CFFA update for June 18

CFFA update for June 18
No one has talked to me about sabre camp, so let’s turn the week of July 30- August 3rd into a second advanced foil camp.  If you haven’t already contacted and and want to come that week, or if you would like to switch from the first week because this works better, please let me know.

We had five fencers go up to the State Games over the weekend.  In Men’s epee, Mike Kinney saved his best fencing for his DE but dropped a close match to Aidan Labrozzi of Apex.  Herman Smith ran into a revenge minded opponent whom he had beaten in pools and also dropped his first DE.  For Women’s epee, Erica Julien took the bronze overall and the gold for veterans.  Nicole Milewski won the open gold, the Junior gold, and the cadet gold.  This is the fourth year in a row where Nicole has won her event(s).  Finally, Kim Phillips took a bronze in the open Men’s sabre and gold for the veterans.  Congrats to all.
much a regular summer week this week.  Practice Tuesday and Thursday
night, with Camp Lejeune on Friday, and a Saturday morning prep for Nationals practice at 10 am.  Last Tuesday had a large number of younger fencers at the 6:30 pm time.

is having a Nationals tune up June 23-24.  Epee is a strong A2 on Sunday, foil just needs bodies to be a B on Saturday, there is a Div III foil, and a small open sabre. 
Details on askfred.
I will be away to Nationals
for about 10 days, so no youth practices on June 28, July 3, or 5. 
They will restart on July 10.  The club will be open on the regular
Tuesday and Thursday (maybe Saturday mornings) during that stretch,
unless the powers that be decide to try to repaint the floor.  That may
depend a lot on the weather report and the possibility of the floor
getting flooded.  It could be a sort of day by day decision, but if
painting is decided upon, I am certain help will be welcomed.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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