CFFA update for 9/22

CFFA update for 9/22
I hope this finds everyone well and recovering.  I have heard from a number of you and it sounds like just about everyone has incurred some damage, with some being pretty severe.  I totally realize that fencing may be the last thing that many of you will be thinking about for the near future.  We will try to get things back up and running so we will be there when you are ready.  I am actually still out of state, so much of this is predicated on my ability to get back.
The youth event that I had scheduled for the 29th is cancelled.  We will try to get it in sometime in October.
Our next adult event is scheduled for October 20, and has Open epee, Open foil, and D and under foil.  I was very encouraged by the amount of sign ups we had for the event we were supposed to have had last weekend and hopefully that energy can just be transferred to this next one.
I haven’t had a precise update on the condition of the club, but the general gist of what I have heard is that it flooded, but pretty much just like one of our regular flooding incidents.  I am hoping to get things back up and running for the 1st of October.  We won’t officially start the afterschool program back up until St. Mary is back in session.  If school isn’t back in session and you need to keep the kids from going stir crazy, I should be able to open up if people want to get them out of the house for awhile.  I will move payments for September to October and the beginner class will just go until it gets finished.
Homeschool folks can let me know how Wednesday the third looks.  We will just restart that as the second week of the session.
Adult beginner classes will try to pick up that week and just continue until finished.
Topsail Middle school will not restart until they are back in session.  
Camp Lejeune will depend on what I get told by MCCS.
Erica Julien was one of the people hit harder.  She has very little time to get ready for her World Championships in Italy in about three weeks.  If you fence her before she leaves, I would ask that you fence her for what she needs over what you need.  Additionally, and I know this is a small list, if anyone has left handed FIE ready pistol grip epees, let me know.
A couple of things I have heard over the last couple of weeks:
The reinforced mask rule will not trickle down to local events this year.  
They have changed the injury time rule.  You now only get 5 minutes (once the injury is confirmed by medical staff) and once the injury is treated you do not get the rest of the time.
They will be charging non-USA Fencing members for attending NACs and Nationals.  $5 per day or an all tournament pass for $15.  The non-competitive membership does not count.  Children under 10 will be free.  You must present your membership card to get a free tournament pass.
A recent study has shown that over the past five years fencing has been the fastest growing high school sport for boys and the second fastest for girls.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
pax vobiscum,
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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