
The hardest parts are done.  Thanks to Isaac, Bobby, Mike, Herman, and Brendan showing up again; and Omar Childers also helping out; the light blue is down.  Bobby also rehung the doors and Mike fixed the booth benches so you won’t have that awkward teeter totter effect when you sit down.

Tomorrow about 4 pm we will start on the dark blue.  If people can make it in then it would be great.  This job is easier, but the work is front loaded.  We have to pull up the  tape that is down now and retape to paint the strips.  The actual painting is the easy part.  Thursday will be just putting a couple coats of lacquer.  I will let you know tyhe start time.

At Nationals, Erica Julien has fenced the last two days.  Unfortunately she lost her first DE on both days, finishing 7th in sabre and 6th in epee.  She is an alternate to the World Championships in sabre and waiting to hear if she made the epee team.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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