CFFA update for July 31

CFFA update for July 31
A lot of
this week’s email will be about updating your US Fencing membership and
it might get a bit technical, but it is important.

had a good advanced foil camp last week.  It was a group that you are
at least a couple of years away from seeing compete at adult events, but
hopefully may start seeing at some evening practices.

no one had ideas for what to do with the week of August 1-5, I am going
to take advantage of the Olympics and try a couple of new things
combined into a camp.  This will be a half day camp (9 am – 1 pm, no
lunch) that will get people through the beginner (foil) class with an
additional emphasis on the upcoming Olympic Fencing.  I have had some requests so I
will also throw this one open to adults as well as children.  Cost will
be $99 plus the $10 USA Fencing membership.  Help get the word out. 
This could be the opportunity some of you have talked about to learn
what the kids like about the sport, or for a parent and child to take
the class together.


1 is the start of a new season, so you will need to be updating your
USA fencing membership to be on the club’s insurance.  If you just
joined in the last couple of months, you should be good until July 31 of
next year.  You can check to see if you are on the current membership
list at, click on membership at the bottom, and under
current section click on current membership list.  Updating can be done
at  Again click on membership at the bottom.  Under the
list of various memberships there is a section titled already a member
with a link to click on to start the renewal process.  If you already
have a railstation account (you have previously done your membership
electronically or have entered a national event), then log in and follow
the instructions.  If you are new, enter your e-mail and hit forgot
password.  It will start the process to have you log back in and create a
password.  You can then update your profile, select the membership you
want, approve the waiver, and pay via credit card.  Please print the
receipt or membership card and bring us a copy.   It is important for
our insurance that everyone is a US Fencing member at the
non-competitive level ($10) or above.  US Fencing has put out a paper
application, but they are charging an extra $10 to do the membership via
paper.  I will get some of these memberships applications printed out
just in case.

Fencing has created a couple of new categories of membership for
younger fencers that you might want to consider if you qualify.  First
is the Collegiate Competitive membership.  This only works if you are a
member of an NCAA team or member of an affiliated to US Fencing college
club.  The UNCW club might want to look into this.  If you meet those
criteria, the competitive membership is $45 instead of the $70 regular
competitive membership, but with all the same benefits.

second new membership category is the High School competitive
membership.  If you are in any high school whether they have a team or
not, or are a homeschool student considered to be in high school, you
can get this membership.  It is $30 and allows you to compete and get
ratings in sanctioned high school events only, still gets you the
magazine, plus you will get a varsity recognition certificate at the end
of the season and would be eligible for an All American High School
Team award US Fencing is starting.  If you want to do US Fencing
competitions (like our local events or higher) you would need to upgrade
to the full competitive membership at a later date.  (an additional
$40).  I don’t know if a certificate is worth the trouble of doing two
applications, but you can decide that for yourself.

1 also means that it will be time for those of you who pay the yearly
or 6 months CFFA club dues to get those in.  Regular dues are $35 month for
unlimited evening and Saturday fencing.  6 month memberships give you
those 6 months for price of 5 ($175) and the year long membership gives
you 12 months for the price of 10 ($350).  Checks should be made out to CFFA, or talk to Brendan about paying by credit card.

week of practice this week.  I will be in about 6:30 pm for those
youngsters who want to be in early on Tuesday and Thursday with adult
practice to follow.  Practice on board Camp Lejeune on Friday night.  I
will be attending an NCFL organizational meeting Saturday morning, but
if I hear that other people want to do a Saturday practice I will let
everyone know.

RYC in Baltimore on the 6-7 of August.  That is in the next season, so
age classifications will change for some of you.  RYCs have events for
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 fencers.  Your membership will definitely need to be updated by then to compete.  More info on askfred.

Fencing starts on August 6th and lasts until the 14th.  Most of the
events are being broadcast on one of the NBC affiliated networks.  USA,
MSNBC, CNBC, etc.  I have attached the schedule of when and on what
station everything is being telecast, plus it is also being streamed.


has their Big Blue event on August 13-14.  Open sabre, open foil, and
Y-12 saber events on Saturday.  Open epee on Sunday needs a body to be a
B event and an A and a B to be an A event..  Strangely enough
the smallest event right now is the sabre.  See askfred for
more details.

epee camp August 8-12.  I have been getting requests, so I am throwing
this open to adults as well.  The youngest person saying he/she is
coming right now is Nicole Milewski and she needs to be fencing adults
anyway.  Given who is coming I will try to make this a pretty high level camp.

tournament requests have been turned in and once the Division schedule
is out, I will keep you updated on all the local events.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon