CFFA update for January 23

CFFA update for January 23
At the Hangover Open in Richmond Oliver Galbraith took 7th in the Mixed Open Foil, which was a B event.  Joe McLaughlin took 8th in the D and under mixed sabre which ended up as a C event.  Therefore Joe earned his E.
Our next home USA Fencing event will be the Old Man Winter on January
28th.  Open Foil, Open epee, and Vet 40+ epee.  Epee needs an another A
to be an A event, a B2 as it now stands.  Still very few Vets signed up.  The foil again looks
bare.  Another opportunity
for low level foilists to get some experience and possibly a rating.  Get signed up if you are interested, particularly in the open epee as there are not a lot of referees available and we need to have very accurate numbers early in the week.

last NCFL regular season team meet is supposed to be held somewhere on
the 28th, but they are having problems getting a venue.  I will keep
people informed.

February 4th is the next homeschool meet, again at Oak Ridge.
Apex is holding youth events on the 4th as well.  All foil, Y-10, Y-12, and Cadet.  Check askfred for further details.
The next beginner class will start on Monday, February 6th at 6:30 pm.  This one will run on Monday and Wednesday for a little over 6 weeks.

11th is the NCFL team championship.  I believe it is at Orange County. 
Right now the New Hanover women are qualified.  Hoggard teams need to make the last meet to be set.

JOs are February 17-20.  I will be away so some classes will be cancelled.  I will let you know which ones as we get closer.

NCFL individual championships are February 18th at Greensboro.  We will
need a bit of coordination to make certain everyone has everything they
need as I will be away.

February 25 is a homeschool meet at CFFA.  More info as it gets closer.

that weekend is the ACC championships at Duke.  There is some talk of
taking those interested up to see some very high level college fencing. 
I will keep you posted.
March 4-5 are the Division II/III and Y-14 qualifiers in Greensboro.  The entry deadline before fees go up is 2/26.  Check askfred for more info.

Nobody has really responded to my request about summer camps and I have to start getting information out to websites, etc.  Take a look at this schedule and let me know if there are problems.

July 17 – 21        Beginner Camp
July 24 – 28         Advanced Foil
July 31 – August 4   Advanced Epee
August 7 – 11     Advanced Sabre

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon