CFFA update for January 27

CFFA update for January 27
We had a solid turnout for the Old Man Winter event yesterday.  We had our first rated foil event in a while and CFFA’s Oliver Galbraith took advantage of the opportunity to win and re-earn his C19.  Patrick Lausi of Edge of America Fencing was second.  Patrick’s teammate, Luke Kinney, and Gerhard Guevarra, the coach of the All-American Fencing Academy in Fayetteville tied for third.  Josh White of Salle New Bern re-earned his E and Gabe Guevarra earned his E19.  The epee was won by Markus Lang of Mid-South who defeated Oliver to re-earn his B19.  Will Golder of Cape Fear and Nicholas Beach of Foothills Fencing Academy tied for the bronzes and each re-earned their C19.  In the final event, Vet epee, Markus earned his 2nd gold medal.  Robert Thomas of CFFA took the silver.  John Rea of Wilmington Fencer’s Club and Markus’s Mid-South teammate, Scott Anderson, tied for the bronzes.  Thanks go to Zemi Lawrence for observing and running everything.  Brendan McConville, Josh White, Paul Perkins, and Jesse Harvey refereed.  Thanks to the Whiteheads, Golders, O’Briens, and Kenyatta Sanford for helping with set up, clean up, and handing out medals. 

We also had people competing at the NCFL qualifying meet in Durham.  In the Women’s foil competition, we had two Ashley fencers.  Emma Graf went 2-1 in her pool, then won her first 2 DEs, before bowing out.  Clair Hommes also went 2-1, but then lost her first DE in a close 14-15 bout.  We had three CFFA fencers in the middle school division.  Chloe Craig had a hard first round, but won her first DE before losing the second.  Megan Looney went 3-2 in her pool, but lost her first DE.  Amelia Alexander went 5-0 in her pool, won her first DE, but lost her second.  All of them are now qualified for the finals.
This week things keep edging back to normal.  The
next homschool class will begin on January 30th.  The 30th is also the
first Wednesday that UNCW will start showing up in the evening for

Capitol Clash is up by DC on the February 2-3 weekend.  Here is whom I see as
entered.  Nicole, Herman, Amelia, Jackson, Erica, Christi, Will, and Kim.

The February beginner class starts on February 4th and goes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

February 9th is the NCFL A Team and epee team Championships at Orange County High School.

February 16th is the next homeschool meet, which will also be held here.

February 23rd is the NCFL individual finals at the Simpkins Center in Greensboro.  More info will be forthcoming.
Also on that date are unsanctioned events in Apex.  They are having Y-10/12 Women’s and Men’s foil, Senior Women’s and Men’s foil, and a mixed Senior epee.  Check askfred for more details.
Our other events are now on askfred.  The policy of you need to be entered by a week prior for the regular registration fee will continue.  We have events on March 9th, the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden on April 6th, and the Stab-a-thon on May 4th.  See askfred for further details.
I got very little response to my two questions from last week.  Anyone interested in doing a demo at a Shark’s Baseball game this summer? 

Anyone have a preference for a certain week for advanced summer camps?  They would run July 22-26,
July 29-August 2, and August 5-9.  The advanced camps are for anyone
from those who have just passed their beginner class to those competing
at higher levels.  Camps run 9-5 Monday – Thursday and 9-3 on Friday. 
Cost is $195 for the week.  We provide Gatorade and snacks, students
need to bring a lunch.  I haven’t chosen any particular week for any
weapon yet, so if something works better for someone, let me know ASAP
so I can nail down a schedule.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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