CFFA update for October 28

CFFA update for October 28
We had a number of people go up to the Peak event at Apex yesterday.  In men’s foil Brendan McConville and Oliver Galbraith competed.  Both went 3-3 in their pools in an A2 event.  Brendan won his first DE and then lost a close one to Tom Bryan, finishing 11th.  Oliver won his first DE and then lost his second, finishing 9th.  They both stayed for the epee and were joined by Eoin O’Brien and Kent Walston.  Brendan was 2-4 in the pool in the midst of his back seizing up and pulled out prior to the DE, finishing 17th is what could have been an A event, but ended up as B.  Eoin had a solid first round going 3-2 in the pool, but drew one of his pool opponents who learned from the match in his first DE.  He finished 11th.  Kent Walston did a bit better going 4-2 in his pool, but also lost his first DE and finished 10th.  Oliver had the best performance, going 5-1, won his first DE, but then lost to the eventual winner, Lars Hansen, and finished 5th.  On the women’s side, in foil, Amelia Alexander and Eilis O’Brien both competed.  Eilis went 2-3 and lost her first DE finishing 11th in what was a D event.  Amelia (already tired from epee – but more on that later) was 2-2 in her pool.  In her first DE, she got down by 5 points and then pulled an epic comeback to win 15-14.  Her second DE was against a B rated fencer.  She fell behind in the first period, held the B even in the second and finally lost in the third, after putting up a good fight.  She finished 8th.  Saving the best for last (not actually how it happened chronologically),  we had five competitors in the women’s epee:  Alice Bromberg, Erica Julien, Erin and Amelia Alexander, and Nicole Milewski.  Alice had a bunch of teammates in her pool, never a good thing; and the lost her first DE to Erin, finishing 12th.  Erica Julien was 1-4 in her pool and then pulled an upset in her first DE, before losing in the second, finishing 8th.  Erin  had a very good first round, going 3-2, beat Alice in her first DE, but then got Amelia in her next DE.  I believe Amelia has been grounded for beating her mom, who finished 5th.  Amelia, who was 4-1 in her pool, after beating her mom, lost her next next DE and received a bronze medal.  Nicole was 5-0 in her pool, easily won her first DE, then solidly defeated a person who had given her trouble in her pool, and finally got over the major hurdle of Lauren Dunseath to win the event.  Good fencing by everyone and report cards will be forthcoming.

will need to put the overheads back up before practice on October
29th.  The next set of afterschool classes will start this week.  The
next set of homeschool classes will start on this Wednesday.  Just FYI, I
expect a light turnout from our younger fencers on Thursday
(Halloween.)  That may also mean very few adult fencers, but I will hang out at least until I see if anyone shows up.

The Charlotte NAC (January 3-6) is open for registration until November 20th.  It has Div I, Junior, and senior team events.  For those of you wanting to see what the highest level of competition in the US feels like, this is as close as this kind of event will ever get.  Additionally, for those of you who qualify for the JOs, this junior is open, and will give you an idea of what the JOs will be like.  Div I means you must have a C to enter.  Junior is for those born in the years 2000-2006.  The senior team means you need 3, maybe 4 with an alternate. people.  Everyone has to be old enough to fence in Senior (adult) tournaments.  The team event is a DE from the get go, so you may not want to enter unless unless you are going for something else as well.  Here are the dates, but times have not yet been posted, for the events in which I believe some of our fencers may be interested.  Friday 1/3  Div I Men’s epee; Saturday 1/4  Div I Men’s foil, Div I Women’s epee;  Sunday 1/5 Men’s epee team, Junior men’s foil, Junior Women’s epee,;  Monday 1/6  Junior Men’s epee, Junior Women’s foil, Women’s epee team.

first event for the NCFL
for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated. 
High school foilists should start getting ready NOW.  I will be
contacting you to start confirming who will be fencing.  For this you
need a complete uniform, so if you don’t have knickers or a plastron
talk to me.  The B division can consist of anyone who is 6th grade and
up.  We can probably pull together a couple of actual teams from St.
Mary and Surf City.  We will put together composite teams for other
interested fencers.  I need to know who is fencing ASAP.

For the older people who might not be assisting with NCFL, there is a Vet event in Richmond.  Epee needs one person for a B event, an A would make it an A.  Foil needs bodies for a B event.

The next Monday/Wednesday classes will begin on November 4th at 6:30 pm.

The next Jacksonville classes will start on Friday evening, November 8th.

next USA Fencing event is Saturday, November 9th.  Mixed foil, mixed
epee, and Vet epee.  Not a lot of people signed up yet.  Epee finally has the bodies, but needs A s and Bs to be a higher rated event.  Foil and
vet epee are lagging way behind.  Foil needs bodies and Es to be a D event.  Vet epee needs bodies to be a C event.  Get signed up now so we can attract
more people and have a
larger event like the first one.  Remember you must be signed up before midnight on Saturday, November 2nd, or the fees increase.

On the 16th Mid-South has a series of Vet events in all weapons and Apex has another of their unsanctioned youth and adult events.

JO qualifiers are going to be November 17th at Apex.  This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.  It is a one day
event, so timing will be tight and I imagine that if you attempt to
qualify in multiple weapons you will be running back and forth from one
to the other.  We can probably have a Saturday practice if there is
interest.  You need to be signed up by 11/14.  If you fence a Junior event and qualify for the junior, you are automatically qualified for the cadet if you are the correct age.  You would not then have to fence the cadet later in the day.  For that reason, all of the junior events happen first and the cadet events later.

The 23rd is the second NCFL meet, this time at Chapel Hill HS.

on that date for non-NCFL fencers, The Harry Rulnick open is being held
in Fayetteville.  It has open adult foil split between men and women
and is a sanctioned event.

On Sunday, Mid-South is holding the next in the program of youth sabre events.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

KC update for CFFA

KC update for CFFA
Today in the Division II Women’s epee Nicole Milewski went 5-1 in her pool, her loss being 4-5.  She won the pool and ended up seeded 5th out of the 91 fencers.  She won her first DE 15-13, the second 15-8, and the 3rd 15-14.  She lost 14-15 to high ranked Canadian fencer.  She finished 6th with her only two losses being by one point to the fencers who finished 3rd and 7th.
Sister Samantha, after a two and a half year lay off from National competition, went 2-4 in her pool.  She lost her first bout and ended up 74th.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for October 21

CFFA update for October 21
We held our first event for the youth yesterday.  Some good fencing, some things to work on.
12 and under foil
1st      Keely Carter    Saint Raphael
2nd     Matthew Higgin   Apex Fencing Academy
3rd (tie)  Jackson Jones   Surf City
        Jonathan Jarrett  St. Mary
9 and under
Gold  Aubree Cooper  St. Mary
Silver  John Alexander  Surf City
Bronze  Ellery O’Brien   CFFA
12 and under epee
1st  Matthew Higgin  Apex Fencing Academy
2nd  John Alexander   Surf City
3rd (tie)  Linus Huggins   CFFA
        Ellery O’Brien   CFFA
9 and under
Gold  Emers O’Brien  CFFA
12 and under sabre
1st  Matthew Higgin  Apex Fencing Academy
2nd  John Alexander  Surf City
3rd  Ellery O’Brien     CFFA
Top 5 in sword points
Boys                                                      Girls
Higgin        21                                         Carter             14
Alexander   14                                         Cooper, A.       10
Jones        12                                        O’Brien, Ellery      8
Jarrett       12                                        Ferrel, G.           4
Williams       9                                        O’Brien, Emers     4
Thanks to the Ferrells and O’Briens for the set up help.  Thanks to the O’Briens for reffing and coaching help.  Thanks to Herman Smith, Mike Kinney, and Kenyatta Sanford for armoring help.
Just a note to everyone.  Our youth events are not open events.  That is why I do not put them on askfred.  There is a clause in our insurance from USA Fencing that says that unsanctioned events must have no more than three clubs represented or our insurance doesn’t hold.  There are standing invitations to all of the various groups under our umbrella, the Wilmington fencing Club, and Salle New Bern.  Additionally, I try to run these events at a break even level.  The entry fees usually cover medals, trophies, and swords.  Thus I can keep the entry fees low.  That is dependent on all the help I have always received from volunteers for the reffing, etc.  If the events get significantly bigger, I would probably have to start hiring additional referees and the cost would go up.  I prefer to keep things smaller and more accessible to everyone.
In Kansas City, Nicole Milewski is fencing in the October NAC.  In the Cadet epee Saturday, she beat a B, C, nad D in her pool.  She beat another B in her first DE and then lost to an A in the next round.  She finished 46th of 135, a 20 place improvement on her original seeding.  Today, a bit of a different story.  It was the Division I and in an Olympic year everyone is out for blood.  Nicole didn’t win any in her pool.  However, to give you an idea of how intense it is, half of the current US National team did not make the top 8.  All of them lost at least one bout in the pools.

next week is a short week.  No afterschool Monday because I am in KC to help Nicole and her sister, Samantha, in their event.  St. Mary’s Fall Festival is Friday and the
fencing space gets used for the Haunted House.  Therefore, we will take
down the overheads on Tuesday night.  On Wednesday, homeschool will
meet, but after that the rest of the week is cancelled.  NO Wednesday
afterschool or evening fencing and no fencing on Thursday. 

October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by
gender.  Currently, the women’s epee and the women’s foil are both D1s.  If all of our epee women show up, it would probably raise to being
a C event.  A couple of you will be there anyway with your children who
are fencing.  The men’s epee is a B1 and only needs an A or B to become a A1. 
However, the men’s
foil is a nasty A2.  We have a number of
fencers there at the moment, so no Saturday practice.

will need to put the overheads back up before practice on October
29th.  The next set of afterschool classes will start that week.  The
next set of homeschool classes will start on that Wednesday.  Just FYI, I expect a light turnout from our younger fencers on Thursday (Halloween.)

first event for the NCFL
for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated. 
High school foilists should start getting ready NOW.  I will be
contacting you to start confirming who will be fencing.  For this you
need a complete uniform, so if you don’t have knickers or a plastron
talk to me.  The B division can consist of anyone who is 6th grade and up.  We can probably pull together a couple of actual teams from St. Mary and Surf City.  We will put together composite teams for other interested fencers.

The next Monday/Wednesday classes will begin on November 4th at 6:30 pm.

next USA Fencing event is Saturday, November 9th.  Mixed foil, mixed
epee, and Vet epee.  Not a lot of people signed up yet.  Entries have
been stagnant, but bwe are finally a B away from a B event.  Foil and vet epee are lagging way behind.  Get signed up now so we can attract more people and have a
larger event like the first one.

On the 16th Mid-South has a series of Vet events in all weapons and Apex has another of their youth events.

The JO qualifiers are going to be November 17th at Apex.  This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.  It is a one day event, so timing will be tight and I imagine that if you attempt to qualify in multiple weapons you will be running back and forth from one to the other.  We can probably have a Saturday practice if there is interest.

The 23rd is the second NCFL meet, this time at Chapel Hill HS.

on that date for non-NCFL fencers, The Harry Rulnick open is being held
in Fayetteville.  It has open adult foil split between men and women
and is a sanctioned event.

On Sunday, Mid-South is holding the next in the program of youth sabre events.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Junior Olympic Qualifiers

Junior Olympic Qualifiers
The information on the JO qualifiers is up on  It will be a one day event on November 17th, at the Apex Fencing Academy in Apex.  The actual JOs are in Columbus, Ohio, on President’s Day Weekend in February, so they are with a one drive as far as travel.
If you want to go you need to be preregistered by Thursday night, November 14th.
If you qualify in a Junior event and you are eligible to fence cadet, you are automatically qualified to fence the cadet at JOs.  You would be allowed to fence the qualifier for free, but if you take what would be a qualification spot, you keep someone else from qualifying.  All of the junior events are fenced before the cadet events, so you may know if you have qualified before the cadet starts.
They are running a very tight schedule, so if you fence more than one weapon, be prepared to possible be switching back and forth between the DE of one and the pool of the other, or the DEs of both.  This will be even more complicated for those of you planning to try to qualify in two weapons for junior and cadet.
Let me know if you have any questions.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Youth event tomorrow

Youth event tomorrow
Just FYI there is a triathlon in Wilmington tomorrow.  It doesn’t look like it affects Market street or the gym area, but does have an impact more downtown and over the bridges.  It starts early in the morning, but may have an impact for the foil event particularly.  (10 am).  Please plan accordingly.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

NCFL updates, rosters

NCFL updates, rosters

No need to read farther if you are not participating in the NCFL.  The first meet is at our place on Saturday, November 2nd.
The NCFL wants a roster from each school.  I believe their software will be able to sort it out if you all submit your own information.  It is about 2 minutes worth of work.                Here is the link:  NCFL Roster Update
Here is the image release form:  NCFL – ImageRelease
Please fill out both prior to the first meet.  The sooner the better.
Here is what I am expecting as far as teams:
A Division – Hoggard   Wiil, Andrew, your third male    Any women?
                Ashley      Emma, Emme, Kately, Claire     Any men?
                New Hanover     Elina, Chloe, Emma +?              Nathan, +?
                Coastal Christion    ?
B Division    (Can be Coed)  Must be at least 6th grade
                St. Mary     Megan, Nathan, Owen, Locke
                Surf City     Amelia, Jackson, James
                CFFA  (anyone going to public school 6-12th grade who doesn’t belong to a different team.)              Will, +?
                Epee        Nicole, Joey, Miller
If I have missed you and you are interested contact me so we know where you should be placed.  Any other questions, feel free to ask.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for October 14

CFFA update for October 14
The Alexander family pulled triple sixes at the Magic City RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Birmingham, Alabama, over the weekend.  On Saturday, Amelia fenced well in the Y14 foil, going 3-1 in her pool, then winning her first DE before dropping the second to the eventual second place finisher.  She finished sixth, the highest of any North Carolina fencer.  On Sunday, in a harder Cadet foil event, she was 4-2 in her pool, and again won her first DE before dropping the second.  She was again 6th, in an event that just needed one more D to be a C1 and give ratings.  Not to be outdone, brother John went 2-3 in the Y-10 epee before losing a close DE bout.  He also finished 6th.  Congratulations to both.

For a blast from the past, Samantha Milewski won the Division II ROC in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday.

The homeschool meeting was yesterday and I will get information out to people.

This should actually be a complete week of practice.

Regular registration for the December NAC ends on October 16th.  After that you start hitting the double and triple fees.

Our first under 12 event will be on the 19th.  Therefore, Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, Sabre
at 3:30 pm.  For those who have not yet participated in one of these, we
give trophies for each weapon to the top 3
(and ties) finishers, medals to the top 3 nine and under finishers,
unless they win a trophy.  We keep a year long accumulated points
standing which counts all three weapons and at the end of the season,
the top ranked boy and girl will each win a sword.  We also have the
fencers vote at each event for the person who shows the best
sportsmanship and the fencer who wins that gets a sword.  Cost per event
is $5.  Volunteer refereeing help is greatly appreciated.

Also on that date All-American is having Y10, Y12 foil, and adult foil and epee.  All are unsanctioned.

The next week is a short week.  St. Mary’s Fall Festival is Friday and the fencing space gets used for the Haunted House.  Therefore, we will take down the overheads on Tuesday night.  On Wednesday, homeschool will meet, but after that the rest of the week is cancelled.  NO Wednesday afterschool or evening fencing and no fencing on Thursday. 

October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by
gender.  Currently, the women’s epee and the women’s foil are both
E1s.  If all of our epee women show up, it would probably raise to being
a C event.  A couple of you will be there anyway with your children who
are fencing.  Foil might get to a D1.  The men’s epee is a C1 and only needs an A or B to be come a B1. 
However, the men’s
foil is a nasty A2.  We have a number of
fencers there at the moment, so no Saturday practice.

We will need to put the overheads back up before practice on October 29th.  The next set of afterschool classes will start that week.  The next set of homeschool classes will start on that Wednesday.

The first event for the NCFL
for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated.  High school foilists should start getting ready NOW.  I will be contacting you to start confirming who will be fencing.  For this you need a complete uniform, so if you don’t have knickers or a plastron talk to me.

The next Monday/Wednesday classes will begin on November 4th at 6:30 pm.

next USA Fencing event is Saturday, November 9th.  Mixed foil, mixed
epee, and Vet epee.  Not a lot of people signed up yet.  Entries have been stagnant around 11 for the open epee, 5 for the foil, and 6 for the Vet epee.  Get signed up now so we can attract more people and have a larger event like the first one.

believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th.  This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.

Also on that date Mid-South has a series of Vet events in all weapons and Apex has another of their youth events.

The 23rd is the second NCFL meet, this time at Chapel Hill HS.

Also on that date for non-NCFL fencers, The Harry Rulnick open is being held in Fayetteville.  It has open adult foil split between men and women and is a sanctioned event.

On Sunday, Mid-South is holding the next in the program of youth sabre events.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for October 6

CFFA update for October 6
John Alexander competed at the Apex Novice Cup in Apex yesterday.  He went undefeated in the Y10 foil winning the gold medal.  In the Y12/Y14 epee he was the youngest competitor by about two years and had the opposite result.

This week will be a mostly regular week.  The new beginner class starts for Tu/Th on the 8th.  UNCW is leaving for fall break and will not be in Wednesday.  I will keep our fencers informed if it sounds like a number of people will be coming in.  I have Wednesday night class and will be there until at least 7:30 pm.  Fencing at both Surf City and Camp Lejeune Friday.  I will be out of town Saturday, but will let you know if it sounds like there will be Saturday morning practice.

The On Point fencing club, just across the border from Charlotte in NC is having their first event on Saturday the 12th.  It is Y12 and & adult unsanctioned foil.  Check askfred for more details.  They will be in the western conference of the NCFL, so you may run into some of their fencers later this year.

The homeschool league will be meeting on October 13, so I will let people know what is up after that.

Regular registration for the December NAC ends on October 16th.  After that you start hitting the double and triple fees.

Our first under 12 event will be on the 19th.  Therefore, Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, Sabre
at 3:30 pm.  For those who have not yet participated in one of these, we
give trophies for each weapon to the top 3
(and ties) finishers, medals to the top 3 nine and under finishers,
unless they win a trophy.  We keep a year long accumulated points
standing which counts all three weapons and at the end of the season,
the top ranked boy and girl will each win a sword.  We also have the
fencers vote at each event for the person who shows the best
sportsmanship and the fencer who wins that gets a sword.  Cost per event
is $5.  Volunteer refereeing help is appreciated.

Also on that date All-American is having Y10, Y12 foil, and adult foil and epee.  All are unsanctioned.

October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by
gender.  Currently, the women’s epee and the women’s foil are both
E1s.  If all of our epee women show up, it would probably raise to being a C event.  A couple of you will be there anyway with your children who are fencing.  Foil might get to a D1.  The men’s epee will probably become a at least a C1 and only needs an A or B to be come a B1.  However, the men’s
foil is a strong A1 event and may become an A2.  We have a number of fencers there at the moment, so no Saturday practice.

The first event for the NCFL
for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated.  High school foilists should start getting ready NOW.

next USA Fencing event is Saturday, November 9th.  Mixed foil, mixed
epee, and Vet epee.  Not a lot of people signed up yet.  Start getting
signed up now.  I would like to think that open epee can be at least a
B, maybe an A; the open foil should be another C, and the Vet epee
should be at least a C event.

believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th.  This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.

Also on that date Mid-South has a series of Vet events in all weapons and Apex has another of their youth events.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

Saturday practice and WHQR

Saturday practice and WHQR
I didn’t realize until after I sent my Sunday note that this weekend is Riverfest in Wilmington.  That means it would be very difficult to park anywhere near the club Saturday morning, so no practice.
WHQR is asking for “teams” of people to come in and help staff their pledge drive.  (October 10-16) Groups get mentioned on the air for participating, so it is a low level way to remind people we are out there.  You work for about 3 hours, answering phones and taking pledges.  Their system is computer driven and user friendly so it isn’t hard.  If anyone is interested, let me know ASAP, and let me know what times you might be available.  More info is available at
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

CFFA update for September 29th

CFFA update for September 29th
Yesterday, Amelia Alexander went up to the foil event at Mid-South.  She was 1-4 in her pool, but was in almost all of her bouts.  She lost her first DE and finished 14th in a D1 event.

Also yesterday, I spent a fun (if hot and buggy) day with Kenyatta Sanford at the Feast of the Pirates in Leland.  Had a current fencer there and a few people who used to fence came up to say hi.  We were promoting our next beginner class, so we will see how well we did when it starts.  Huge props to Kenyatta for setting this up.

This week the practice will be regular at the club in Wilmington.  The UNCW fencers have started coming down on Wednesday and it looks like this year they will primarily be foilists. 

On Friday, October 4th, no fencing at Surf City as there is no school.  There will be fencing at Camp Lejeune.

5th has Apex starting their series of unsanctioned youth foil, gender
based adult foil, and mixed epee events. 

Mid-South has sanctioned adult
epee events split by gender on that day.  No women yet.  A small but strong men’s field.

Right now the club has one fencer at each of those events.  If that doesn’t change, I will have Saturday (October 5th) practice here.  I will keep you informed.

Our next beginner class starts Tuesday night October 8th.

Nothing nearby for the weekend of the 12th.  I am planning on being out of town Saturday, so if anyone wants to open up for Saturday practice I will let you know.  The homeschool league will be meeting on October 13, so I will let people know what is up after that.

responses I received for our first under 12 event were unanimously for
it being on the 19th.  Therefore, Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, Sabre
at 3:30 pm.  For those who have not yet participated in one of these, We
give trophies for each weapon to the top 3
(and ties) finishers, medals to the top 3 nine and under finishers,
unless they win a trophy.  We keep a year long accumulated points
standing which counts all three weapons and at the end of the season,
the top ranked boy and girl will each win a sword.  We also have the
fencers vote at each event for the person who shows the best
sportsmanship and the fencer who wins that gets a sword.  Cost per event
is $5.

Also on that date All-American is having Y10, Y12 foil and adult foil and epee.  All are unsanctioned.

October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by
gender.  Currently, the women’s epee and the women’s foil are both
E1s.  The men’s epee will probably become a at least a C1.  However, the men’s
foil is an A1 event.  We have a number of fencers there at the moment, so no Saturday practice.

NCHSFL debated splitting, but decided not to.  The first event for them
for the year will be here on November 2nd.  Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing.  As always, help refereeing will be appreciated.  High school foilists should start getting ready NOW.

Our next USA Fencing event is Saturday, November 9th.  Mixed foil, mixed epee, and Vet epee.  Not a lot of people signed up yet.  Start getting signed up now.  I would like to think that open epee can be at least a B, maybe an A; the open foil should be another C, and the Vet epee should be at least a C event.

believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th.  This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio.  The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad.  Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.

Also on that date Mid-South has a series of Vet events in all weapons and Apex has another of their youth events.

In the News of the Weird section, USA Fencing has decided that in order to coach at a NAC you must be have either a Coach membership, a + Check Ed membership, or be a competitor at the event. People in the first two categories must pick up a credential at a NAC.  It looks like they will only be issuing one credential per season because there is a replacement cost ($25) if it is lost.  To have either of those two memberships you must pass a background check and Safesport training.  If you are a competitor, you may coach teammates, but must be wearing your wristband.  Looks like it leaves parents on the outside, so we will see what the response is.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon