DC Virgo

DC Virgo
Robert won’t be able to teach at DC Virgo this semester.  They are looking for someone who can volunteer to teach on Fridays except Halloween and and the day after Thanksgiving.  The options are a one hour class from 1 pm – 2 pm, a one hour class from 2 pm – 3 pm, both one hour classes, or a two hour class from 1 -3 pm.  It would be pushing me to be able to make it and then get to Camp Lejeune on time.  The program starts October 10th and finishes December 12th, with a showcase performance on
December 18th. Classes were about 10-12 students.  If you might be available and are interested let me know ASAP, as they would like a commitment by Wednesday.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon
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