It looks like this Saturday the 12th may turn out to be the NCFL annual meeting. I need to get an idea on who is interested before then. For those who don’t know or don’t remember, the NCFL is the North Carolina Fencing League. It has an A and a B Division. The A division is high school “varsity” teams. The B division is the high school 2nd, 3rd, etc. teams, and teams put together from clubs like CFFA or clubs plus homeschool fencers. (the homeschool league will have its own meeting later) That is where those of you not yet in high school can fence, but it will be primarily against high school fencers. Last year there were 12 High Schools that fielded A teams, so we split into two conferences of 6
teams. I don’t know how many teams this year, which will be one of my questions. Generally there are 6 meets. Four of the meets are team meets, of which we generally host one. The fifth meet is the State team championship, which only has the the A teams. The last meet is an individual championship, which usually anyone who has participated in two meets and won at least 20 % of their bouts can go to. The A teams usually do a round robin of 6. The B team system has varied according to numbers. Sometimes it has been a round robin of B teams, C teams, D & E teams, etc. Sometimes it has been a double elimination. Usually it has been foil only, but when we have enough epeeists there has been epee. You would need to have a full uniform, but we can help with that, particularly knickers and plastrons.
teams. I don’t know how many teams this year, which will be one of my questions. Generally there are 6 meets. Four of the meets are team meets, of which we generally host one. The fifth meet is the State team championship, which only has the the A teams. The last meet is an individual championship, which usually anyone who has participated in two meets and won at least 20 % of their bouts can go to. The A teams usually do a round robin of 6. The B team system has varied according to numbers. Sometimes it has been a round robin of B teams, C teams, D & E teams, etc. Sometimes it has been a double elimination. Usually it has been foil only, but when we have enough epeeists there has been epee. You would need to have a full uniform, but we can help with that, particularly knickers and plastrons.
So I need answers to these questions from everybody.
Which high school might have teams? Coastal Christian is in. Hoggard? Ashley? Laney? New Hanover? Jacksonville? Lejeune? New Bern?
If you are interested and don’t know if you have any other foil fencers at your school, let me know that. We might have enough to put something together.
If you don’t go to a high school with a team (not enough fencers, you are homeschooled, or you are too young) are you interested in the B division? It has been suggested that we try to put together a couple of “teams” of interested B fencers who would commit to fencing as a B team all season. Are you interested in that?
Can your parents, or you help with driving?
If there is an epee division, would you be interested? It would probably be all B teams, no official high school teams.
Feel free to ask questions.
On other fronts, Connor Costa, the B foilist from New Jersey, will be down next Tuesday for UNCW Orientation and may stop by the club. Having some foil fencers for him to go up against would be good. Also on the 19th, remember that the New Bern club will be sending some fencers down.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon