CFFA update for February 4

CFFA update for February 4
We had a number of fencers compete in the Capitol Clash in Maryland over the weekend.    First off on Saturday were Erica Julien and Christi Golder in Veteran Women’s epee.  Erica won one bout in her pool, lost her first DE and finished 14th.  Christi went 2-3 in her pool.  In her first DE that arrived at priority.  Christi lost the priority call, but must have frightened her opponent so much as she came down the strip that her opponent stepped off the back end.  She lost her second DE, but still took the 7th place medal and earned her E.  Erica then fenced the Veterans women’s sabre, had a rough pool, lost her first DE, and finished 16th.  Jackson Jones also had a hard pool, lost his first DE, and finished 49th.  Kim Phillis had the best outing of anyone.  He competed in the Veterans Men’s sabre, went undefeated in his pool and eventually took the 2nd place medal, re-earning his B19.  Amelia Alexander fenced in the Y-14 and Y-12  Women’s foil.  She did better in the Y-12 where she went 2-4 before losing her DE.  Will Golder fenced both Cadet Men’s foil and epee.  He went 3-3 in the epee, won his first DE, then lost the second to end up 53rd.  On Sunday he was 4-2 in the foil, but drew a hard to hit left hander and lost this first DE, finishing 67th.

The February beginner class starts tonight and goes on Mondays and Wednesdays.  This put us back to full operation as all our classes and practices are back up and running..

February 9th is the NCFL A Team and epee team Championships at Orange County High School.

February 16th is the next homeschool meet, which will also be held here.

February 23rd is the NCFL individual finals at the Simpkins Center in Greensboro.  More info will be forthcoming.

on that date are unsanctioned events in Apex.  They are having Y-10/12
Women’s and Men’s foil, Senior Women’s and Men’s foil, and a mixed
Senior epee.  Check askfred for more details.

March 2nd is the Homeschool A team Championshiop at Winston Salem.
For everyone else, Mid-South has their Grand Opening tournament.  Men’s and Women’s events in all three weapons.  Women’s sabre had a number of fencers, but the other two are pretty low at the moment.  Men’s epee and sabre might turn into As.  Foil will probably be a B.  Check askfred.

other events are now on askfred.  The policy of you need to be entered
by a week prior for the regular registration fee will continue.  We have
events on March 9th, the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden on April 6th,
and the Stab-a-thon on May 4th.  See askfred for further details.
got very little response (2 people) to the question:  Anyone
interested in doing a demo at a Shark’s Baseball game this summer?  If we don’t have some more, I will tell them we aren’t interested.

The schedule for summer camps looks like it will Be July 8-12, Beginner Camp; July 15-19, Advanced Foil Camp, July 22-26, Advanced Sabre Camp, and finally July 29 – August 2, Advanced Epee Camp.

There was a request for a camp in mid-late June for those who cannot attend one of the other camps.  It would probably be an advanced three weapon camp for one week.  Any other people interested?

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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