CFFA update for November 13

CFFA update for November 13
We had an excellent tournament yesterday which I hope people enjoyed.  Thanks to Kaitlyn Hall revisiting her foil skills we ended up with a 15 person C1.  The winner was Nahyan Alazazi of the United Arab Emirates, CFFA’s Oliver Galbraith was 2nd.  Mid South took both 3rd places with Emmanuel Kaunitz and Jason Depertuis.  Will Golder of CFFA took 7th and earned his E.  Daniel Kobet of ECU also earned his E.  The epee was an all CFFA final with Oliver defeating Josh Harvey.  Mr. Kobet took one third and Scott Butler took the other.  Josh Puckett of ECU upped his rating to a D and Dylan Vitt of Hoggard and Colson Combs of Apex earned their Es.  In the E and under foil Daniel Kobet confirmed his E rating by winning, Tammy Jackson of Mid-South was second.  Scott Butler and CFFA’s Foster Willis tied for third.  The E and under had 20 people and was the biggest event of the day.  Thanks to Brendan, Herman, Clayton Olson, Donny Zelinski, and Margret Raynor for putting in long days to make it successful.
We are almost upon the holidays, so this will be the last week of regular practice for a while.
19th has the next NCFL meet, which will be at Chapel Hill High School. 
We need to start seeing who wants to go, who can drive, etc.  Even if
you didn’t do the first one, you can still do any of the other regular
season events.  I will send out a separate email to those who might be involved.

19th is also the Tiger Open at Clemson.  Right now the open epee is an
130+ person A4, the Div 3 epee should be a 80+ person C2, the open foil

is a strong 69 person A2, with the Div 3 foil a 50+ C2,  the open sabre is a 50 person A2, and Div 3 is a 40 person C2.  See askfred for more details.

The week of Thanksgiving will be regular on Monday and Tuesday.  I do plan to have homeschool practice on Wednesday.  No afterschool or evening practice/class Wednesday or Thursday.  No practice at Camp Lejeune Friday.  The question of a Saturday morning practice (especially because of the NAC) has been broached, so I will put the possibility out there.  What do people want?
The following week has the NAC in Richmond.  I will be traveling to Richmond, so Brendan will be taking care of the Thursday night (Dec 1) practice. I haven’t decided whether to have afterschool and weather may play a part, so I will let you know.  No practice at Camp Lejeune Friday.
The NAC sucks up all the air in the fencing universe for the weekend.  It extends until late Monday, so no afterschool or class on December 5th.
Our next event is on December 10th.  Open foil, open epee, and a D and under sabre.  Please start getting signed up now.  Some of the people from yesterday have already signed up and I think we have the only big Divisional event between now and the first of the year.  Even though yesterday’s sign up was better, both the foil and E and under just about doubled in the last week. 

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon