CFFA update for November 6

CFFA update for November 6
We held the NCFL meet yesterday and had 21 total teams turn out.  CFFA had a B team of Harry Shaheen, Will Golder, and Foster Willis.  They went 4-0 for the day.  Individually, Will was 8-0, Foster was 7-0, and Harry was 5-1.  The newly created New Hanover club was represented by a Women’s A team.  Reaghan Juelke and Kirin James fenced one person short, but still went 2-2.  Individually, Reaghan was 7-2 and Kirin was 5-5.  Hoggard had a men’s A team and an epee team.  The men’s team went 1-4, while the epee team won their only match.  Thanks to Jesse Harvey for refereeing and to Herman for help all day.
Samantha Milewski came in 6th in the B event at ECU, re-earning her D.  She beat Steve Kmiec in pools and lost to Michael Edgecomb 14-15 in the DEs, just missing her C by one point.
November’s beginner class will start tomorrow, Monday, the 7th at 6:30 pm.  Otherwise, it should be a regular week of practice.
For Jacksonville on Friday (11th) we will repeat last week’s class.  We had a number of people out for the Marine ball last week and another set will be celebrating Veteran’s day this Friday.  This should get everyone caught up and then we will move ahead on the 18th.

next event will be next Saturday, November 12th.  It has an open epee that will be a B.  Both foil events currently have 8 fencers.  Please get signed up TODAY as there is a National event in Milwaukee that is pulling a lot of the local referees.  A big late surge might make it hard for us to have plenty of help.  Also, St. Mary has asked that no one wear street shoes on their new floor.  Obviously this is more for parents, etc. than fencers; but leaving marks on the floor could affect our ability to use the upstairs.

13th will be a homeschool league scrimmage in Winston Salem.  Let me
know if you are interested so we determine if we have enough of a team going to make it possible.  If so, we need to start planning for uniforms and weapons, etc.

November 19th has the next NCFL meet, which will be at Chapel Hill High SChool.  We need to start seeing who wants to go, who can drive, etc.  Even if you didn’t do the first one, you can still do any of the other regular season events.

19th is also the Tiger Open at Clemson.  Right now the open epee is an 117 person A4, the Div 3 epee should be a 50 person event, the open foil
is a strong 60 person B2, and the open sabre just needs an A to be an A2.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon