for this season. We get our insurance from them and EVERYONE needs to have at least the $10 non-competitive membership for our insurance to be valid. Let me know if you are having problems with the website, and remember it is probably currently getting swamped. Also yearly, six month, or just plain August club dues are payable at this time. Thanks to those of you who have taken care of them.
had a good practice yesterday with almost all the fencers being female. Thank goodness a couple of them drug their kids in or there wouldn’t have been any guys. This week the last advanced epee camp starts Monday (walk ins welcome),
regular practice Tuesday and Thursday, Camp Lejeune Friday, and Saturday morning practice. I have a conference call about the NCFL season at 1 pm on Saturday, so if practice is going to last after about 12:30 pm, some one else will need to lock up.
only individual event for next season currently up on askfred is
Mid-South’s Big Blue. It is next weekend with Open foil, epee, and
sabre events divided by gender. The foil and epee are all on Sunday so
it doesn’t interfere with our Saturday practice. The women’s epee is now a C1 because we are sending a cadre of (at least) 7 women, including our three Cs. We have a couple of women in the foil, which needs bodies and another E to become a D1. For men the epee is now a 19 person A, but just about the most evenly distributed A you can imagine (2 As, 3 Bs, 3 Cs, etc.). We have a couple of our younger fencers in that. Foil is a 24 person
B, needing only a body to be a B2, and if that person is an A it will be an A2. (No CFFA foilists involved… yet) However, it is extremely top heavy, (9 Bs all hoping for that second A to sign up). Strangely enough for
Mid-South, the sabre events have the fewest people, but are picking up.
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon