CFFA update for Feb 1

CFFA update for Feb 1
Lots of fencing across the area this weekend.  A CFFA team of Reaghan Juelke, Harry Shaheen, and Will Golder went undefeated at the NCFL meet at Kestrel.  They defeated teams from Kestrel, Orange County, and Thales Academy.
Josh Harvey and Oliver Galbraith went to the Hangover in Richmond.  Josh was 7th in the open epee (a B2).  Oliver was 12th in the epee and 10th in a B1 foil.
I believe UNCW sent fencers to a meet at ECU, but I haven’t heard any results.
Later today the next set of afterschool and evening adult class will start in Wilmington.  No Wednesday evening fencing as UNCW is staying on campus this week.

February 6th will be an NCFL meet if a location is found.  Orange County is being spoken of as a possibility.

will be away with fencers at the Junior Olympics in Cleveland over the
President’s Day weekend.  No fencing at Camp Lejeune that Friday (12th),
and no afterschool on Monday (15th).  The UNCW folks will start coming in on Wednesday (17th), so we will be back to our regular schedule at that point.

20th is Mid-South’s Grand Opening anniversary event.  Lots of sabre on
Saturday and Open foil and epee on Sunday.  Further info on askfred.

20th is scheduled as the NCFL’s High School A team championships, but the recent bad weather in the northern part of the state has caused the SAT to be rescheduled for this date.  Therefore the last couple of NCFL meets may be changed.  The 27th is
the NCFL’s individual championships depending on possible rescheduling.  Locations as yet undecided.

on the 27th is an unsanctioned youth foil tournament in Fayetteville. 
Starts at 10 am and has separate divisions for 7-9, and 10-12.  On
Sunday they are having adult unsanctioned foil events.  Details on askfred.

next event will be the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden on March 5th.  It
is the only all women’s event held in North Carolina and has all three
weapons.  Many of our women are already signed up, but a few are not
yet.  See askfred for details.  We will also be hosting the homeschool A
team championship on that date at about 11:30 am.
Based on what people told me, here are the summer camp dates.  Advanced camps mean that you have passed the beginner class.
July 11-15   Beginner camp
July 18-22   Advanced sabre
July 15-29   Advanced foil
August 1-5  Advanced epee
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for January 23

CFFA update for January 23
We had a solid, and truthfully named, Old Man Winter event in Wilmington yesterday.  The foil was a bit small.  First was taken by Jesse Harvey of CFFA with Skylar McKoy of The Wilmington Fencing Club claiming second.  Max Davis of CFFA and Josh White of Salle New Bern tied for 3rd.  CFFA swept the open epee medals.  Josh Harvey won, but contrary to his belief, only updates to a B16, not 17.  (perhaps if we hold a Back to the Future tournament?).  Brendan McConville pushed him, but settled for second.  Herman Smith and Jesse Harvey tied for third.  All three of them upgrade to C16s.  In the Vet event, Paul Perkins took gold, Robert Thomas took silver, Herman took another bronze, and Robert Mones of Edge of America Fencing was the only non CFFA person to medal.  Thanks to everyone who helped with the event.
The homeschool meet scheduled for yesterday was postponed due to weather to a date as yet undecided.
30th is the next NCFL regular season meet at Kestrel.  Let me know if you
want to go.  Remember, if you want to fence the individual championship
in February, you must have fenced two team events.

January 30th, Charlotte Fencing Academy is holding a women’s epee and a
mixed epee event, with a U foil event the next day.  Check for
The Hangover Open in Richmond was also postponed due to weather and will be held on the 30th and 31st.  Again, check askfred for details.
February 1st will be the next set of afterschool and evening adult class starts in Wilmington.

February 6th is the next homeschool regular season meet in Oak Ridge. 
It will also be an NCFL meet if a location is found.
I will be away with fencers at the Junior Olympics in Cleveland over the President’s Day weekend.  No fencing at Camp Lejeune that Friday (12th), and no afterschool on Monday (15th).

20th is Mid-South’s Grand Opening anniversary event.  Lots of sabre on
Saturday and Open foil and epee on Sunday.  Further info on askfred.
The 20th is also the NCFL’s High School A team championships.  The 27th is the NCFL’s individual championships.  Locations as yet undecided.
Also on the 27th is an unsanctioned youth foil tournament in Fayetteville.  Starts at 10 am and has separate divisions for 7-9, and 10-12.  On Sunday they are having adult unsanctioned foil events.
Our next event will be the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden on May 5th.  It is the only all women’s event held in North Carolina and has all three weapons.  Many of our women are already signed up, but a few are not yet.  See askfred for details.  We will also be hosting the homeschool A team championship on that date at about 11:30 am.

former young fencer who has stopped has some equipment for sale.  Xs
mask and rh xs glove, size 24 knickers, and an electric epee.  They want
$75 for all.  Let me know if you are interested.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Floor fund

Floor fund
Just a reminder that we are looking to have people donate to St. Mary’s floor replacement fund.  You can donate at the following link:

We have seen the schematic choices for the floor and all will incorporate fencing strips.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for January 17

CFFA update for January 17
Yesterday’s NCFL meet could not find a venue and has been postponed to February 6th.
The Milewski girls attended the Capitol Clash up by Washington, DC, yesterday.  Nicole went 3-2 in the first round of the Y-12 epee.  She won her first 2 DE matches before losing to a girl who had beaten her in the pool.  She finished 16th, earned National points and qualifies for the National Championships later this year in Dallas.  Samantha, in the cadet epee, went 5-1 in the first round, only losing to the top ranked fencer.  She got a bye, won her first DE, and then lost to a C from Illinois.  She finished 10th and also earned National points.
No afterschool Monday as it is MLK day and St. Mary’s has off.  Additionally, they are supposed to be putting in new pipes downstairs.  I have been told that it will only take the one day.  However, I will go in early Tuesday and try to let people know if we cannot have practice.
UNCW will be meeting on campus for the first few Wednesdays of the semester.  I will let everyone know when they start coming down to the club.
There will be practice on board Camp Lejeune this Friday.

23rd is our Old Man Winter event.  We need 3 bodies to bring the epee
up to a B and the Open foil and Vet epee can all use more people.  Get
signed up on askfred.

The 23rd is also the next homeschool meet and I will make certain they are outfitted if we send a team to Oak Ridge.

30th is the the NCFL regular season meet at Kestrel.  Let me know if you
want to go.  Remember, if you want to fence the individual championship
in February, you must have fenced two team events.
On January 30th, Charlotte Fencing Academy is holding a women’s epee and a mixed epee event, with a U foil event the next day.  Check askfred for specifics.

February 1st will be the next set of afterschool and evening adult class starts.

Saturday, February 6th is the final homeschool regular season meet in Oak Ridge.  It will also be an NCFL meet if a location is found.
February 20th is Mid-South’s Grand Opening anniversary event.  Lots of sabre on Saturday and Open foil and epee on Sunday.  Further info on askfred.

down the road for summer camps, I would like to use July 11-15 for
beginners.  I don’t have any preference for July 18-22, July 25-29, or
August 1-5 for any particular weapon, so people should let me know if a
week doesn’t work for someone.  Very little feedback so far.

is that time of year when I will start pruning the e-mail list.  If you
want to be removed, please let me know.  If you have been on hiatus
from fencing, but want to stay connected, please let me know that as
A former young fencer who has stopped has some equipment for sale.  Xs mask and rh xs glove, size 24 knickers, and an electric epee.  They want $75 for all.  Let me know if you are interested.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for January 10

CFFA update for January 10
Our homeschool team went up to their 2nd meet of the year in Oak Ridge yesterday.  We fence as the Southeastern Cardinals in the homeschool league and our team was Philip Nazzaro, Kyler Schoonmaker, and Isabelle Artz, with Caroline Artz as our sub.  They are younger and smaller than almost all of their competition.  They did very well in this team meet, which is fenced in the Olympic relay fashion.  In their first meet against the Oak Ridge homeschoolers they lost 39-45.  In their other meet, they defeated the team from Forsyth county 45-42.  Congratulations to all of them.
Still swinging back into normalcy with practice this week.  Afterschool and Tu/Th evening practices will be as usual. 
The homeschool class this week will start its next beginner class on Wednesday.  Help get the word out.
No Wednesday evening practice as the UNCW club isn’t up and running yet.
No practice at Camp Lejeune this Friday: we will resume next Friday, the 22nd.
There is an NCFL meet next Saturday.  The location isn’t certain, but Orange County middle school is being mentioned.  We should have one B team and I will keep everyone updated.  For younger fencers, it also the Capitol Clash, an SYC in the DC area.
No afterschool next Monday as it is MLK day and St. Mary’s has off.
January 23rd is our Old Man Winter event.  We need 3 bodies to bring the epee up to a B and the Open foil and Vet epee can all use more people.  Get signed up on askfred.
The 23rd is also the next homeschool meet and I will make certain they are outfitted.
January 30 is the last NCFL regular season meet at Kestrel.  Let me know if you want to go.  Remember, if you want to fence the individual championship in February, you must have fenced two team events.
February 1st should be the next set of afterschool and evening adult class starts.
Saturday, February 6th is the final homeschool regular season meet in Oak Ridge.
down the road for summer camps, I would like to use July 11-15 for
beginners.  I don’t have any preference for July 18-22, July 25-29, or
August 1-5 for any particular weapon, so people should let me know if a
week doesn’t work for someone.  So far no one has expressed a preference.
It is that time of year when I will start pruning the e-mail list.  If you want to be removed, please let me know.  If you have been on hiatus from fencing, but want to stay connected, please let me know that as well.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon


I forgot this is the first week of the month.  If anyone wants anything, let Herman or I know by Thursday.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for 1/3

CFFA update for 1/3
We had a solid practice yesterday with all three weapons represented to start the new year.
Things will start swinging back into the regular rhythm bit by bit this week.  Afterschool
will start back up tomorrow.  I will pick up the St. Mary people at 3 pm and if you know anyone new interested those beginners will start at about 3:30 pm.   2016’s first evening beginner
class will start on Tuesday the 5th.  No practice Wednesday night as
UNCW won’t be back yet.  Camp Lejeune
will start their next session on Friday the 8th.

the 9th is a homeschool meet.  The 16th is an NCFL meet, with the
location as yet to be determined.  We need to find out who is going, needs
rides, etc.

23rd is our next adult event, Old Man Winter.  Open foil, Open epee,
and Vet epee.  It is up on askfred, with only a few people signed up at
the moment.  Please get signed up soon if you know
you are going to competing.  There is a large event in DC that weekend,
so we need to have a number of our people competing if we want to
attract out of town fencers.  There is also a homeschool meet that day,
but I can’t be in two places at once.
Looking down the road for summer camps, I would like to use July 11-15 for beginners.  I don’t have any preference for July 18-22, July 25-29, or August 1-5 for any particular weapon, so people should let me know if a week doesn’t work for someone.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for December 29

CFFA update for December 29
I am back in town, so I will be in for practice Tuesday night.  Not planning on a Thursday practice, but if enough people are interested let me know.  Nicole is up for it.
Saturday morning practice on the 2nd of January with the New Bern fencers to
get the year started right, so I will be in about 10 am.  Between New
Bern, us, and anyone else who wants
to show up, it should be a good crowd and fun time.  The potential crew
from New Bern includes adults and youth fencers, so no one should feel

will start back up on the 4th of January and the next evening beginner
class will start on Tuesday the 5th.  No practice Wednesday night as
UNCW won’t be back yet.  Camp Lejeune
will start their next session on Friday the 8th.

Saturday the 9th is a homeschool meet.  The 16th is an NCFL meet, with the location as yet to be determined.  need to find out who is going, needs rides, etc.

23rd is our next adult event,  Old Man Winter.  Open foil, Open epee,
and Vet epee.  It is up on askfred, with only a few people signed up at
the moment.  Please get signed up soon if you know
you are going to competing.  There is a large event in DC that weekend,
so we need to have a number of our people competing if we want to
attract out of town fencers.  There is also a homeschool meet that day,
but I can’t be in two places at once.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for December 20

CFFA update for December 20
I was refereeing for most of the NCFL meet at Kestrel Heights, so don’t have excat results.  Dr. Galbraith said the Coastal Christian Men’s A team did well.  The CFFA team of Harry Shaheen, Will Golder, and Reaghan Juelke went 3-1, but I don’t have their exact individual stats.
I plan on being in for Tuesday night.  Christmas Eve is up to
those of you still in town.  I hope to be back in time for practice the
next Tuesday, but doubt I will come in for New Year’s Eve.  No homeschool, afterschool, or Camp Lejeune practice until next year.

would like to have a Saturday morning practice on the 2nd of January to
get the year started right, so I will be in about 10 am.  Between New
Bern, us, and anyone else who wants to show up, it should be a good
crowd and fun time.  The potential crew from New Bern includes adults
and youth fencers, so no one should feel excluded.

will start back up on the 4th of January and the next evening beginner
class will start on Tuesday the 5th.  No practice Wednesday night as
UNCW won’t be back yet.  Camp Lejeune will start their next session on
Friday the 8th.

Saturday the 9th is a homeschool meet.  The 16th is an NCFL meet, with the location as yet to be determined.

23rd is our next adult event,  Old Man Winter.  Open foil, Open epee,
and Vet epee.  It is up on askfred, with only a few people signed up at the moment.  Please get signed up soon if you know you are going to competing.  There is a large event in DC that weekend, so we need to have a number of our people competing if we want to attract out of town fencers.  There is also a homeschool meet that day, but I can’t be in
two places at once.
If I don’t see you Tuesday have a Merry Christmas.
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon
