CFFA update for September 2

CFFA update for September 2
I spoke with Herman and those of you needing to upgrade your chest protector (for foil only) have two options:  Absolute will be selling a foam overlay that you can attach for $25.  However, a new chest protector with the foam added is going to run about $34, so I think that is probably the better choice.  (Anyone who tried to attach the electric bib to their old mask can tell you how that goes.) Anyone needing gear before our first event, September 22nd, should let Herman or I know ASAP.
I hope everyone has a good Labor Day.  Things are starting to pick up as everyone is acknowledging that summer is over and it is time to get back to work.  Kenyatta Sanford has taken over the duties for putting things on Facebook and has already been putting up footwork videos, etc.  Go to Cape Fear Fencing and follow us and maybe you will see yourself.
No practice of any kind Monday due to the holiday.
Returning afterschool fencers can
start back on Tuesday, September 4th.  I will be over to the lower school at 3 pm to pick the fencers up.
Homweschool fencing will start
back up on Wednesday, September 5th.  Returning fencers at 1 pm, the new
beginner class at 1:30 pm.  UNCW will have their introductory meeting at 7 pm in Trask.
Friday, September 7th will start the next
beginner class at Camp Lejeune, open fencing at 6 pm, the beginner class at 7 pm.   Also, that Friday will also
restart fencing at Topsail Middle School.  Everyone will start at 3 pm, the beginners will end about 4 pm, returning fencers about 4:30 pm.
Saturday practice on the 8th.  I will be in about 10 am.  All of you fashionably late people seem to show up closer to 10:45 – 11.
September 10th will be the new beginner class start date for afterschool
students. (3 pm)  It is also the start of September Mon/Wed evening beginner
class.  (6:30 pm)
September 12th will see the UNCW students coming in on Wednesdays.  High school fencers from any school are also welcome for what I hope will be come sort of a combined and friendly NCFL practice.  You can save destroying each other for NCFL meets.
On September 15-16, Mid-South will be hosting a sabre only RYC.  Check for more info.
first event this season will be on September 22nd.  It will be open
foil at 9:30 am, open epee at 12:30 pm, and open sabre at 3:30 pm. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up.  The epee has got some good numbers and ranks and the foil is picking up some people,  Sabre fencers need to get signed up, plus we could use some of our “heavy hitters” to get the ranks up.  If you are coming, get signed up now!  There are no
other local events listed for that date and people will probably be
looking for someplace to fence their first event of the season and knock some rust off..
will be hosting an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) on September 22-23.  It
has Y-10, Y-12, and Y 14 events.  This is that next step for those of
you who have been competing in the local youth events.  It will be much
harder as it will be the best fencers from clubs throughout the Atlantic
Coast region.  You will need a full uniform, so if you are interested,
talk to Herman or I about ordering or borrowing gear.  Check at for more information.  Do realize that entry fees will be
higher than they are for local events.
I am looking at September 29 for our first youth (12 and under) event, and I think that will be pretty solid.  10 am foil start, epee at 2 pm, sabre at 3:30 pm.  Trophies to the top three finishers in each weapon and ties, medals to the top three 9 and under fencers unless they won a trophy.  Swords for the top boy and girl, as determined by season long points, and the person voted by the other fencers as showing the best sportsmanship over the course of the season.
For adults on that date, Apex is is holding unsanctioned men’s foil, women’s foil, and mixed epee.

VA, has announced a fall SYC (Super Youth Circuit), October 6-8,
(Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.  Super youth circuits are a level up from Regional
youth circuits.  They are the step below going to National level events,
but it isn’t absolutely necessary that you take this in a step like

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr

Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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