CFFA update for April 1st (No fooling)

CFFA update for April 1st  (No fooling)
The next evening beginner class will start tomorrow, Monday, April 2nd, at 6:30 pm.

Mary does not have school on April 2nd, but most other local schools
do, so I will have afterschool practice.  The last beginner class of the
school year will start this week.

The rest of this week has the schedule returning to normal.

7th is our next mixed event.  It is up on askfred and will have epee,
foil, and an E and under foil.  If we can find fifteen foilists, of whom
at least 4 are Es, there is the possibility of someone earning a D
without having to defeat the heavy hitters.  That also makes this a
really good event for someone looking for a first foil tournament.  At
the moment the epee is a solid A1 and may become an A2  The foil
preregistration is pitiful.  Six and five entrants in the two events. We try to do a few lower level events to let people start off in events
without having to go against the more experienced fencers, so a lot of
our people should be using this opportunity.  Last year I believe we made the 15 necessary for the E1 event, this year doesn’t look like it will be close.

The next youth event (12 and under) is Sunday, April 8th. 
To avoid mass the schedule will be foil at 2 pm, epee
and sabre at 5 pm.  That seemed to work for those who responded.

The last homechool beginner class of the academic year will start on April 11 at 1:30 pm.

Saturday practice on the 14th due to Azalea Festival.  There is a large
SYC shaping up in Fairfax, Virginia for those 14 and under over Friday – Sunday, but the fees are now doubled.

20-23 is a NAC in Richmond.  The only people I saw who were signed up
were Brendan, Kim, Erica, Herman, and Nicole.  If I missed you, or you
sign up now (the extra fees would apply) please let me know.

April 27 is the next beginner class on board Camp Lejeune.

28 is Salle New Bern’s Skirmish at Jack’s Island.  Always a fun time,
so far we have half fencers entered, but no one over a C is
entered yet.  It is on askfred.  I will be going in some capacity, so can take people if needed.

On that weekend, Mid-South is having sabre events for those so inclined.

May 5th will be our next under 12 youth event.  Times should be back to the standard 10 am foil, 1:30 pm sabre, 3:30 pm epee.

May 12th at Apex are foil and epee events, split by gender.

May 19th is epee and foil at Charlotte.  A bit too early to predict the field.

May 20th is a U foil at All-American.  I will be going up to observe, but at the moment the field is maxed out.  If they have anyone drop out I will let you know.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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