CFFA update for January 15

CFFA update for January 15
Just a reminder about USA Fencing memberships.  Everyone in the club has to have at least the $10 non-competitive membership.  If anyone who is fencing is not a member, then our insurance is not valid.  We will start having to check to make certain.  If you cannot process the membership online, there are paper applications, but it will cost an extra $10 for processing.
Yesterday the homeschool team split its matches out at Oak Ridge.  Southeastern (us) beat Twin City 45-39, but lost to Oak Ridge 41-45.  A solid performance in a pair of close matches.  Fencing for Southeastern were Philip Nazzaro, Ethan Kundrat, and Kyler Schoonmaker.
Also fencing yesterday up at the Capitol Clash was Nicole Milewski, She was battling a bug, but still went 2-4 in her pool.  Every match was 5-4, win or lose.  She won her first DE easily, and pushed the woman who finished 11th to 13-15.  A really good job considering the circumstances.
No afterschool tomorrow (January 16th) as it is MLK Day.  Everything else should be back to normal.  UNCW is planning to start showing up Wednesday evenings on the 18th, so that will open up another opportunity for fencing.

21-22 is the Hangover Open in Richmond.  They usually have large opens,
events, and D and under events.  However this year looks to be smaller
than usual.  They have extended registration through the 17th to try and bump up the numbers.

There is an NCFL meet on January 21st.  It will be the individual
conference qualifiers to the individual championships. It will be at Thales Academy.  I will send a note out to all the NCFL fencers later.

next home USA Fencing event will be the Old Man Winter on January
28th.  Open Foil, Open epee, and Vet 40+ epee.  Epee needs an another A to be an A event.  Still very few Vets signed up.  The foil again looks bare.  Another opportunity
for low level foilists to get some experience and possibly a rating. 
Start getting signed up now.

The last NCFL regular season team meet is supposed to be held somewhere on the 28th, but they are having problems getting a venue.  I will keep people informed.
February 4th is the next homeschool meet, again at Oak Ridge.
February 11th is the NCFL team championship.  I believe it is at Orange County.  Right now the New Hanover women are qualified.  New Hanover men and Hoggard teams need to get to some other meets to be set.
JOs are the February 17-20.  I will be away so some classes will be cancelled.  I will let you know which ones as we get closer.
The NCFL individual championships are February 18th at Greensboro.  We will need a bit of coordination to make certain everyone has everything they need as I will be away.
February 25 is a homeschool meet at CFFA.  More info as it gets closer.
Also that weekend is the ACC championships at Duke.  There is some talk of taking those interested up to see some very high level college fencing.  I will keep you posted.

USA Fencing Nationals are very late this year and UNCW starts pretty
early, so there is a big squeeze on trying to fit camps in.  There
really are only four weeks available this year.

July 17 – 21
July 24 – 28
July 31 – August 4
August 7 – 11

usually have the beginner camp the first week with an advanced
individual weapon camp each of the next three weeks.  If someone has a
week they cannot do a particular camp, but wants to do an advanced camp,
please let me know now so I can start planning and advertising. 
So far, no one has said anything.  Thanks.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon