Next season’s NAC locations

Next season’s NAC locations
The locations for next year’s NAC’s (except the April one) have been announced.  Here is the line up:
October NAC   10/12-15        Div I, Div II, cadet   Milwaukee, WI
November NAC   11/9-12        Junior, Cadet, Y-14   Kansas City, MO
December NAC    12/14-17    Div I, Div II, Vet    Cincinnati, OH
January NAC      1/4-7                Div I, Junior        Charlotte, NC
February JOs    2/15-18            Junior, Cadet        Denver, CO
March NAC         3/1-4        Y-10, Y-12, Y-14        Cleveland, OH
April NAC            ?                Div I, Vet, maybe other    ?
Summer Nationals   6/28 – 7/7    Everything        Columbus, OH
Not quite as nice as this year, but not horrible.  Since most of this is sort of middle of the country, I could see the April event going to either coast.  I don’t know if it not being listed means no one applied for it, they didn’t like the packages sent in by those who did, or they just haven’t decided yet.
I will have to see how things line up with my teaching schedule to see what I can get away to.  December is right after the end of the semester and January is right before the start of that one.  March is the beginning of Spring Break.  At least Columbus should be pretty easy.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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