CFFA update for July 24

CFFA update for July 24
Erica and I went up to New Bern’s Tournament of Past and Present which featured an E and under epee and some SCA rapier fighting yesterday.  Erica started slowly in the pool because she was having some weapon issues, but caught fire in the DEs.  She won her first one, then defeated Ed Childs, the number one seed, 15-14 in the 3rd period.  I won my first DE and then squared off against Erica in the final; winning a close one and re-earning my E.
The advanced foil camp starts tomorrow at 9 am.  Practice Tuesday and Thursday night and Saturday morning at 10 am.
July 29th is also the start of the next set of classes in Jacksonville on board Camp Lejeune.

“Toomey” epee team tournament has been moved to July 30th in Charlotte. 
Their coach will set the teams to try to make them even rather than
allowing one team to be overpowering.

no one had ideas for what to do with the week of August 1-5, I am going
to take advantage of the Olympics and try a couple of new things
combined into a camp.  This will be a half day camp (9 am – 1 pm, no
lunch) that will get people through the beginner class with an
additional emphasis on the upcoming Olympic Fencing.  I have had some requests so I
will also throw this one open to adults as well as children.  Cost will
be $99 plus the $10 USA Fencing membership.  Help get the word out. 
This could be the opportunity some of you have talked about to learn
what the kids like about the sport, or for a parent and child to take
the class together.

1 is the start of a new season, so you will need to be updating your
USA fencing membership to be on the club’s insurance.  If you just
joined in the last couple of months, you should be good until July 31 of
next year.  Updating can be done at  I am hearing that USA Fencing is trying to get rid of the paper applications and as yet one has not appeared.  Thus everyone may have to go to the website to update your registration.  If you can, please bring in a copy.  I am also hearing that a paper application may yet appear, but that there will be a processing fee added to paper applications.

1 also means that it will be time for those of you who pay the yearly
or 6 months dues to get those in.  Regular dues are $35 month for
unlimited evening and Saturday fencing.  6 month memberships give you
those 6 months for price of 5 ($175) and the year long membership gives
you 12 months for the price of 10 ($350).

RYC in Baltimore on the 6-7 of August.  That is in the next season, so
age classifications will change for some of you.  RYCs have events for
Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 fencers.  More info on askfred.

Olympic Fencing starts on August 6th and lasts until the 14.

has their Big Blue event on August 13-14.  Open sabre, open foil, and
Y-12 saber events on Saturday.  Open epee on Sunday looks like it will be at least a C and should be higher rated than that.  Strangely enough the smallest event right now is the sabre.  See askfred for
more details.

Advanced epee camp August 8-12.  I have been getting requests, so I am throwing this open to adults as well.  The youngest person saying he/she is coming right now is Nicole Milewski and she needs to be fencing adults anyway.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon