CFFA update for April 24

CFFA update for April 24
I’ve heard from about 10 people as far as doing the performance with the ballet.  I’d like to have a couple more before I tell them we are in.  Because the performance is on a Friday night, it would cause the cancellation of Camp Lejeune fencing on that date.  (June 10th) There would need to be a little bit of rehearsal because we can’t just turn you totally loose on stage with the fencers around, etc.  It is fencing, so none of you would be required to dance.
We held an under 12 event yesterday.  Foil featured the usual suspects.  Will Golder was first, Nicole Milewski second.  Luke Jessup of Salle New Bern tied for third with Zack Saxberg.  For the 9 and under crowd, Jaden Scott won gold, Amelia Alexander silver, and Joseph Evans bronze.  Elina Grooman was the only person who showed up for sabre, so we didn’t have a competiton.  She must have scared all the boys away. In epee it was Nicole first, Abbey Campbell of Salle New Bern second, and Jacob Powers third.  Thanks to everyone who helped and all the parents.
Current top 5 in sword points:
Boys                                                    Girls
Golder  50                                            Milewski    54
Jessup  31                                           Artz, Isabelle  22
Evans, Don  29                                     Artz, Caroline  15
Donnely  28                                         Childs  13
Saxberg  20                                         Alexander 12
Regular week of practice this week.  We can have a Saturday practice if there is interest, let me know.
30/May 1 is an RJCC at Apex.  This is a regional competition solely for
Y-16 and Y-19 events.  Most of the men’s events look like they will be A
competitions.  The women’s events will be strong although probably not
that strong.  Entry fees have gone up.  It looks like Oliver is our only participant.

May 3rd will be the starting date for our next set of Tuesday/Thursday beginner classes.

7-8 is the Division Div II/III and Y-14 qualifiers in Burlington. 
Preregistration ends April 30th.  All the events look to be small at the
moment.  Good to attend even if you won’t be going to Dallas.

is holding a bunch of unsanctioned events on May 14th.  Open women’s
foil and epee, open mixed foil and epee, Y-10 mixed foil, and Y-12 mixed
foil and epee.  These are unsanctioned, so all you need is the standard
non-competitive USA Fencing membership.  A really good event for those
looking to move up from our youth events or early career older fencers
looking for a less intense competition.

14th is also the Skirmish at Jack’s Island at New Bern.  This is an
epee only outdoor event.  This year it will be held at the church in New
Bern regardless of the weather; outdoors if nice, running inside if
rainy.  As and Bs get to fence for free, so it should be a strong
event.  New Bern always provides a really good free lunch after/during
the event.  I am going up in some capacity if anyone needs a ride.
May 21st will be our last youth event of the year and the swords will be awarded.
Charlotte is having an adult epee event that day.
Spotsylvania, Virginia, is doing a Vet event that day.  Epee may be an A, foil a C, and sabre as yet unclear.  Erica Julien and Erik Graf are signed up so with a few more vets we could be a presence.
Our next event is the Stab-a-thon on May 28th.  Open foil, open epee, and an E and under sabre.  Get signed up.  It is the Memorial day weekend and we can attract people looking for some time at the beach if it looks like we will have a good event.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Opportunity to work with community

Opportunity to work with community
We have been asked about the possibility of providing fencers to appear on stage at a performance of Swan Lake put on by the Wilmington Ballet Company.  This would entail being at their performance at 7 pm on Friday June 10th, a dress rehearsal from 4-5 on June 6th, and possibly one other performance.
I don’t have the timing for the piece yet, (it is just one section of music, we won’t be on the whole ballet), but it would mean us taking some time to plan out what we are doing.  We might be doing some things as a total group, in smaller groups or duos, or both.  We might have some of our more precise fencers doing things in the aisles.  But it will take some work.  The fencers can be of any age.  We would be in full uniforms, meaning loaning out knickers, etc. if you don’t have them.  We will be under masks when actually fencing for safety reasons.
In return, the club will get a spot on the Ballet Company’s website, an ad in the program for the event, and the opportunity to put some fencers in the lobby prior to the performance.  That makes this a good way to get a lot of public exposure for us.
If you would be interested, and can commit to it, please let me know ASAP so I can see if we have the numbers to make this work for both parties.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for April 17

CFFA update for April 17
We held our April Armageddon event yesterday.  In the epee, which was an A event and very top heavy, Andrew Fullmer of NCFDP won, Isaac Erbele of DCFC was second, Shane Mason of Charlotte was 3rd, tied with Oliver Galbraith of CFFA.  Oliver won the open foil, with Wilma Jackson of Apex second. Kyler Schoonmaker of CFFA, in his first tournament for USA Fencing, took 3rd; tied with Robert Thomas, also of CFFA.  In the E and under foil, Josh White of Salle New Bern won and earned his E2016, Ms. Jackson was again second, Kyler was again 3rd, tied with yours truly.  Thanks to everyone for the help setting up, refereeing, and cleaning up.
Should be a regular week of practice this week.  For Jacksonville, people can let me know if there is something special they would like to work on.  I was thinking about teaching better refereeing or armoring.  If I don’t get much response, I will work with everyone in their matches.
23rd will be the next youth event.  Foil at 10, Sabre at 1:30, epee at
3:30.  $5 per event, Trophies to the top 3 places, medals to the top 3
nine and unders.  Volunteer foil refs extremely welcome.

Charlotte is also holding adult events that day.  It looks like their epee will be a B, it could become an A if they get another A rated fencer.

30/May 1 is an RJCC at Apex.  This is a regional competition solely for
Y-16 and Y-19 events.  Most of the men’s events look like they will be A
competitions.  The women’s events will be strong although probably not
that strong.  Entry fees have gone up.  It looks like Oliver is our only participant.
May 3rd will be starting date for our next set of beginner classes.

7-8 is the Division Div II/III and Y-14 qualifiers in Burlington. 
Preregistration ends April 30th.  All the events look to be small at the
moment.  Good to attend even if you won’t be going to Dallas.

is holding a bunch of unsanctioned events on May 14th.  Open women’s
foil and epee, open mixed foil and epee, Y-10 mixed foil, and Y-12 mixed
foil and epee.  These are unsanctioned, so all you need is the standard
non-competitive USA Fencing membership.  A really good event for those
looking to move up from our youth events or early career older fencers
looking for a less intense competition.

14th is also the Skirmish at Jack’s Island at New Bern.  This is an
epee only outdoor event.  This year it will be held at the church in New
Bern regardless of the weather; outdoors if nice, running inside if
rainy.  As and Bs get to fence for free, so it should be a strong
event.  New Bern always provides a really good free lunch after/during
the event.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

last NAC update

last NAC update
Sorry this has taken a little while, but I am catching up from being away for the last two weekends.
Sure signs of the apocalypse: cats and dogs running wild in the streets, atonal music, Herman Smith making the top 10 at a NAC.  You’re safe, he only came in 11th.  In the Vet 50 epee pool he went 4-2, only losing to the person who won the entire event and the person who came in 10th.  He won his first couple of DEs and then lost to the person who finished 8th.  He came in ahead of a number of As and Bs.
Robert Thomas and Scott Butler both had tough pools in a very top heavy Vet 40 epee event.  Robert lost his first DE while Scott won his first one and then lost to the eventual winner, coming in 16th.
Erica Julien rounded out our NAC adventure, fencing in the Vet combined women’s epee.  She was almost certainly the oldest competitor.  She won one of her pool bouts and then lost 5-10 to a 6′ 2″ women who won a bronze at the World Championship for Veterans last year.
Last reminder about tomorrow’s tournament.  Epee seems pretty certain to be an A1 (to start) and might reach an A2.  Open foil needs bodies to be a C.  I would really like to get two more E and under foilists so there is at least the chance that someone will walk away with an E in that event.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for April 10

CFFA update for April 10
Results from the Richmond NAC.  On Friday Joe McLaughlin fenced the combined Vet’s sabre.  He went 1-5 in his pool, lost his first DE, and finished 43rd.  Samantha Milewski went 2-3 in her pool in Div III epee, won her first DE, then lost the second and finished 26th.  Erica Julien fenced the Vet 70 sabre and took 6th place.  That makes Erica the first person in the club to win a national medal in sabre. Scott Butler, who is fencing as CFFA to be on our team for a team event, fenced the Div III foil.  He was 2-4 in the pool, lost his DE and came in 48th.
On Saturday,  Scott, Herman Smith, and Paul Perkins were our Vet’s epee team.  In team events it is a DE format from the start.  Our guys went up against a team of As and Bs from LA.  They lead early, but ended up losing 27-45.  Joe fenced the Vet 60 sabre, won his first DE and finished 16th.  Erica fenced the Vet 70 epee, went 4-3, won her first DE, lost the second, and tied for the bronze medal.  Combined with her 2nd place in Baltimore, this pretty much guarantees the Erica will make the Veteran’s world championship team that will be fencing in Germany in October.  Bob O’Quinn fenced the Div III epee, went 3-3 in his pool and finished 43rd in his first national event. 
Sunday saw Robert Thomas, Herman, Paul, and Scott all fencing in the combined Vet’s epee.  Robert, Paul, and Herman had similar days.  All went 3-3 in their pools and dropped their first DE.  Robert was 65th, Paul was 68th, and Herman was 73rd.  Scott was 6-0 in his pool, but had some weapon issues in his DE and dropped a close one finishing 34th.  Erica did the combined Vet sabre and got 3 touches against the number 1 seed in her DE, finishing 32nd.
Some of our people have events Monday and I will let you know those results later.  Due to that fencing there will be no afterschool or classes on Monday.  The rest of the week should be normal. 
Our next event is Saturday, April 16th.  Open foil, Open epee, and an E and under foil.  The epee is now an A event.  The foil could be a C.  It has the ranks, but not the numbers.  The E foil was put there as an event that our lower level/beginning foilists could enter and compete against other similar fencers.  The foil fencers need to learn from the epee fencers.  They got signed up and other people from across the state have jumped in and made the event higher rated. Our foilists need to get signed up, at least for the E and under, and a few should try the open.  Now is better than later, otherwise for next season it will make no sense to try and hold such events.  We are at four and need two more Us to make it an event where someone will earn an E.  If a bunch of Us sign up, then we might start pulling in the 4 Es you need to make it a D event.

April 23rd will be the next youth event.  Foil at 10, Sabre at 1:30, epee at 3:30.  $5 per event, Trophies to the top 3 places, medals to the top 3 nine and unders.  Volunteer foil refs extremely welcome.

Charlotte is also holding adult events that day.  It looks like their epee will be a B.

April 30/May 1 is an RJCC at Apex.  This is a regional competition solely for Y-16 and Y-19 events.  Most of the men’s events look like they will be A competitions.  The women’s events will be strong although probably not that strong.  Entry fees go up after April 15.

May 7-8 is the Division Div II/III and Y-14 qualifiers in Burlington.  Preregistration ends April 30th.  All the events look to be small at the moment.  Good to attend even if you won’t be going to Dallas.

Apex is holding a bunch of unsanctioned events on May 14th.  Open women’s foil and epee, open mixed foil and epee, Y-10 mixed foil, and Y-12 mixed foil and epee.  These are unsanctioned, so all you need is the standard non-competitive USA Fencing membership.  A really good event for those looking to move up from our youth events or early career older fencers looking for a less intense competition.

May 14th is also the Skirmish at Jack’s Island at New Bern.  This is an epee only outdoor event.  This year it will be held at the church in New Bern regardless of the weather; outdoors if nice, running inside if rainy.  As and Bs get to fence for free, so it should be a strong event.  New Bern always provides a really good free lunch after/during the event.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA mid-week update

CFFA mid-week update
I will be heading up to the Richmond NAC Thursday evening.  Brendan will be coming in to the club about 7:15 pm to open up, so plan accordingly.
Herman is sick, so let’s put the ordering deadline off a week until April 14.  If you need something for the NAC, you should be able to get it there.
Let’s try to have an armory night on Thursday, April 14.  We need to prepare swords and cords for those who want to try the E & under on Saturday the 16th but don’t have their own equipment yet.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for April 4

CFFA update for April 4
We had three fencers go to the RYC at Mid-South over the weekend and they all won medals.  Reaghan Juelke didn’t have a great first round in the Y-14 Women’s foil, but then pulled a bit of an upset in her first DE over a person she had never beaten before and took the 8th place medal.  Will Golder went 2-3 in the Y-14 Men’s foil, but then lost his first DE.  In the Y-12 Men’s foil he was 3-3 in his pool, won his first DE and finished 6th.  Nicole Milewski was 3-1 in her pool for the Y-14 Women’s epee and took the bronze, in Y-12 she took the silver.  She probably also set a new club record for the youngest person to defeat a C fencer in competition, she is 11 for a couple more weeks.
The April beginner class will start tonight.  The last afterschool class of the year will also start today.

April NAC in Richmond is Friday, April 8th, through Monday, April 11th;
so no afterschool next Monday.  Also no fencing at Camp Lejeune this


next event is Saturday, April 16th.  Open foil, Open epee, and an E and
under foil.  Start getting signed up now.  The epee is now an A event. 
The foil could be a C.  It has the ranks, but not the numbers.  The E
foil was put there as an event that our lower level/beginning foilists
could enter and compete against other similar fencers.  The foil fencers need to learn from
the epee fencers.  They got signed up and other people from across the
state have jumped in and made the event higher rated. Our foilists need
to get signed up, at least for the E and under, and a few should try the
open.  Now is better than later, otherwise for next season it will make
no sense to try and hold such events.  We are at four and need two more Us to make it an event where someone will earn an E.  If a bunch of Us sign up, then we might start pulling in the 4 Es you need to make it a D event.

April 23rd will be the next youth event.  Foil at 10, Sabre at 1:30, epee at 3:30.  $5 per event, Trophies to the top 3 places, medals to the top 3 nine and unders.
is also holding adult events that day.  It looks like their epee will be
a B.

30/May 1 is an RJCC at Apex.  This is a regional competition solely for
Y-16 and Y-19 events.  Most of the men’s events look like they will be A
competitions.  The women’s events will be strong although probably not
that strong.  Entry fees go up after April 15.

7-8 is the Division Div II/III and Y-14 qualifiers in Burlington. 
Preregistration ends April 30th.  All the events look to be small at the
moment.  Good to attend even if you won’t be going to Dallas.

is holding a bunch of unsanctioned events on May 14th.  Open women’s
foil and epee, open mixed foil and epee, Y-10 mixed foil, and Y-12 mixed
foil and epee.  These are unsanctioned, so all you need is the standard
non-competitive USA Fencing membership.  A really good event for those
looking to move up from our youth events or early career older fencers
looking for a less intense competition.
May 14th is also the Skirmish at Jack’s Island at New Bern.  This is an epee only outdoor event.  This year it will be held at the church in New Bern regardless of the weather; outdoors if nice, running inside if rainy.  As and Bs get to fence for free, so it should be a strong event.  New Bern always provides a really good free lunch after/during the event.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for March 27

CFFA update for March 27
We had a good Saturday morning practice yesterday.  Oliver Galbraith went to the event in Williamsburg, had good first rounds, and finished just out of the top 8 in both events.  The epee was an A and the foil was a B.
Remember, no afterschool tomorrow as St. Mary is still on Spring Break.

1-3 is the Ned Light RYC at Mid-South.  We have a few fencers going up.

The April beginner class will start on Monday the 4th.  The last afterschool class of the year will also start that day.
April NAC in Richmond is Friday, April 8th, through Monday, April 11th;
so no afterschool that Monday.  Also no fencing at Camp Lejeune that

next event is Saturday, April 16th.  Open foil, Open epee, and an E and
under foil.  Start getting signed up now.  The epee is now an A event.  The foil could be a C. It has the ranks, but not the numbers.  The E foil was put there as an event that our lower level/beginning foilists could enter and compete against other similar fencers.  At the moment, the only entrant is from New Bern.  The foil fencers need to learn from the epee fencers.  They got signed up and other people from across the state have jumped in and made the event higher rated. Our foilists need to get signed up, at least for the E and under, and a few should try the open.  Now is better than later, otherwise for next season it will make no sense to try and hold such events.

Right now it looks like April 23rd will be the next youth event.  Charlotte is also holding adult events that day.  It looks like their epee will be a B.
30/May 1 is an RJCC at Apex.  This is a regional competition solely for
Y-16 and Y-19 events.  Most of the men’s events look like they will be A
competitions.  The women’s events will be strong although probably not
that strong.  Entry fees go up after April 15.
7-8 is the Division Div II/III and Y-14 qualifiers in Burlington. 
Preregistration ends April 30th.  All the events look to be small at the
moment.  Good to attend even if you won’t be going to Dallas.
is holding a bunch of unsanctioned events on May 14th.  Open women’s
foil and epee, open mixed foil and epee, Y-10 mixed foil, and Y-12 mixed
foil and epee.  These are unsanctioned, so all you need is the standard
non-competitive USA Fencing membership.  A really good event for those
looking to move up from our youth events or early career older fencers
looking for a less intense competition.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon