more foilists so we can have a complete second team.  Volunteer referees are welcome.  It does not look right now that there will be a big turnout of B teams.  Starting time is 10 am, so be there enough earlier to warm up, etc.
Next week I was planning on having the homeschool practice on Wednesday, but no afterschool or evening practice.  No practice on Thanksgiving or on board Camp Lejeune on Black Friday.

Mid South is again hosting their Black Friday event on the 28th.  See askfred for details.

29th is the 2nd homeschool fencing event, again at Oak Ridge.  Fencers
can still join until January.  Another fencer over 13 would allow us to
have an A team.  Let me know if you are interested.  I think you can
talk to our people who competed and you will find out they enjoyed it.

December 6th is the 2nd NCFL meet, but again the location has not yet been determined.


next home adult event is December 13.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet
epee.  Start getting signed up now.  We are currently the two Bs, and
another D, plus some bodies away from having a B event in the Vet’s.  Need a few bodies to get to 15 in the opens.  Salle New Bern is again donating some tickets for winners to the Tryon Palace Candlelight Tour on the 20th.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

sword points

sword points
I forgot what the kids are probably most interested in.  Current sword points:
Brown, Orion              16
Golder                         14
Wells                           10
Jenkinson                       8
Swart                             7
Walston, Kent               7
Brown, Jacob                 6
Bruno                            5
Shaheen                         5
Rottman                        5
Million                           4
Donelson                       3
Walston, Avery                          3
Amdahl                          2
Jaghman                         1
Sickles                           1
Juelke                          15
Artz, Caroline             
Artz, Isabelle                 8
Gray                              5
Williams                        4
Huggins                         2
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for November 10th

CFFA update for November 10th
We had a good kids tournament Saturday.  A lot of our “new” foilists turned out and very few of the really veteran 12 and unders were there, so it was a wide open affair in that weapon.  The results:
Foil    1st Elijah Wells   2nd Orion Brown   3rd (tie)  Jacob Jenkinson    &   Caroline Artz

9 and under     Gold – Walker Rottman    Silver – Lexi Williams   Bronze – Christopher Donelson

Sabre was pretty much the usual suspects:

1st  Reaghan Juelke   2nd  Amir Shaheen   3rd (tie) Avery Walston  &   Liam Bruno

Epee was small, but had a very high level of fencing.

1st Nicole Milewski  2nd  Kent Walston   3rd (tie)  Liam Bruno  &   Lydia Huggins
Thanks to Heather and all the parents.
On Sunday, we had our homeschool fencing team compete in Oak Ridge.  The fencers were Nickolas and Meredythe Galliher, and Caroline and Isabelle Artz.  They went 1-3 in the B division, beating a team from FHE.
Should be a standard week of practice.  (We will have afterschool, etc. on Veteran’s Day as St. Mary does not take the day off).  Not many UNCW fencers are showing up on Wednesday, so that is shaping up as a good night for people who want to come in for lessons and doing work without a lot of pressure to fence bouts.

Sign ups for JO qualifiers are now on

The qualifying events are on Saturday and Sunday, November 15th and
16th.  All the Junior events (ages 13-19) are on Saturday and the Cadet
(ages 13-16) qualifiers are on Sunday.  The JOs are always held over
the President’s Day weekend in February.  The events are in Richmond,
VA, this year.  The preregistration deadline has passed, so it will be pretty expensive to jump in now.

weekend, Fredericksburg has large Vet events on Saturday and Richmond
has women only events on Sunday.  Erica Julien is planning on hitting
both of them, so maybe you can head up with her or at least provide back

North Carolina Fencing League’s first event is
November 22nd and we will be hosting it.  It is a foil team event and
takes teams of three fencers and they can have a sub.  It doesn’t cost
anything for the fencers, but it is appreciated if we have volunteer referees.  Fencers
do need a full outfit including knickers and underarm protector.  Let us
know if you might be interested in fencing and don’t have such things
yet so we can see if the club has your size or can borrow from someone. 
Our teams fence in the B Division since we don’t represent a school. 
In that division fencers can be any age so we will put together as many
teams as we can.  Of course, you will possibly be fencing people all the
way up to high school age, but we can try to split some of it out by
ages.  People who will be competing need to start letting me know who will be there so we can start putting together teams.
Mid South is again hosting their Black Friday event on the 28th.  See askfred for details.

November 29th is the 2nd homeschool fencing event, again at Oak Ridge.  Fencers can still join until January.  Another fencer over 13 would allow us to have an A team.  Let me know if you are interested.  I think you can talk to our people who competed and you will find out they enjoyed it.

December 6th is the 2nd NCFL meet, but again the location has not yet been determined.

next home adult event is December 13.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet
epee.  Start getting signed up now.  We are currently the two Bs, and another D, plus some bodies away from having a B event in the Vet’s.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for November 2nd

CFFA update for November 2nd
First, a big thanks to Brendan McConville and Tom Oakley for getting the overheads back up and helping with clean up after the Haunted House.

The St. Mary athletic staff found a CFFA jacket in the gym.  I didn’t see any names so let me know if you have lost yours.

We had people fencing all around the country this weekend.  Farthest from home was Robert Thomas who did three events at the Crescent City Open ROC in New Orleans.  In a small but mean Vet event, he came out of his pool only to lose to the eventual winner in his first DE.  He also competed in a Div II and a very nasty A2 rated open.

Closer to home, Paul Perkins and I went up to the epee event in Raleigh yesterday.  They just missed having enough to have a B event and needed referees, so I dropped out to ref.  Paul was one touch away from being undefeated in his pool.  He won his first DE, but lost the second one to the eventual winner Sam Karnavas from Mid-South, the other B in the event.

Today,  Reaghan Juelke went up to Mid-South for the Y-12 sabre.  She had a solid pool, won her first DE, and then (sounding like a broken record) lost her second DE to the eventual winner.

next set of evening classes will start tomorrow, Monday, November 3rd at 6:30 pm. The next set of beginner afterschool classes also start this week.
Tuesday is Mike Courchesne’s last day in town for this rotation, so get out to fence him before he splits.
Wednesday, I will be in if anyone wants to slip in for some extra practice.

This Friday, November 7th will start the next set of classes at Camp Lejeune.

next youth event will be held on November 8th.  Foil at 10 am, sabre at
1:30 pm, epee at 3:30 pm.  $5 per event.   Hopefully we will have a bunch of the
fencers who just finished beginner classes showing up, so the events,
particularly the foil, should be larger.
  According to askfred, the Jack Rackham has been cancelled.  Therefore I know the adults are not doing anything fencing wise.  If you are free and can volunteer a couple of hours to help ref or teach the younger ones, it is appreciated.

first homeschool league event of the year will be held on Sunday,
November 9th at Mustang Fitness in Greensboro.  It looks like we will have a homeschool team.  If people change their minds about participating, I believe you can sign up until January 1.

Sign ups for JO qualifiers are now on

The qualifying events are on Saturday and Sunday, November 15th and
16th.  All the Junior events (ages 13-19) are on Saturday and the Cadet
(ages 13-16) qualifiers are on Sunday.  The JOs are always held over
the President’s Day weekend in February.  The events are in Richmond,
VA, this year.  It probably will not be much closer for a long time. 
That means A) it is easy to get to, and B) the qualifiers will probably
be large events that might be highly rated.  I believe the last day to
sign up before the fees increase is November 9th.  Right now it looks
like most of our women are in, but very few of our guys.

That weekend, Fredericksburg has large Vet events on Saturday and Richmond has women only events on Sunday.  Erica Julien is planning on hitting both of them, so maybe you can head up with her or at least provide back up.

North Carolina Fencing League’s first event is
November 22nd and we will be hosting it.  It is a foil team event and
takes teams of three fencers and they can have a sub.  It doesn’t cost
anything for the fencers, but it is appreciated if we have volunteer referees.  Fencers
do need a full outfit including knickers and underarm protector.  Let us
know if you might be interested in fencing and don’t have such things
yet so we can see if the club has your size or can borrow from someone. 
Our teams fence in the B Division since we don’t represent a school. 
In that division fencers can be any age so we will put together as many
teams as we can.  Of course, you will possibly be fencing people all the
way up to high school age, but we can try to split some of it out by
November 29th is the 2nd homeschool fencing event, but the site has yet to be determined.
December 6th is the 2nd NCFL meet, but again the location has not yet been determined.

next home adult event is December 13.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet
epee.  Start getting signed up now.  For the Vet event, if our fencers
all get signed up and we can get Scott Butler and a couple of outside Ds
to enter, that event can be a B tournament by itself.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for October 26th

CFFA update for October 26th
Harry Shaheen and I went up to the Joseph Cadole Memorial tournament in New Bern yesterday.  Of course, the only two CFFA fencers end up against each other in the first round of DEs.  I was able to slip by Harry and ended up winning the event.  Unfortunately, only 9 fencers so I re-earned my E.  Josh White of Salle New Bern was 2nd (he is getting into a habit of that), Dustin Burnett of ECU and Brett Silverman of Wilmington Fencing Club took the thirds.  Brett had a very nice victory over the number one seed in the DE where he came back from 5 points down to pull it out.

A lot of things going on this week.  First we need to put the overheads back up Tuesday night, so hopefully a few of you with knowledge of such things can come in a little early.  The next Homeschool beginner class starts on Wednesday, the 29th.  Also on Wednesday, there won’t be evening practice this week.  No one has showed up the last two weeks, so I will be going out to UNCW to help with their club.  There will be Wednesday practice next week as the November beginner classes will be starting. 

I will send a note out a little later in the week regarding Friday practice at Camp Lejeune.  If there are at least 3 people who want to fence I will head up, but probably wouldn’t come for just one or two.

No Saturday morning tournaments in the area so I will be in for a Saturday practice on November 1st at about 10 am.  This will let a number of you work off some of the Halloween candy you ate.

1st is a tournament at Raleigh.  It is being held in conjunction with a
clinic being dome by Michael Marx.  The clinic lasts all weekend with
the tournament late Saturday afternoon.  Therefore there is no reason for you epeeists to complain about having to get up early.  Foil and epee, both could be B events with one high rated fencer and a few more bodies.

next set of evening classes will start on Monday, November 3rd.  I am
also planning to start our next set of afterschool beginner classes that first
week of November.

November 7th will start the next set of classes at Camp Lejeune.

The next youth event will be held on November 8th.  Foil at 10 am, sabre at 1:30 pm, epee at 3:30 pm.  Hopefully we will have a bunch of the fencers who just finished beginner classes showing up, so the events, particularly the foil, should be larger.

For adults, ECU is hosting their Jack Rackham event that Saturday.  Foil and epee, it is on askfred.

first homeschool league event of the year will be held on Sunday,
November 9th at Mustang Fitness in Greensboro.  At the moment we only
have 5 people who have said they want to be a part of a team.  We have
to have a roster by November 1st, so we need to get anyone interested
signed up ASAP.  My guess is our team would be a B team as it doesn’t
look like we have enough for people over 13 for an A team.

Sign ups for JO qualifiers are now on
The qualifying events are on Saturday and Sunday, November 15th and
16th.  All the Junior events (ages 13-19) are on Saturday and the Cadet
(ages 13-16) qualifiers are on Sunday.  The JOs are always held over
the President’s Day weekend in February.  The events are in Richmond,
VA, this year.  It probably will not be much closer for a long time. 
That means A) it is easy to get to, and B) the qualifiers will probably
be large events that might be highly rated.  I believe the last day to sign up before the fees increase is November 9th.  Right now it looks like most of our women are in, but very few of our guys.

That weekend, Fredericksburg has large Vet events on Saturday and Richmond has women only events on Sunday.

North Carolina Fencing League’s first event is
November 22nd and we will be hosting it.  It is a foil team event and
takes teams of three fencers and they can have a sub.  It doesn’t cost
anything, but it is appreciated if we have volunteer referees.  Fencers
do need a full outfit including knickers and underarm protector.  Let us
know if you might be interested in fencing and don’t have such things
yet so we can see if the club has your size or can borrow from someone. 
Our teams fence in the B Division since we don’t represent a school. 
In that division fencers can be any age so we will put together as many
teams as we can.  Of course, you will possibly be fencing people all the
way up to high school age, but we can try to split some of it out by

Our next home adult event is December 13.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet epee.  Start getting signed up now.  For the Vet event, if our fencers all get signed up and we can get Scott Butler and a couple of outside Ds to enter, that event can be a B tournament by itself.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for 10/19

CFFA update for 10/19
Practice will be a bit truncated this week.  St. Mary wants to set up for the haunted house part of
their Fall Festival on Thursday, October 23rd.  No practice that
afternoon or evening.  Right now all the Wednesday classes are still on.  We will
need to pull the overheads down on Tuesday the 21st and put them back up
the next Tuesday.

25th is The Joseph Cadole in New
Bern.  It is an E and under foil event, perfect for those of you looking
for a lower stress first tournament or a real shot at your foil
ranking.  I am going so let me know if you are interested in a ride.

There is also an epee event in Charlotte that day which is shaping up to be a B rated event.  See askfred for details.

next set of Homeschool classes will start on Wednesday, October 29th. 
That should let us finish that set of classes just before the holidays.

will have practice at Camp Lejeune on Halloween night.  I would ask
everyone who will definitely be there to let me know that week, so I
only have to pack the equipment we will need.

November 1st is a tournament at Raleigh.  It is being held in conjunction with a clinic being dome by Michael Marx.  The clinic lasts all weekend with the tournament late Saturday afternoon.  Therefore there is no reason for you epeeists to complain about having to get up early.

next set of evening classes will start on Monday, November 3rd.  I am
also planning to start our next set of afterschool classes that first
week of November.
November 7th will start the next set of classes at Camp Lejeune.

The next youth event will be held on November 8th.  Foil at 10 am, sabre at 1:30 pm, epee at 3:30 pm.
For adults, ECU is hosting their Jack Rackham event that Saturday.
The first homeschool league event of the year will be held on Sunday, November 9th at a location yet to be determined.  At the moment we only have 4 people who have said they want to be a part of a team.  We have to have a roster by November 1st, so we need to get anyone interested signed up ASAP.  My guess is our team would be a B team as it doesn’t look like we have enough for people over 13 for an A team.

Sign ups for JO qualifiers are now on
The qualifying events are on Saturday and Sunday, November 15th and
16th.  All the Junior events (ages 13-19) are on Saturday and the Cadet
(ages 13-16) qualifiers are on Sunday.  The JOs are always held over
the President’s Day weekend in February.  The events are in Richmond,
VA, this year.  It probably will not be much closer for a long time. 
That means A) it is easy to get to, and B) the qualifiers will probably
be large events that might be highly rated.  I believe the last day to sign up before the fees increase is November 9th.
That weekend, Fredericksburg has large Vet events on Saturday and Richmond has women only events on Sunday.

North Carolina Fencing League’s first event is
November 22nd and we will be hosting it.  It is a foil team event and
takes teams of three fencers and they can have a sub.  It doesn’t cost
anything, but it is appreciated if we have volunteer referees.  Fencers
do need a full outfit including knickers and underarm protector.  Let us
know if you might be interested in fencing and don’t have such things
yet so we can see if the club has your size or can borrow from someone. 
Our teams fence in the B Division since we don’t represent a school. 
In that division fencers can be any age so we will put together as many
teams as we can.  Of course, you will possibly be fencing people all the
way up to high school age, but we can try to split some of it out by
Our next home adult event is December 13.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet epee.  Start getting signed up now.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon