CFFA update for August 31

CFFA update for August 31
I attended the NCFL planning meeting in Chapel Hill this afternoon.  The two main items that will affect people at the moment are 1)  The “A” team division will be split into separate men’s and women’s teams, 2) Apex will be joining our conference and will probably have “B” teams like we do.  Therefore our “B” fencers are going to need to practice because you may not automatically be the best fencers there anymore.
The regular deadline for entries for the Richmond NAC ( Div I, Div II, Cadet, Sr. Team)
is TODAY August 31.  Let me know if you are going so I can plan my coaching time and how it might affect classes.  The Div. Is are, of course, stacked going into an Olympic selection year.  The Div IIs actually are not that big, as of the moment, most are around 100 fencers.

Practice this week is affected by Labor Day.  Evening practice Tuesday and Thursday, morning practice Saturday.  No Wednesday night practice and no Camp Lejeune practice Friday.

is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6.  Starts
Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed Korfanty,
the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel Zagunis
who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic as a
coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature.  They are holding a
sabre tournament on Sunday the 6th that looks like it will be at least a B.  You do not have to attend the
clinic to attend the sabre event.

Labor Day we will get back to working in earnest.  Afterschool classes
for returning fencers will start on the 8th.  The new beginners will
the week of the 14th.

Homeschool classes will start back on the 9th – advanced fencers can come in at 12:30 pm, new beginners at 1 pm.

We will hold our first youth tournament on the 12th of
September.  Twelve and under fencers can compete.  We give trophies to
the top 3 and ties overall and medals to the top 3 9 and
under fencers unless they win a trophy.  We also award swords to the
top male and female points earners over the course of the season
(probably 5 events).  Finally, we give a sword to the person who is
voted as showing the most sportsmanship by the other fencers
over the course of the season.  $5 per event with foil at 10 am, sabre
at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  If adults are not going to the other
events, volunteer referees are welcome.

on the 12th, for adults there is a women’s epee and open epee at CHFA
in Charlotte, and men’s and women’s foil and open epee in Fayetteville. 
Check askfred for details.

On Sunday the 13th UNC is holding a mixed foil event. 
It will hopefully be a C event.  The Division meeting will be held at
UNC after the foil.  I am collecting proxies from competitive fencers 18
and over.

evening class will start on Monday the 14th and runs for 6 weeks on a Monday/Wednesday schedule. 

first adult event will be Saturday, September 19th.  Open foil at 9:30
am, Open epee
at 1:30 pm, E and under sabre at 3:30 pm. All of our events are mixed
unless otherwise specified.  $20 for your first event, $10 for any
subsequent event.  Make certain your US Fencing membership is a
competitive one or higher.  Sign up on askfred now to try and
draw in more fencers.  We really need to see more of our people jumping in and getting signed up.

Sunday the 20th is Mixed epee and Mixed sabre at UNC.  Epee should be a B or A event and sabre looks like a C.

26-27 is the Division 1A ROC in Fredericksburg.  1A means that it is
open to everyone, the events are split as men’s and women’s, and most of
the events will end up as A level.  This is a good event for those of
you looking for a step up in competition, or planning to get ready for
the NACs that will be in the area this season.  The deadline before the
fees jump is September 7, so take a look at
it on askfred.  A few more of our people are getting signed up.

October 3rd is Mixed sabre at UNC, while the 4th is mixed foil and epee there.

October 9-12 is the actual NAC in Richmond.
Riley Hart is trying to get a fencing club started in Yuma, AZ, since it is three hours to the clubs in Phoenix and 2 1/2 to the ones in San Diego.  If anyone would like to help fund her efforts, here is the website:
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 23

CFFA update for August 23
First, a big thanks to Brendan for mopping much of the floor yesterday.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we won’t get flooded again.
Practice Tuesday and Thursday night, plus Saturday morning.  I am going to take some time the last couple of Wednesdays of the summer, so no practice on that night until classes start up after Labor Day.  I am undecided about Saturday practice on Labor day weekend, let me know what people want.
We are going to make a couple of changes to things to make it a little more organized and give Herman a chance to fence.  Orders will be made on the 1st Thursday of every month, so make certain we know what you want by that date.  You can talk to Herman or e-mail me.  Do try to have an idea as far as size, price range, etc.  Don’t be afraid to ask if we might have what you want, particularly as far as uniforms, sitting in the cabinets downtown.  That means that the next order date will be September 3rd.  This is good because we are then planning an armory night on Thursday, September 10th.  This would be the good night to show up with questions about how to test and repair weapons.  If you don’t have anything personally to repair, we can give you club equipment to practice on.  We will probably put on the Princess Bride or another fencing movie for background noise.
Brendan will be leading footwork from 7:45 – 8 pm.  We expect people to participate.  For the younger ones who will need to leave soon after, we will let you you get in some early bouts before that so you can get some matches in.
On the good news front, we have been named a “Best Fencing Club” by a new organization which is listing such things.  Maybe not quite as exclusive as it sounds.  They looked at national and local results, the number of competitive fencers, produced an index about how effective fencers were at National events, and I assume developed an algorithm to weight everything.  They first cut to 600 clubs and then pared that down to 175 in the US, a number from Canada, and 2 from South Korea.
In North Carolina it was Mid-South, Research Triangle Fencing, and us.  For us it was mainly based on the epeeists, so the foilists and sabre fencers need to step up.
The regular deadline for entries for the Richmond NAC ( Div I, Div II, Cadet, Sr. Team)
is August 31.  Let me know if you are going so I can plan my coaching time and how it might affect classes.
I have a meeting next Sunday in Chapel Hill to get the NCFL season planned out.  I know Coastal Christian is in, but haven’t heard if Hoggard is still going to field a team (at least not from Hoggard students, I have gotten some outside information).  If any other schools were going to try to get a High School team up and running, let me know.  Remember that this is foil, although we keep trying to push for epee.  For those of you who want to fence as part of the Cape Fear “B” level team, let me know this week so I can give everyone an idea of how many we will have.  The NCFL meets are done in a team format of 3 versus 3 with the first team to 5 victories winning.  There is no cost to fence, just the associated, travel and meal costs.  You can ask a number of our fencers who have participated about it.

is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6.  Starts
Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed Korfanty,
the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel Zagunis
who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic as a
coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature.  They are holding a
sabre tournament on Sunday the 6th that looks like it will be at least a B.  You do not have to attend the
clinic to attend the sabre event.

Labor Day we will get back to working in earnest.  Afterschool classes
for returning fencers will start on the 8th.  The new beginners will
the week of the 14th.

Homeschool classes will start back on the 9th – advanced fencers can come in at 12:30 pm, new beginners at 1 pm.

all of the National tournaments which are close by, the Division
events, our local youth events, and as yet unscheduled NCFL and
homeschool meets, I will certainly not be able to go to every thing
and will have to figure out where I need to be for different events.

We will hold our first youth tournament on the 12th of
September.  Twelve and under fencers can compete.  We give trophies to
the top 3 and ties overall and medals to the top 3 9 and
under fencers unless they win a trophy.  We also award swords to the
top male and female points earners over the course of the season
(probably 5 events).  Finally, we give a sword to the person who is
voted as showing the most sportsmanship by the other fencers
over the course of the season.  $5 per event with foil at 10 am, sabre
at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  If adults are not going to the other
events, volunteer referees are welcome.

on the 12th, for adults there is a women’s epee and open epee at CHFA
in Charlotte, and men’s and women’s foil and open epee in Fayetteville. 
Check askfred for details.

On Sunday the 13th UNC is holding a mixed foil event.  It will hopefully be a C event.  The Division meeting will be held at UNC after the foil.  I am collecting proxies from competitive fencers 18 and over.

evening class will start on Monday the 14th and runs for 6 weeks on a Monday/Wednesday schedule. 

first adult event will be Saturday, September 19th.  Open foil at 9:30
am, Open epee
at 1:30 pm, E and under sabre at 3:30 pm. All of our events are mixed
unless otherwise specified.  $20 for your first event, $10 for any
subsequent event.  Make certain your US Fencing membership is a
competitive one or higher.  Sign up on askfred now to try and
draw in more fencers.

Sunday the 20th is Mixed epee and Mixed sabre at UNC.  Epee should be a B or A event and sabre looks like a C.

26-27 is the Division 1A ROC in Fredericksburg.  1A means that it is
open to everyone, the events are split as men’s and women’s, and most of
the events will end up as A level.  This is a good event for those of
you looking for a step up in competition, or planning to get ready for
the NACs that will be in the area this season.  The deadline before the
fees jump is September 7, so take a look at
it on askfred.  Right now the only people I see are Oliver and the Harveys.

October 3rd is Mixed sabre at UNC, while the 4th is mixed foil and epee there.

October 9-12 is the actual NAC in Richmond.

Oliver has some equipment for sale – 48 RH jacket, 34 knickers, 9.5 RH
glove, M mask, RH epee
pistol grip weapons (Electric and dry), body cord, and a bag.  I
believe it is all Absolute.  If interested I can put you in touch.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 16

CFFA update for August 16
The Division schedule is out so we can start planning for the new season.
first fall beginner class will start on this Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30
pm and run for 6 weeks.  There will be an intermediate class at 7:30 pm
if there is interest.  I will do the Wednesday night practice for the next couple of weeks so long as there is some interest.

New Bern will be coming back down for their last Saturday of the summer on the 22nd.
The regular deadline for entries for the Richmond NAC ( Div I, Div II, Cadet, Sr. Team) is August 31.  Let me know if you are going so I can plan my coaching time and how it might affect classes.

Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. 
Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed
Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel
Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic
as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature.  They are holding a sabre tournament on Sunday the 6th.  You do not have to attend the clinic to attend the sabre event.

Labor Day we will get back to working in earnest.  Afterschool classes
for returning fencers will start on the 8th.  The new beginners will
start the week of the 14th.

Homeschool classes will start back on the 9th – advanced fencers can come in at 12:30 pm, new beginners at 1 pm.
With all of the National tournaments which are close by, the Division events, our local youth events, and as yet unscheduled NCFL and homeschool meets, I will certainly not be able to go to every thing and will have to figure out where I need to be for different events.
I would like to hold our first youth tournament on the 12th of September.  Twelve and under fencers can compete.  We give trophies to the top 3 and ties overall and medals to the top 3 9 and under fencers unless they win a trophy.  We also award swords to the top male and female points earners over the course of the season (probably 5 events).  Finally, we give a sword to the person who is voted as showing the most sportsmanship by the other fencers over the course of the season.  $5 per event with foil at 10 am, sabre at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  If adults are not going to the other events, volunteer referees are welcome.
Also on the 12th, for adults there is a women’s epee and open epee at CHFA in Charlotte, and men’s and women’s foil and open epee in Fayetteville.  Check askfred for details.
On Sunday UNC is holding a mixed foil event.  The Division meeting will be held on September 13th at UNC after the foil.  I will probably start around soon to collect proxies from competitive fencers 18 and over.

evening class will start on Monday the 14th for 6 weeks.  We will have
to see how that may affect the Wednesday evening class like we have been
having over the summer.

Our first adult event will be Saturday, September 19th.  Open foil at 9:30 am, Open epee at 1:30 pm, E and under sabre at 3:30 pm. All of our events are mixed unless otherwise specified.  $20 for your first event, $10 for any subsequent event.  Make certain your US Fencing membership is a competitive one or higher.  Sign up on askfred to try and draw in more fencers.
Sunday the 20th is Mixed epee and Mixed sabre at UNC.

26-27 is the Division 1A ROC in Fredericksburg.  1A means that it is open to everyone, the events are split as men’s and women’s, and most of the events will end up as A level.  This is a good event
for those of you looking for a step up in competition, or planning to
get ready for the NACs that will be in the area this season.  The
deadline before the fees jump is September 7, so take a look at it on
October 3rd is Mixed sabre at UNC, while the 4th is mixed foil and epee there.
October 9-12 is the actual NAC in Richmond.
Joe Oliver has some equipment for sale – 48 RH jacket, 34 knickers, 9.5 RH glove, M mask, RH epee pistol grip weapons (Electric and dry), body cord, and a bag.  I believe it is all Absolute.  If interested I can put you in touch.

We are now in the new season. 
That means club and USA Fencing dues need to start being paid.  If you are a competitive (or professional) fencer over 18 and have paid your USA Fencing dues on line, make certain Herman or I know.  We need to get 10 paid members in so we can get our club insurance for the year.
Finally anyone good with Adobe Acrobat?  I am trying to work on an image and Acrobat doesn’t seem to like my computer.  I don’t think it would be a hard task for anyone who is good with such things.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 9

CFFA update for August 9
Today up at Mid-South Oliver Galbraith took 7th in the epee which was a B1.  Sandy Tapia won, earning her B.  Oliver also took 2nd in the foil with Connor McCormick taking 8th in a small but nasty field.
Finished the camps with an all left handed epee camp last week.  My apologies if I seem a bit off teaching right handed lessons for a while.
Regular practice this week with practice on Saturday.  Nick Chambers says Tuesday will be his last day in.
Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.  There will be an intermediate class at 7:30 pm if there is interest.
New Bern will be coming back down for their last Saturday of the summer on the 22nd.

Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. 
Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed
Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel
Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic
as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature. 
After Labor Day we will get back to working in earnest.  Afterschool classes for returning fencers will start on the 8th.  The new beginners will start the week of the 14th.

Homeschool classes will start back on the 9th – advanced fencers can come in at 12:30 pm, new beginners at 1 pm.
The Division meeting will be held on September 13th at UNC.  I will probably start around soon to collect proxies.
September’s evening class will start on Monday the 14th for 6 weeks.  We will have to see how that may affect the Wednesday evening class like we have been having over the summer.
Not much out yet on the NC schedule so I will keep you informed as it becomes available.
September 26-27 is the Division 1A ROC in Fredericksburg.  This is a good event for those of you looking for a step up in competition, or planning to get ready for the NACs that will be in the area this season.  The deadline before the fees jump is September 7, so take a look at it on askfred.

We are now in the new season. 
That means everyone
needs to renew their USA Fencing memberships for 2015-2016. 
You can do it on line at the website, or I have paper copies.  If you do
it on line, please bring me a copy.  We need the verification to make
certain you are on our insurance okay.  If you started after April 1st,
you should have the next season already taken care of for free.  Check
at to see or to sign up electronically, under membership.

also means those of you who pay CFFA dues in yearly or semi-annual lump
sums should start getting those in.  The yearly dues are 12 months for
the price of 10, semi-annual is 6 months for the price of 5.

A number of people have liked Paul
Perkins suggestion that we take a night for armoring.  Personal and
hopefully some club stuff can be fixed.  Those of you who have something
broken can learn how to work on it with a bunch of old pros there.  We
would get pizza and show fencing movies.  Now we just need to set a date.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for August 1

CFFA update for August 1
In what may be a first for the club, yesterday we had a practice only attended by sabre fencers.  Last week we had foil camp and there are some 8-9 year olds who will be bedeviling you in a few years if not sooner.
The epee camp, this week, may be the strongest camp we
have ever had since two of the fencers are just coming off excellent
National Championship performances.  You will need to be able to deal
with left handers as there are already four signed up.  LOL

should be a regular week of practice, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 
Camp Lejeune practice this Friday starts a new set of classes, Saturday practice at 10 am in Wilmington.

is having their Big Blue event on August 8-9.  Sabre on Saturday and
foil/epee on Sunday.  Epee just needs bodies to be a B event. Foils is an E with a B and Cs.  Surprisingly, sabre is the small event.   See askfred for more details.

is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August
14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that
event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on

Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.

Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. 
Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed
Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel
Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic
as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature.

We are now in the new season.  That means everyone
needs to renew their USA Fencing memberships for 2015-2016. 
You can do it on line at the website, or I have paper copies.  If you do
it on line, please bring me a copy.  We need the verification to make
certain you are on our insurance okay.  If you started after April 1st, you should have the next season already taken care of for free.  Check at to see or to sign up electronically, under membership.

also means those of you who pay CFFA dues in yearly or semi-annual lump
sums should start getting those in.  The yearly dues are 12 months for
the price of 10, semi-annual is 6 months for the price of 5.

A number of people have liked Paul
Perkins suggestion that we take a night for armoring.  Personal and
hopefully some club stuff can be fixed.  Those of you who have something
broken can learn how to work on it with a bunch of old pros there.  We
would get pizza and show fencing movies.  Now we just need to set a date.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for 7/26

CFFA update for 7/26
We will need to do a sweep and mop on the floor because of the flooding.  It took up a bit of the paint, but no reason to touch up until we have the flooding possibility curtailed.
Thanks to the Hart’s for the AC, microwave, and Keurig machine.  I have no idea how to work the Keurig, so if someone can give me some tutoring on use and care and handling, it will be appreciated.
Nice saber
camp with Reaghan and Amir.   Foil camp
this week after has a nice range of participants.  Some homeschoolers, some afterschoolers, and some who fence in the evening with the adults,  ages 7/8 to 14, experience levels all the way from some
who have just finished their beginning classes to those who have been to
a National Championship.  Anyone who is interested, but hasn’t told me is still welcome.

The epee camp, August 3-7, may be the strongest camp we
have ever had since two of the fencers are just coming off excellent
National Championship performances.  You will need to be able to deal
with left handers as there are already four signed up.  LOL

should be a regular week of practice, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 
Camp Lejeune practice Friday, Saturday practice at 10 am in Wilmington.

The next Camp Lejeune beginner class will start on August 7th.

is having their Big Blue event on August 8-9.  Sabre on Saturday and
foil/epee on Sunday.  Foil and epee could both become B events.  See askfred for more details.

is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August
14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that
event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on

Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.

Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. 
Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed
Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel
Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic
as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature.
Next Saturday is August 1, the start of a new season.  That means everyone needs to start renewing their USA Fencing memberships for 2015-2016.  You can do it on line at the website, or I have paper copies.  If you do it on line, please bring me a copy.  We need the verification to make certain you are on our insurance okay.
It also means those of you who pay CFFA dues in yearly or semi-annual lump sums should start getting those in.  The yearly dues are 12 months for the price of 10, semi-annual is 6 months for the price of 5.
Paul Perkins has suggested we take a night for armoring.  Personal and hopefully some club stuff can be fixed.  Those of you who have something broken can learn how to work on it with a bunch of old pros there.  We would get pizza and show fencing movies.  If people are interested, let me know and suggest dates.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

No practice Tonight for CFFA

No practice Tonight for CFFA
The cloudburst has come from exactly the right/wrong direction and the floor is underwater.  I doubt it will dry early enough to have any strips to fence on this evening.
See most of you Saturday morning.
Paul – we will just have to pick up and finish the class Tuesday.
Reaghan and Amir – I think it should be dry by tomorrow morning to finish camp.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for July 19

CFFA update for July 19
Had a really great practice yesterday with the Salle New Bern folks and Steve Kmiec yesterday. 

A solid beginner camp last week with a couple of young women whom I think you may see at the club at some point.  Claire and Mirah, so welcome them into fencing – gently.

Saber camp on the docket for next week.  Even if you haven’t told me you were coming you are welcome, just show up about 9 am on Monday.  Foil camp the week after has a nice range of participants, all the way from some who have just finished their beginning classes to those who have been to a National Championship.  The epee camp may be the strongest camp we have ever had since two of the fencers are just coming off excellent National Championship performances.  You will need to be able to deal with left handers as there are already four signed up.  LOL
Otherwise should be a regular week of practice, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.  Camp Lejeune practice Friday, Saturday practice at 10 am in Wilmington.
The next Camp Lejeune beginner class will start on August 7th.
Mid-South is having their Big Blue event on August 8-9.  Sabre on Saturday and foil/epee on Sunday.  See askfred for more details.

is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August
14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that
event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on

Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.

Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. 
Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed
Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel
Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic
as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature.
There is a wealth of riches in the area this year for those of you who want to move up and compete on a more regional/National stage.  Here are the basic events listed so far.
September 26-27   Fredericksburg ROC
October 9-12      Richmond NAC  D I, D II, Cadet, Senior team
October 24-25    Mid-South  sabre RJCC  (Regional Junior Cadet event)
November 7-8    Baltimore ROC 
November 13-16  Kansas City NAC  Jr, Cadet, Y-14
November 21-22   NC JO qualifiers
December 4-7   
Baltimore NAC   D I, D II, Vet

Some Spring things

January 8-11   
September 26-27   Fredericksburg ROC
October 9-12      Richmond NAC  D I, D II, Cadet, Senior team
October 24-25    Mid-South  sabre RJCC  (Regional Junior Cadet event)
November 7-8    Baltimore ROC  (Also SAT Test on 7th)
November 13-16  Kansas City NAC  Jr, Cadet, Y-14
November 21-22   NC JO qualifiers
December 4-7   
Baltimore NAC   D I, D II, Vet  (Also SAT Test on 5th)

Some Spring things

January 8-11    St. Louis NAC   D I, Junior  
January 15-16   Baltimore Capital Clash – Y-10, Y-12, Y-14 
February 12-15  Cleveland  JOs   
March 4-5        Columbus, OH   Arnold Classic 
March 11-14   Salt Lake City  NAC   D II, Y-12, Y-14, Y-14 team    
April 8-11        Richmond NAC   D I, D III, Vet   
June 29 July 8   Dallas  Summer Nationals     
For those so inclined (and 50+) all of the Vet events are within easy reach; Baltimore, Richmond, and Dallas.  The Veteran World Championships are listed as being in Germany in October 2016, but with a question mark, so I am not certain it is settled.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for July 12

CFFA update for July 12
Yesterday I took Josiah and Philip Nazzaro, and Reaghan Juelke up to the coaching clinic at All-American in Fayetteville.  I believe everyone learned some new things and more ways to practice successfully.  P.S., Coach Miller, the head coach at UNC Chapel Hill, says that footwork is the most important thing to practice.
We should be back to the regular summer schedule.  Tuesday/Thursday open fencing. structured practice Wednesday night, Camp Lejeune Friday.
The Salle New Bern folks are slated to come down next Saturday, the 18th, for practice, starting about 10am.  It would be nice to see a large crowd for them to fence.
beginner camp starts tomorrow.  No problem if anyone wants to show up at 9 am and they haven’t already contacted me. 

If you are getting
this e-mail you are beyond the level of the beginner camp.  Advanced
sabre camp is July 20-24, advanced foil camp is July 27-31, and advanced
epee camp is August 3-7.  Cost for the Camps is $195.  For epee camp,
you will need to renew your USA Fencing membership as it is at the start
of the next season.  We provide gatorade, water, and snacks.  The
fencers need to bring lunch as camps go 9-5, although maybe a bit
shorter on Friday.  Please e-mail with what camp you want to attend so I
can look at numbers and the level of the fencers for planning
purposes.  Right now epee looks like it will be really strong, foil and
sabre are more mid-level.

if you are an adult with keys and might be available on one of the
Fridays at about 3-3:30 pm, let me know.  I need to leave a bit early to
get up to Camp Lejeune.  I may or may not be able to have campers
picked up a bit early, so I would like a back up plan.  Thanks.

is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August
14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that
event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on
Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.
Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6.  Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a person of Korfanty’s stature.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Mid-week update

Mid-week update
I will be back in tonight, so the club will be open.  I know some people came in Tuesday, so hopefully the floor is not already messed up.  LOL  For those of you who have never seen the floor in pristine condition, you should head in tonight.  A huge thanks to everyone who has been working on this for the last couple of weeks.  The results are always worth it.
Another good reason to come in tonight is I believe Nicole Milewski will be in with all the swag she got for winning a National medal.  This will give you some idea of what you are working for.  Of course, it might not count for as much as the pride of knowing you are one of the top eight fencers in the country.  On the other hand, she can put away the 32 inch blades.  Now she can start fencing you with a sword as long as yours.  You have been warned.
Last call for Saturday’s beginner coaching clinic.  I am going and Phil Nazzaro is coming.  We will be meeting at 7 am at the club.  If anyone else wants to go, you need to bring dry and electric equipment.  Cost is $25 and that is a price you cannot beat for learning from Coach Ron MIller, UNC’s head coach.  Let me know if you are interested.
Lastly, I think I have caught up with all the other North Carolina fencers who made the top 16 in their events. 
Andrew Fullmer took 12th in Men’s Cadet epee.  He fenced for Raleigh Fencers.  I am not certain whom he is working with now.  Alan Chen of Research Triangle Fencing won a 6th place medal in Men’s Y-12 sabre.  Sean Bates of Queen City won the Gold in the Vet Men’s 40 sabre event.
From the National results I thing we have a legitimate right to claim that we are the best epee club in the state.  Or the Milewski girls have the right to claim they are the best epee club in the state.  The rest of you are sort of falling down on the job.  LOL
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon