CFFA update for October 23

CFFA update for October 23
We held the second youth event of the year yesterday.  Just about 2nd verse same as the first.  In the 12 and under foil it was: 1st  Nicole Milewski  CFFA, 2nd  Don Evans   CFFA, 3rd  (tie)  Jaden Scott    CFFA  & Rayne Schoonmaker  CFFA.  For the 9 and under foil the results were: Gold   Lexi Williams   CFFA, Silver  Luke Martin   Salle New Bern, Bronze  Everett Martin  Salle New Bern.  We only had one sabre fencer show up so there was no sabre competition.  For the 12 and under epee the results were 1st   Nicole Milewski  CFFA, and 2nd  Cooper Sells   CFFA.  Thanks to Kyler Schoonmaker and Samantha Milewski for the refereeing help.

Here are the top people for the current sword points:

Boys                                                        Girls
Evans, Don    19                                        Milewski    27
Scott            17                                       Williams     13
Martin, Luke   12                                       Campbell     3
Schoonmaker  10                                       Huggins      2
Maroules          7                                      Grooman     2
Kundrat           6
Evans, Joseph   5

Practice should be back to normal this week.  We will need to get the overheads back up Tuesday.  Practice at Camp Lejeune Friday.
JO qualifiers are now up on askfred.  They will be next weekend and the location has been changed to Kestrel Heights High School.  The actual event is in Kansas City next year on
President’s Day weekend.  Not real close, but not too far away.  Today is the entry deadline before fees go up.  Right now only Oliver, Will, and
Samantha are entered.  The junior events are on Saturday and the cadet
events are on Sunday.  If you qualify for the junior event and are
eligible for the cadet, you are automatically qualified and do not have
to fence Sunday.  Most of our 13-19 year old fencers should be going
just for the experience.  Most
of the events are really small.
The 29th is an adult event in Williamsburg,  Their epee is shaping up as an A2.

The week of October 31st will begin the next afterschool class.  The next homeschool session will begin on the 2nd of November.

November 1st is when I have to have rosters in for our homeschool league team. No one has told me they are definitely in yet.

will be hosting the first NCFL meet of the season on November 5th. 
This tends to be a huge event and we can use help.  The A division is
comprised of official high school teams or clubs and will have divisions
for men’s foil, women’s foil, and mixed epee this year.  The B division
has junior high and up fencers and they compete as mixed foil teams. 
It can be B teams from the high schools, junior high teams, or fencers
can compete under a club banner.  Any of our fencers attending a public
school (junior high and up) can compete.  Let me know if you need gear
as everyone must compete in a complete uniform.  I am assuming a local team from Hoggard and a New Hanover women’s foil team.

adults who want to compete rather than help referee, etc.,  ECU is
having their fall event on the 5th.  It has foil, epee, and a C and
under epee.  Very few people are signed up.

November’s beginner class will start on Monday, the 7th.

next event will be November 12th.  It has an open epee that is well on
its way to being a B.  The open foil only has two fencers.  The E and
under foil has 0.  To all the foil people, this is the day you
should be fencing.  You can come in and do foil in the morning in what
could be a large event like our last one, or at the very least do the E
and under where no one will be an absolute dominant fencer.  If we can
get 15 people, with 4 of them being Es, someone will earn a D.  At the
very least 6 people lets someone earn/re-earn an E.

13th will be a homeschool league scrimmage in Winston Salem.  Let me
know if you are interested so we can start making uniform and travel
The following people are whom I see as entered for the December NAC in Richmond,  If I missed someone, let me know so I can be there for you.  Joe Mc, Erica, Ricki, Herman, Paul, Kim, and Samantha.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon