CFFA update for March 3rd

CFFA update for March 3rd
We had two teams competing at the homeschool league team championships yesterday.  Unfortunately, neither was at full strength due to injuries and illnesses.  The Southeastern Cardinals team of Eoin, Eilis, and Eamon O’Brien went 2-2 defeating Oak Ridge and Jacksonville.  The Jacksonville Hurricanes had only Noah Snyder and Caleb Forman.  They probably would have won one or more if they had a third fencer, but as it was they went winless.
From Facebook, it looks like Erica Julien won something up at Mid-South, but no results are up on askfred for me to tell you exactly what.
Regular practice this week with the March classes getting started.  This Tuesday,
March 5th will start our next evening beginner foil class.  The next
beginner class at Topsail will start Friday, March 8th.  Remember that Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, so parking may be difficult near the church.

next event, Battle of the Ironclads, is on March 9th  The preregistration is over and unless we get a number of additional fencers we will cancel the sabre.  Foil and epee are still on.

On March 16th we will be hosting the Homeschool Individual Championships at 10 am.
Apex is having an unsanctioned Y10/Y12 Women’s and Men’s foil, and Mixed epee on that date.
Mid-South is having youth sabre on the 17th.  See askfred for both of these events.
currently shows up on any schedule for March 23rd, so I would like to
consider having a youth event that day.  For those who have not yet done
any of our youth events they are under 12.  That means if you were still
12 or under on December 31, 2018, you are eligible.  We do all three
weapons.  We give away trophies to the top 3 (and ties) finishers.
medals to the top 9 and under finishers (unless they earn a trophy) and
swords to those who earn the most points over the course of the season.  
We have a ton of new fencers so I am be pleading for refereeing help, especially in foil.  Cost is $5 per event.
For adults, there is a ROC up in Baltimore that has Div 1A, Div II, and Vet events.  Monday the 4th is the last day for preregistration so get on it if you are interested.  You have to sign up at the website under Events.

30 and 31 are the NC Divisionals.  This is a path to qualify to the
National Championships if you are not already qualified.  You can
qualify to the Division II  (C and under) or Division III (D and under)
championships.  There are also qualifiers for Y-14.  To qualify you must
finish in the top 3 if there are 12 or fewer fencers, or the top 25% if
there are more than 12.  The Division II and III events are fenced as
one event and they remove all the Cs from the results to figure out who
qualifies from Division III.  This year’s Nationals are in Columbus,
Ohio, so they are not that far away.  Also, the venue and area around
the Columbus venue are pretty good as they have hosted the event a
couple of
times in the last few years.  Times and other info are on askfred.  Keep
an eye on the entries; if they are low numbers it may be rescheduled
into a Saturday only event.

6th is the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden.  Women only events if
foil, epee, and sabre.  Our women need to be getting signed up to
attract other fencers.  I know it is a way out, but but the women’s epee in Savannah this weekend is at 35 and there is no reason we cannot have that big of an event.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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