CFFA update for August 26

CFFA update for August 26
I attended the NCFL preparatory meeting at East Chapel Hill Saturday.  Here are the important items from that meeting.  The NCFL is NOT going to require either the rubberized chest protectors or the upgraded mask straps this season.  Here are the tentative dates:
November 3  (I have requested this one for here)  regular team meet
December 1  location TBA         regular team meet
January 12   location TBA         regular team meet
January 20  location TBA         Conference individual championship
February 9  Orange High School  Team State Championship
February 23  Simkins Sport Center, Greensboro   Individual State Championship
To participate in either State Championship you must have participated in two of the first four events.  There are A and B Divisions.  An A team is an official (varsity or club) team from a high school.  A teams are foil and split by gender.  B teams can be second teams of High School fencers, teams of middle school (6-8th grade)/high school fencers from one school, or teams of composite fencers representing a club (like CFFA).  B teams can be coed.  Homeschool fencers are not allowed as you have your own league.  If anyone wants to fence but does not have a team, let me know.  All epee competition is considered B level at the moment.  You do need a full uniform so, if you are interested and need to borrow gear, let me know.
Just for my edification and planning, can people let me know where your “teams” stand?
Hoggard – Will and Andrew – I assume a men’s team, women?
Ashley – Emma – Women only, foil and maybe some epee?
New Hanover – Emma & Elina – I asked and you can just pick the team back up if the club gets restarted, so maybe a women’s foil?  (I know it is a bit early to tell)
Isaac Bear – Logan – I checked and it is okay for IBEC people to compete in whatever district you reside.  However, would you like me to speak with the principal about possibly competing as Isaac Bear?
Laney – Bea? – any interest in starting a club?  If not, you can compete as a CFFA B team person
Topsail – Ivonne and Stephen – any interest in starting a club at the High School?  If not, and you want to compete, you could be CFFA Bs
White Oak – Nicole – If nothing happens it won’t make a lot of difference as epee is B anyway.  You can still compete without a school team.
Anybody at a place I am missing?
This week, Tuesday and Thursday night practice, Friday at Camp Lejeune finishes the current class, and I will be in Saturday if anyone is interested.
Returning afterschool fencers can start back on Tuesday, September 4th.  Homweschool fencing will start back up on Wednesday, September 5th.  Returning fencers at 1 pm, the new beginner class at 1:30 pm.  Friday, September 7th will start the next beginner class at Camp Lejeune.  Also, hopefully, that Friday will also restart fencing at Topsail Middle School.
Monday, September 10th will be the new beginner class start for afterschool students.  It is also the start of September Mon/Wed evening beginner class.
On September 15-16, Mid-South will be hosting a sabre only RYC.  Check for more info.
first event this season will be on September 22nd.  It will be open
foil at 9:30 am, open epee at 12:30 pm, and open sabre at 3:30 pm.  So far very few people are signed up.  We get people to come to our events by two methods.  One, our people go out to other people’s events.  Two, we have enough of our people preregistered on so that people realize it will be a good event.  On the other hand, don’t sign up if you know you won’t be coming.  Nothing gives a club a bad rep more than seeing enough fencers to make an A2 and then on that day the event is only an E event.  If you are coming, get signed up now!  There are no other local events listed for that date and people will probably be looking for someplace to fence.
will be hosting an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) on September 22-23.  It
has Y-10, Y-12, and Y 14 events.  This is that next step for those of
you who have been competing in the local youth events.  It will be much
harder as it will be the best fencers from clubs throughout the Atlantic
Coast region.  You will need a full uniform, so if you are interested,
talk to Herman or I about ordering or borrowing gear.  Check at for more information.  Do realize that entry fees will be
higher than they are for local events.
I am looking at September 29 for our first youth event, but that may change.
Apex may be having a senior foil on that date.

VA, has announced a fall SYC (Super Youth Circuit), October 6-8,
(Saturday, Sunday, Monday). 
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  More information is under events at the
USA Fencing website.  Super youth circuits are a level up from Regional
youth circuits.  They are the step below going to National level events,
but it isn’t absolutely necessary that you take this in a step like

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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