CFFA update for July 15

CFFA update for July 15
beginning fencing camp starts Monday, July 17th, at 9 am and runs
through Friday.  If you know anyone interested, have them contact me or
they can just show up at that time.
Regular practice Tuesday and Thursday, younger set at 6:30 pm; adults at 7:30 pm.  Camp Lejeune on Friday night.
New Bern people will be coming back down on Saturday, July 22.  It
would be excellent to have a large crowd with whom they could fence.

Some of you may know that New Bern recently lost their founder and long time Coach John Wollerton.  They will be having a memorial dinner at the Texas Steak House in New Bern at 6 pm Saturday night.  Address is 3231 Doctor Martin Luther King Blvd.  (If I have the correct place).  That is just off 17 right before you hit 70, on the right.

July 24th starts the advanced foil camp.  It will have a number of experienced younger fencers.

next season is starting to shape up.  The first weekend (August 5-6) is
an RJCC (Regional Junior Cadet Circuit) event in Greensboro.  Numbers
are approximately what they have been.  You need to be registered and
paid through askfred by July 30 or there is an additional $200
surcharge.  Askfred says it is now accepting payment, so get that done if you are interested.  There are open adult foil and epee events.

The following week is Mid-South’s Big Blue.  Epee is now an
A.  Sabre should be at least a B.  Right now foil is 1 C and the rest Us.

August 1 is the start of the new season, (August 1, 2017 – July 31, 2018) which means a number of things happen.

You need to renew your USA Fencing membership, not only for the right to do tournaments, but also to keep our insurance viable.  Every one of our members has to have some level of the organization’s membership for our insurance to be valid.  The noncompetitive membership, which means you will not be competing in USA Fencing sanctioned events, is still $10 for the season.  The competitive membership is still $75.  The competitive membership can be upgraded for club officers, referees, etc.  for an additional $20.  Coaching memberships are now $120.

People involved in the advanced epee camp should note that the start of the season falls during the camp, so please have your membership renewed by then.

If you got your first membership after April 1, 2017, or upgraded to a competitive membership after that date, you should be good for the 2017-18 season.  However, check your membership on the website to be certain.

August 1 also means that the club’s dues for the season are renewable.  Monthly dues will remain at $35/month ( afterschool will stay at $25/month).  If you wish to purchase a 6 month package  August 1 – January 31, it will run $175, you save 1 month.  The yearly package runs $350, August 1 – July 31, meaning you save 2 months.

Starting on August 1, we will be raising the floor fee for evening practices at Wilmington, to $10 per night.  The rationales for the increase are that the people who pop in occasionally are the least likely to have all their own equipment, meaning they are putting the most wear and tear on uniforms and weapons.  Secondly, the insurance from USA Fencing is jumping $450 for the season.  Lastly, and most importantly, the hope is that people will go to the monthly fee for evening practices and then show up more often so there are more people to fence.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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