John Alexander competed at the Apex Novice Cup in Apex yesterday. He went undefeated in the Y10 foil winning the gold medal. In the Y12/Y14 epee he was the youngest competitor by about two years and had the opposite result.
This week will be a mostly regular week. The new beginner class starts for Tu/Th on the 8th. UNCW is leaving for fall break and will not be in Wednesday. I will keep our fencers informed if it sounds like a number of people will be coming in. I have Wednesday night class and will be there until at least 7:30 pm. Fencing at both Surf City and Camp Lejeune Friday. I will be out of town Saturday, but will let you know if it sounds like there will be Saturday morning practice.
The On Point fencing club, just across the border from Charlotte in NC is having their first event on Saturday the 12th. It is Y12 and & adult unsanctioned foil. Check askfred for more details. They will be in the western conference of the NCFL, so you may run into some of their fencers later this year.
The homeschool league will be meeting on October 13, so I will let people know what is up after that.
Regular registration for the December NAC ends on October 16th. After that you start hitting the double and triple fees.
Our first under 12 event will be on the 19th. Therefore, Foil at 10 am, Epee at 1:30 pm, Sabre
at 3:30 pm. For those who have not yet participated in one of these, we
give trophies for each weapon to the top 3
(and ties) finishers, medals to the top 3 nine and under finishers,
unless they win a trophy. We keep a year long accumulated points
standing which counts all three weapons and at the end of the season,
the top ranked boy and girl will each win a sword. We also have the
fencers vote at each event for the person who shows the best
sportsmanship and the fencer who wins that gets a sword. Cost per event
is $5. Volunteer refereeing help is appreciated.
at 3:30 pm. For those who have not yet participated in one of these, we
give trophies for each weapon to the top 3
(and ties) finishers, medals to the top 3 nine and under finishers,
unless they win a trophy. We keep a year long accumulated points
standing which counts all three weapons and at the end of the season,
the top ranked boy and girl will each win a sword. We also have the
fencers vote at each event for the person who shows the best
sportsmanship and the fencer who wins that gets a sword. Cost per event
is $5. Volunteer refereeing help is appreciated.
Also on that date All-American is having Y10, Y12 foil, and adult foil and epee. All are unsanctioned.
October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by
gender. Currently, the women’s epee and the women’s foil are both
E1s. If all of our epee women show up, it would probably raise to being a C event. A couple of you will be there anyway with your children who are fencing. Foil might get to a D1. The men’s epee will probably become a at least a C1 and only needs an A or B to be come a B1. However, the men’s
foil is a strong A1 event and may become an A2. We have a number of fencers there at the moment, so no Saturday practice.
October 26th Apex is holding sanctioned foil and epee events, split by
gender. Currently, the women’s epee and the women’s foil are both
E1s. If all of our epee women show up, it would probably raise to being a C event. A couple of you will be there anyway with your children who are fencing. Foil might get to a D1. The men’s epee will probably become a at least a C1 and only needs an A or B to be come a B1. However, the men’s
foil is a strong A1 event and may become an A2. We have a number of fencers there at the moment, so no Saturday practice.
The first event for the NCFL
for the year will be here on November 2nd. Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing. As always, help refereeing will be appreciated. High school foilists should start getting ready NOW.
for the year will be here on November 2nd. Get ready as there should
be a lot of fencing. As always, help refereeing will be appreciated. High school foilists should start getting ready NOW.
next USA Fencing event is Saturday, November 9th. Mixed foil, mixed
epee, and Vet epee. Not a lot of people signed up yet. Start getting
signed up now. I would like to think that open epee can be at least a
B, maybe an A; the open foil should be another C, and the Vet epee
should be at least a C event.
next USA Fencing event is Saturday, November 9th. Mixed foil, mixed
epee, and Vet epee. Not a lot of people signed up yet. Start getting
signed up now. I would like to think that open epee can be at least a
B, maybe an A; the open foil should be another C, and the Vet epee
should be at least a C event.
believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th. This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio. The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad. Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.
believe the JO qualifiers are going to be November 16th. This year the
JOs are in Columbus, Ohio. The venue is pretty good and the
drive/flight is not too bad. Hopefully we can have a large contingent
at the qualifiers even if not everyone makes it to JOs.
Also on that date Mid-South has a series of Vet events in all weapons and Apex has another of their youth events.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon