CFFA update for October 26th

CFFA update for October 26th
Harry Shaheen and I went up to the Joseph Cadole Memorial tournament in New Bern yesterday.  Of course, the only two CFFA fencers end up against each other in the first round of DEs.  I was able to slip by Harry and ended up winning the event.  Unfortunately, only 9 fencers so I re-earned my E.  Josh White of Salle New Bern was 2nd (he is getting into a habit of that), Dustin Burnett of ECU and Brett Silverman of Wilmington Fencing Club took the thirds.  Brett had a very nice victory over the number one seed in the DE where he came back from 5 points down to pull it out.

A lot of things going on this week.  First we need to put the overheads back up Tuesday night, so hopefully a few of you with knowledge of such things can come in a little early.  The next Homeschool beginner class starts on Wednesday, the 29th.  Also on Wednesday, there won’t be evening practice this week.  No one has showed up the last two weeks, so I will be going out to UNCW to help with their club.  There will be Wednesday practice next week as the November beginner classes will be starting. 

I will send a note out a little later in the week regarding Friday practice at Camp Lejeune.  If there are at least 3 people who want to fence I will head up, but probably wouldn’t come for just one or two.

No Saturday morning tournaments in the area so I will be in for a Saturday practice on November 1st at about 10 am.  This will let a number of you work off some of the Halloween candy you ate.

1st is a tournament at Raleigh.  It is being held in conjunction with a
clinic being dome by Michael Marx.  The clinic lasts all weekend with
the tournament late Saturday afternoon.  Therefore there is no reason for you epeeists to complain about having to get up early.  Foil and epee, both could be B events with one high rated fencer and a few more bodies.

next set of evening classes will start on Monday, November 3rd.  I am
also planning to start our next set of afterschool beginner classes that first
week of November.

November 7th will start the next set of classes at Camp Lejeune.

The next youth event will be held on November 8th.  Foil at 10 am, sabre at 1:30 pm, epee at 3:30 pm.  Hopefully we will have a bunch of the fencers who just finished beginner classes showing up, so the events, particularly the foil, should be larger.

For adults, ECU is hosting their Jack Rackham event that Saturday.  Foil and epee, it is on askfred.

first homeschool league event of the year will be held on Sunday,
November 9th at Mustang Fitness in Greensboro.  At the moment we only
have 5 people who have said they want to be a part of a team.  We have
to have a roster by November 1st, so we need to get anyone interested
signed up ASAP.  My guess is our team would be a B team as it doesn’t
look like we have enough for people over 13 for an A team.

Sign ups for JO qualifiers are now on
The qualifying events are on Saturday and Sunday, November 15th and
16th.  All the Junior events (ages 13-19) are on Saturday and the Cadet
(ages 13-16) qualifiers are on Sunday.  The JOs are always held over
the President’s Day weekend in February.  The events are in Richmond,
VA, this year.  It probably will not be much closer for a long time. 
That means A) it is easy to get to, and B) the qualifiers will probably
be large events that might be highly rated.  I believe the last day to sign up before the fees increase is November 9th.  Right now it looks like most of our women are in, but very few of our guys.

That weekend, Fredericksburg has large Vet events on Saturday and Richmond has women only events on Sunday.

North Carolina Fencing League’s first event is
November 22nd and we will be hosting it.  It is a foil team event and
takes teams of three fencers and they can have a sub.  It doesn’t cost
anything, but it is appreciated if we have volunteer referees.  Fencers
do need a full outfit including knickers and underarm protector.  Let us
know if you might be interested in fencing and don’t have such things
yet so we can see if the club has your size or can borrow from someone. 
Our teams fence in the B Division since we don’t represent a school. 
In that division fencers can be any age so we will put together as many
teams as we can.  Of course, you will possibly be fencing people all the
way up to high school age, but we can try to split some of it out by

Our next home adult event is December 13.  Open foil, open epee, and Vet epee.  Start getting signed up now.  For the Vet event, if our fencers all get signed up and we can get Scott Butler and a couple of outside Ds to enter, that event can be a B tournament by itself.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon
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