CFFA Update for April 8

CFFA Update for April 8
Lots of fencing this weekend with a big number of “upsets” and unexpected finishes in epee.  First in the adult event on Saturday, the A fencers all got taken out before the finals in epee.  Daniel Freeman of Apex won over Carlson Combs, also of Apex.  Tied for third were Will Golder of CFFA and Lars Hansen of All American.  Carlson went to a C18 from an E and Will did it from a U.  Edward Childs of Salle New Bern finished 7th, earning his E18.  The open foil went pretty well as expected as the four rated fencers took the top four places.  Will Golder beat Brandon DeBord of UNCW for the top spot.  Kyler Schoonmaker of CFFA and Josh White of Salle New Bern tied for 3rd.  In the E and under foil, Josh White re-earned his E by winning.  Frank Newson of Charlotte was 2nd, followed by Taylor May and Seth Garrison of UNCW tied for 3rd.  Thanks to Jesse Harvey, Brendan McConville, and Josh White for refereeing, Herman Smith for armoring, and Zemi Lawrence for running the event.

On Sunday, we ran our third youth event of the season.  In the opening foil, Ava Rayle of the Wilmington Fencing Club defeated Rayne Schoonmaker of CFFA 15-14 in the final.  Tied for third were Amelia Alexander and Jackson Jones.  In the 9 and under crowd, Ollie Cook won gold, John Alexander won silver, and Ellery O’Brien won bronze.  For the epee, Nyc Baynes avenged a pool loss by defeating Amelia in the final.  Eamon O’Brien tied with Linus Huggins for third.  Lily Thompson took the gold medal for the 9 and under.  Still no sabre fencers. Thanks to Herman for armoring and Donny Zelinski for making the trip down from New Bern to referee.
Here are the 6 top people in the sword points for boys and girls:
Boys                                                Girls
Schoonmaker        32                        Alexander, Amelia            29
Jones                    19                        Rayle                              21
Marshall                14                        Dhulipala                        10
Baynes                  11                        Williams                           6
Alexander, John     10                        Thompson                        5
Cook and Salinas (tie)   9                   O’Brien                             1
A regular week of practice this week.

The last homeschool beginner class of the academic year will start on April 11 at 1:30 pm.

Saturday practice on the 14th due to Azalea Festival.  There is a large
SYC shaping up in Fairfax, Virginia for those 14 and under over Friday – Sunday, but the fees are now doubled.

20-23 is a NAC in Richmond.  The only people I saw who were signed up
were Brendan, Kim, Erica, Herman, and Nicole.  

April 27 is the next beginner class on board Camp Lejeune.

28 is Salle New Bern’s Skirmish at Jack’s Island.  Always a fun time,
so far we have over half of the 12 fencers entered, but no one over a C is
entered yet.  It is on askfred.  I will be going in some capacity, so can take people if needed.

On that weekend, Mid-South is having sabre events for those so inclined.

May 5th will be our next under 12 youth event.  Times should be back to the standard 10 am foil, 1:30 pm sabre, 3:30 pm epee.

May 12th at Apex are foil and epee events, split by gender.  They are also having Y-10 and Y-12 foil.

We may hold a junior high team event on May 12th.  Fencers would need to be between the fourth and eighth grades.  Hopefully we can get a St. Mary’s and maybe a topsail team or two together.  The format will be different than the usual individual format.  More details as we get closer.

May 19th is epee and foil at Charlotte.  A bit too early to predict the field.

20th is a U foil at All-American.  I will be going up to observe, but
at the moment the field is maxed out.  If they have anyone drop out I
will let you know.

Our next event will be the Stab-a-thon on May 26th.  The epee is shaping up nicely.  There are currently more sabre fencers listed than epee fencers.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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