Midweek update

Midweek update
1.  Polling the younger ones, plus knowing that New Bern is sending some fencers down, I feel pretty certain that we will have at least 10-12, and maybe as high as 20 kids fencing in the foil at 10 am Saturday.  For many, this will be their first tournament and I would like to make it as pleasant and fun as possible.  If anyone can donate a couple of hours Saturday morning to referee, it is appreciated.  Don’t worry about your skill level, there will be a lot of totally obvious calls followed by some that no one could be certain about.  LOL  The epee and sabre will be much smaller and I can handle them.
2.  Two deadlines are creeping up faster than I was expecting.  The deadline for entering the ROC in Baltimore, before the fees triple, is Saturday (10/24).  All the events are 1-A, just like Fredericksburg.  Looking at askfred, the men’s events are fairly strong.  Right now, the women’s events are all just barely making the numbers for higher rated events, so someone having a good day could sneak in and scarf up a high rating.
The deadline for the Baltimore NAC, again before the fees triple, is Monday, October 26.  At this point you will need to enter on-line, as I doubt a paper entry would get there ( and costs $15 more anyway.)  This one has the Vet events you all said you were going to enter.
3.  If you didn’t see The Big Bang Theory Monday, they had the guys try fencing.  It was actually one of the better representations of fencing ever done by a TV show.  Pull it up and watch it if you get time.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon