CFFA update for April 29

CFFA update for April 29
To the best of my knowledge, we only had one person competing this weekend.  Amelia Alexander was at the Virginia Grand Prix RYC in Fairfax.  In the Y-14 women’s foil she took 13th.  In the Y-12 women’s foil she tied for the bronze.  In both DEs she lost to the eventual winner and the second event’s DE was closer than the first.

Things are starting to wind down toward the end of the season.  UNCW is about to head into finals, so there will not be any Wednesday evening practices until they start back up in the fall.  The Monday/Wednesday beginner class will still meet.  Tuesday/Thursday practice and the Friday classes will continue to meet.

May 4th is our
Stab-a-thon.  The Open epee is currently a B2, and needs just one more A to be an A event.  The
Open foil is a D, and needs one more C to make a C event.  The E and under
epee should be a D1.

The May beginner class will start on Tuesday, May 7th.  This will probably be the last beginner class until fall.
On the 11th Apex will have another one of their unsanctioned youth events.
on the 11th, All-American in Fayetteville. is having low level
sanctioned events.  Both the men’s and women’s foils should be giving
away Es. 
They are also having an open epee, which will probably also have an E on
the line.  See askfred for more info.
18th is a sanctioned set of 1A foil and epee events at Apex.  Right
now, the women’s 1A epee looks more like a C and under while the women’s
1A foil is more of a D and under.  The men’s 1A epee needs bodies to be
a B event, the foil 1A is already a strong A2.  The Div II (C and
under) mixed epee looks more like a D and under and foil should be a
C2.  Check askfred for more details.
25th is the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.  No big events close by,
so that may become the last youth event or a middle school team event
like the one last year.  Let me know what works better for people.
June 1-2 is the Powerade State Games.  Remember that you need to enter on the
website.  However, this year they are working to make the askfred list
more accurate as far as the entries.  Right now it looks pretty sparse
for all the events.

8 is another unsanctioned event at Apex.  We will probably use this
date for whichever of the youth events we don’t use the Memorial Day weekend for.

Next year’s NAC schedule is out and it isn’t tremendous, but isn’t bad for our area.  Remember, all of you trying out for the Olympic team next year will need to make all the Div I events (plus some international events wouldn’t hurt).
October            Kansas City            Div1, Div II, Cadet
November          Milwaukee             Junior, Cadet, Y-14
December          Salt Lake City        Div I, Div II, Vets
January            Charlotte                Div I, Junior, Senior Team
February            Columbus              JOs
March                Detroit                Div II, Y-10, Y-12, Y-14  (NCAAs held right before)
April                  St. Louis                Div I, Div II, Vets
Summer nationals   Louisville

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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