CFFA results for Richmond final day, plus

CFFA results for Richmond final day, plus
Phillips went 3-3 in the pool in Div 1 sabre.  I had him as 5-1, but he
kept getting a referee who just didn’t see his moves.  Drew the person
who ended 13th in his first DE and ended up 48th.

Milewski had a very good first round, only losing to the A in her
pool.  That was 3-5.  Unfortunately hit a Canadian “U” who ended up an
American “B” at the end of tournament in her first DE.  Finished 18th,
which qualifies her for Div 1-A, Div. II, and Div. III at summer
nationals.  So now she doesn’t have to sweat that at any events she

see the rest of you this afternoon and evening.  Although almost no one
has been coming there will be no Wednesday night practice because UNCW is in finals.  THERE WILL BE WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASS at 6:30 pm.!!

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon