CFFA update for June 18

CFFA update for June 18
Results from the Powerade State games:
On Saturday, Robert Thomas fenced in the men’s epee and came away with the silver medal in the veteran’s category.  On Sunday, Samantha Milewski was number 1 seed coming out of the pools in the Women’s open epee, but lost a back and forth battle to Samantha Wolstenholme-Britt in the semis.  Our Sam took the bronze for the open and silver for the Junior (Under 19).  In the same event, Erica Julien actually beat Sam W-B in the pool and came out with the silver medal for veteran’s epee.  In the open men’s foil, Will Golder had a solid first round, only losing one bout.  He lost a 14-15 match in priority and ended up 6th overall.  Captain Phillips took a bronze in the Men’s open sabre and a gold for the Vets.  Finally, in the Mixed Youth 12 epee event, Nicole Milewski won the gold.  It was the third consecutive, and last time, that she can do that.  Congratulations to everyone.
are looking at redoing the floor this summer.  To have it ready for
camps we will probably use the week of July 4th.  Volunteers who want to
paint or help with lacquering once painted are welcome.  We may try to
do about 1/2 at a time so we can keep fencing.  Hopefully we will not
have a cloudburst before the lacquer and paint are set this time.
The other volunteer task that we can use some help with is that it is that time of year to try and get through all the jackets and wash them.  Most jackets can be machine washed, but then need to line dry.  If you are willing to help and can get them back quickly, let us know.
Tuesday/Thursday practice for the younger set at 6:30 pm with adults to follow.  On Wednesday, at 9 pm I will have a meeting about next year’s NCFL situation.  I believe I have reached out to all the fencers or parents thereof who might be eligible, but if I missed anyone you are certainly welcome.  Standard Camp Lejeune practice Friday.

our Saturday practice on June 24th, the Salle New Bern people are
planning to come down.  It would be nice if we had a crowd for them to
fence.  Some of them have also been coming down on Thursdays, so there
are plenty of people to fence that night (primarily epeeists.)

closer to the camps, so please let me know if you are coming (if you
haven’t already).  It helps me to plan for numbers and also to tailor
the camp to the level of those who will be attending.  Additionally I am
getting ready to order camp T-shirts, so sizes would be helpful.

Early next season is starting to shape up.  The first weekend (August 5-6) is an RJCC (Regional Junior Cadet Circuit) event in Greensboro.  That means that this event will give regional points for the southeast US, but being this early in the season will probably attract fencers from all over the country in the cadet and junior age groups.  Cadet is ages 13-16 and junior is ages 13-19.  This particular one is only foil and epee.  This makes it an excellent event for those of you in those age groups who are looking to move up from local events.  There are also mixed adult foil and epee, but although they will probably be strong events will not give regional points.

The next week is Mid-South’s Big Blue.  Epee will almost certainly be an A.  Sabre will be at least a B and should be an A.  Right now foil is all Us.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Next year’s NACs

Next year’s NACs
Although maybe not as nice as the last couple of year’s schedules for us, but still not bad.  The one exception would be that one of the Vet events is on the West Coast.

October 13-16          Anaheim, CA              Div I, Div II, Cadet

November 10-13       Kansas City, MO          Junior, Cadet, Y-14

December 6-11         Portland, OR              Div I, Div II, Vet, Vet Age

January 5-8             Virginia Beach, VA       Div I, Junior, Sr. Team

February 16-19        Memphis, TN              JOs – Junior, Cadet, Junior Team

March 9-12             Baltimore, MD             Div III, Y-14, Y-12, Y-10, Y-14 Team

April 20-23              Richmond, VA            Div I, Div I Team, Vet, Vet Age, Div II

June 28-July 7        St. Louis, MO              Summer Nationals and NAC

If you are interested in anything, let me know.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for June 11

CFFA update for June 11
I will be sending out a second note to everyone about next season’s NAC, so you can skip that one if you are not interested.  Plus I will be sending out notes to the Camp Lejeune people, camp attendees, and possible NCFL fencers.
We are looking at redoing the floor this summer.  To have it ready for camps we will probably use the week of July 4th.  Volunteers who want to paint or help with lacquering once painted are welcome.  We may try to do about 1/2 at a time so we can keep fencing.  Hopefully we will not have a cloudburst before the lacquer and paint are set this time.
June 13 will start a 6:30 pm Tuesday/Thursday practice for those who
are too young to want to be practicing against adults.  I’ll try to hold
it as more of a team type practice so people know how that works.  Cost
is $5 per child per practice or $25 per month for unlimited attendance
per child.  There will be a Saturday practice at 10 am for those wanting that last minute practice before Sunday’s Powerade events.

Powerade State Games are June 17-18 this year in the Winston Salem
area.  Men’s, Women’s, and Y-12 events in all weapons.  Registration is over and there is no on-site
registration this year, so that is important.  Also, since askfred is
not official, events are usually a little bigger than what is listed on
askfred.  Anyone who is not on askfred, but is entered please let me
know.  Right now I only have two fencers in the earliest event on Saturday. 
That is a bit hard for me to get to after the Friday night Camp Lejeune
practice, so I will go up Sunday.

our Saturday practice on June 24th, the Salle New Bern people are
planning to come down.  It would be nice if we had a crowd for them to
fence.  Some of them have also been coming down on Thursdays, so there are plenty of people to fence that night (primarily epeeists.)

closer to the camps, so please let me know if you are coming (if you
haven’t already).  It helps me to plan for numbers and also to tailor
the camp to the level of those who will be attending.  Additionally I am getting ready to order camp T-shirts, so sizes would be helpful.  Dates are:

Beginning Camp   July 17-21
Advanced foil      July 24-28
Advanced Epee   July 31 – August 4
Advanced Sabre  August 7-11

for the camps are $195, plus the $10 non-competitive USA Fencing
membership.  The fencing year ends on July 31, so you will need to renew
if your camp meets any days in August.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for June 4

CFFA update for June 4
We finished our youth fencing season yesterday.  Nicole Milewski won the foil and epee and the sword for season long performance for the girls.  Jaden Scott pushed her very hard in coming in second in the foil, and Nyc Baynes did the same in the epee.  Don Evans finished 3rd in foil, which gave him enough points to win the boy’s sword.  He also collected another sword for being voted as showing the best sportsmanship by the other fencers over the course of the season.  Ethan Rogers of Salle Mae took the other third in the foil event.  9 and under foil winners were Joseph Evans: gold; Lou Lightner: silver; and Claire Babineau: bronze.  A large shout out to Zemi Lawrence who assisted with refereeing and running the event.  Looking to next year, it will be really interesting as there is not a big favorite in either the boys or girls division.  Thanks to all the parents and others who helped this year.
June 5th starts the next evening beginner class and it will run on Monday and Wednesday.  This week also Tuesday Thursday adult practice, Friday practice at Camp Lejeune, and there will be Saturday practice at 10 am.

10-11 is Mid-South’s last youth/U-19/U sabre event for the year.  See
askfred for details.  The U-19 sabre looks decent and the adult U open
needs a body to give an E.

Tuesday, June 13 will start a 6:30 pm Tuesday/Thursday practice for those who are too young to want to be practicing against adults.  I’ll try to hold it as more of a team type practice so people know how that works.  Cost is $5 per child per practice or $25 per month for unlimited attendance per child.

Powerade State Games are June 17-18 this year in the Winston Salem
area.  Men’s, Women’s, and Y-12 events in all weapons. 
The fees are $20 higher at this point, but you can still get in at  The last day to register is June 9th.  Askfred is not the official site, so entering there
does not actually get you into the event.  There is no on-site
registration this year, so that is important.  Also, since askfred is
not official, events are usually a little bigger than what is listed on
askfred.  Anyone who is not on askfred, but is entered please let me know.  Right now I only have fencers in the earliest event on Saturday.  That is a bit hard for me to get to after the Friday night Camp Lejeune practice, so I may just go out Sunday.

For our Saturday practice on June 24th, the Salle New Bern people are planning to come down.  It would be nice if we had a crowd for them to fence.

Getting closer to the camps, so please let me know if you are coming (if you haven’t already).  It helps me to plan for numbers and also to tailor the camp to the level of those who will be attending.  Dates are:

Beginning Camp   July 17-21
Advanced foil      July 24-28
Advanced Epee   July 31 – August 4
Advanced Sabre  August 7-11

Cost for the camps are $195, plus the $10 non-competitive USA Fencing membership.  The fencing year ends on July 31, so you will need to renew if your camp meets any days in August.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for May 28

CFFA update for May 28
We had an excellent tournament yesterday.  60 competitors in 3 weapons with 11 rank changes. And we got out at a decent time.  The foil started off with Patrick Lausi (Edge of America Fencing) winning over Oliver Galbraith (CFFA).  Luke Reuwer  (Columbia Fencers Club) earned a 3rd and a D17 as Stephen Pashby (Mid-South Fencers) took the other third.  CFFA’s Will Golder updated his E to a 17.  The 36 person A2 epee had Alec Ajnsztan (Unattached officially, but actually with Duke) earning his A by defeating Josh Harvey (CFFA)  Josh updated his B for the effort.  Ian Dube (Edge of America Fencing) earned his B17 with his 3rd place finish and Stephen Kmiec (ECU) grabbed the other 3rd.  Alex Hoelscher (CFFA) picked up a D17.  Alex then won the sabre to reearn his E in that weapon.  Erik Graf (CFFA) was 2nd, with Patrick Lausi and Josh White of Salle New Bern garnering the 3rds.  Huge thanks to referees Bobby Gibbs, Donny Zelinski, Stephen Pashby, and Brendan McConville.  Thanks to Kathy Walters and Herman Smith for armoring and Zemi Lawrence for observing and running everything.  Thanks to all of you who helped with setting everything up and putting things back after the event.  This is the kind of event that eevry one we hold could be if our people just show up and outsiders know it will be good fencing and a well run day.
Monday the 29th is Memorial Day, so no
afterschool practice.  On the 31st and June 1st we will have  a year end celebration
(plus fencing) for homeschool and afterschool.  You are welcome to bring something, but it isn’t a

The rest of this week should be regular practice, including Friday night at Camp Lejeune.

Herman would like to put in an order by the end of the week, so get your desires to him or me.

3 will be the last 12 and under youth event of the season.  Foil at 10
am, sabre at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  Swords will be given out at
the end of the event or when someone reaches an insurmountable point
lead.  Hopefully the youth event can be equivalent to the adult event we just had.  Volunteer foil referees are greatly appreciated.

the adults, Matt Cox is doing a referee clinic in Richmond on the 3rd. 
Attached to that is a Sunday event where the fencers will fence for
free in an attempt to pump up the numbers and ranks so that the referees
being observed can get ratings.  The foil is a top heavy B1,
the sabre is a strong E1, and the epee has 4 fencers.  See askfred for
details on both.

June 5th starts the next evening beginner class and it will run on Monday and Wednesday.

10-11 is Mid-South’s last youth/U-19/U sabre event for the year.  See
askfred for details.  The U-19 sabre looks decent and the adult U open
needs bodies.

Powerade State Games are June 17-18 this year in the Winston Salem
area.  Men’s, Women’s, and Y-12 events in all weapons. 
The fees are a little higher at this point, but you can still get in at  Askfred is not the official site, so entering there
does not actually get you into the event.  There is no on-site
registration this year, so that is important.  Also, since askfred is
not official, events are usually a little bigger than what is listed on

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

WECT piece

WECT piece
Link to the story.
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

WECT story

WECT story
Thanks to everyone who came in last night.  The story is supposed to appear on WECT’s 4 pm news on Friday, I don’t know the exact time.  It will be on their website afterwards.  I will get everyone the link when I know.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon


Just a reminder that WECT will be in tonight to do a story on the club.  I don’t know exactly what time, but did tell them practice starts at 7:45 pm.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for May 21

CFFA update for May 21
Ashlea Kosikowski of WECT will be in Tuesday night to do a piece on the club.  Would be nice to have a good turn out and most of you need to practice for the Stab-a-thon anyway.  I told WECT practice starts at 7:45, but I don’t know when she will actually make it in.

Afterschool and homeschool are in their final two weeks of the season.  For Wednesday and Thursday this week we will do something different, but I think you will enjoy it.  Monday the 29th is Memorial Day, so no practice.  On the 31st and June 1st we will have  a year end celebration (plus fencing).  You are welcome to bring something, but it isn’t a requirement.

The rest of this week should be regular practice, including Friday night at Camp Lejeune.
The Stab-a-thon will be held on Saturday, May 27.  The epee is up to 30 people and will almost certainly go higher.   Foil is up to 11 and it would be nice to get those last 4 entrants so we can give away rankings higher than an E.  Sabre now has 8 people with 3 Es.  One more E and 6 other people and we can give away a D to the winner.  get signed up on askfred.

3 will be the last 12 and under youth event of the season.  Foil at 10
am, sabre at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  Swords will be given out at
the end of the event or when someone reaches an insurmountable point

the adults, Matt Cox is doing a referee clinic in Richmond on the 3rd. 
Attached to that is a Sunday event where the fencers will fence for
free in an attempt to pump up the numbers and ranks so that the referees
being observed can get ratings.  The foil looks to crank up to a B1, the sabre is a strong E1, and the epee has 1 A and 1 U.  See askfred for details on both.

June 10-11 is Mid-South’s last youth/U-19/U sabre event for the year.  See askfred for details.  The U-19 sabre looks decent and the adult U open needs bodies.

Powerade State Games are June 17-18 this year in the Winston Salem
area.  Men’s, Women’s, and Y-12 events in all weapons. 
The fees are a little higher at this point, but you can still get in at  Askfred is not the official site, so entering there
does not actually get you into the event.  There is no on-site
registration this year, so that is important.  Also, since askfred is
not official, events are usually a little bigger than what is listed on

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Saturday morning practice

Saturday morning practice
Just a reminder that we will have a Saturday morning practice at 10 am this Saturday.  It will last until you all decide to go home.

Saturday morning practices will become the norm for much of the summer once we get past the Stab-a-thon and the last youth event.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon