CFFA update for May 18

CFFA update for May 18
Spent a good day at Duke at the coaching clinic yesterday.  Thanks to Emma Graf who went along as a test subject for the coaches.

Tomorrow, May 19th is the last day
for entries to Nationals before the obscene triple rates kick
in.  If you are going to nationals, let me know so I can plan my time there.
Practices for this week, weekend, and next week are a bit unusual due to the Memorial Day.
All should be normal until Friday.  Wallace Creek closes early (20 00).  We will have practice and classes, but we will just need to pick up a bit early.  Probably good to get you all home early anyway since….


24th is our Stab-a-thon.  Open foil and epee, and an unrated foil
event. The epee looks like it will be a solid B event.  The open foil needs one more person to make it a C event.  We need two more unrated foilists to crawl out of the woodwork so we can hand out an E for the uinrated event.

Marx, 8
US foil champion and 4 time Olympian (3 in foil and 1 in epee) will be
at the event as part of a clinic he is doing at NBS gym.  He will be
coaching and assessing those fencers who are registered for the 3 day
version of the clinic.   Cost for the 3 day version of the clinic is
for the two day version (no assessment or
coaching at our event, just the two day clinic in Raleigh) is $195.  A rare opportunity to get coaching from someone at that level if you think you are ready for it.

No afterschool on the 26th since it is Memorial Day.

last day for this academic year’s afterschool will be Thursday, May
29th.  It will be our standard end of year party.  We will provide refreshments, but feel free to bring something if you want to share.

The last youth event will be that Saturday, the 31st, and we will
give the swords away at that event.  Foil at 10 am, sabre at 1 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.

June 14-15 is the Dave Crevar Memorial event at Raleigh.  Y-12, Y-14, open foil and epee and a Div II sabre.

games are expanding to the entire weekend of the 21st -22nd of June this
year.  See askfred for the schedule and entry information.  Remember
you actually have to enter through the State Games website.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon
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