CFFA update for November 24

CFFA update for November 24
No tournaments this weekend and a number of schedule changes so I thought I would send this week’s not a bit early.  No practice tonight.  No practice at Camp Lejeune tomorrow night.  However, we will have a Saturday morning practice at 10 am this Saturday. 
Next week does have the NAC in Richmond.  I will be traveling to Richmond, so Brendan will be taking care of the Thursday night (Dec 1) practice. I haven’t decided whether to have afterschool and weather may play a part, so I will let you know.  No practice at Camp Lejeune Friday.  Please get any equipment purchase requests to Herman or I by Wednesday.
Here is the link to the article that was in My Onslow about the fencing at Camp Lejeune

The NAC sucks up all the air in the fencing universe next weekend.  It extends until late Monday, so no afterschool or class on December 5th.

Our next event is on December 10th.  Open foil, open epee, and a D and under sabre.  Please start getting signed up now.  Very few people have already signed up and I think we have the only big Divisional event between now and the first of the year.  If people get signed up we might get a large number of those looking for something who did not go to the NAC.

Columbia, SC, has an unusual event on the 11th.  All three weapons as Vet’s combined and Y-12.  More info on askfred for those so inclined.

Saturday, December 17th, is the first official homeschool meet at Oak Ridge.  It starts at 1 pm and I will contact the homeschool team members as it approaches. 

The 17th is also Unrated and U-19 sabre at Mid-South.  The next day has unsanctioned Y-12 and Y-14 events.

RTF is hosting foil and sabre events on the 31st of December to close out the year.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon