NCFL updates, rosters

NCFL updates, rosters

No need to read farther if you are not participating in the NCFL.  The first meet is at our place on Saturday, November 2nd.
The NCFL wants a roster from each school.  I believe their software will be able to sort it out if you all submit your own information.  It is about 2 minutes worth of work.                Here is the link:  NCFL Roster Update
Here is the image release form:  NCFL – ImageRelease
Please fill out both prior to the first meet.  The sooner the better.
Here is what I am expecting as far as teams:
A Division – Hoggard   Wiil, Andrew, your third male    Any women?
                Ashley      Emma, Emme, Kately, Claire     Any men?
                New Hanover     Elina, Chloe, Emma +?              Nathan, +?
                Coastal Christion    ?
B Division    (Can be Coed)  Must be at least 6th grade
                St. Mary     Megan, Nathan, Owen, Locke
                Surf City     Amelia, Jackson, James
                CFFA  (anyone going to public school 6-12th grade who doesn’t belong to a different team.)              Will, +?
                Epee        Nicole, Joey, Miller
If I have missed you and you are interested contact me so we know where you should be placed.  Any other questions, feel free to ask.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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