are looking at redoing the floor this summer. To have it ready for
camps we will probably use the week of July 4th. Volunteers who want to
paint or help with lacquering once painted are welcome. We may try to
do about 1/2 at a time so we can keep fencing. Hopefully we will not
have a cloudburst before the lacquer and paint are set this time.
our Saturday practice on June 24th, the Salle New Bern people are
planning to come down. It would be nice if we had a crowd for them to
fence. Some of them have also been coming down on Thursdays, so there
are plenty of people to fence that night (primarily epeeists.)
closer to the camps, so please let me know if you are coming (if you
haven’t already). It helps me to plan for numbers and also to tailor
the camp to the level of those who will be attending. Additionally I am
getting ready to order camp T-shirts, so sizes would be helpful.
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon