CFFA update for July 9th

CFFA update for July 9th
The last day of Nationals was cancelled due to the events in Dallas,  We had no one fencing in the events that day anyway.
The beginner foil camp starts Monday at 9 am.  Looks to be 8-12 campers depending on if everyone shows up.  Still can handle a few more if you know anyone who is interested.  Info is on the website.  I may be asking to see if someone can watch the end of camps Friday these next few weeks if it isn’t possible for us to end a bit early so I can get on the road to Jacksonville.
Otherwise practice Tuesday and Thursday nights, Jacksonville on Friday, and Wilmington Saturday for this week.
Bern is
hosting both an E and under epee and an SCA rapier event on July 23rd. 
I will be going up.  Light lunch and a potluck dinner around 4-5 pm. 
Sign up for the epee is on askfred.  I don’t know about the rapier
requirements and sign up.  It is up to 4 people, so it will need a couple of more to get it to where an E can be earned.

The “Toomey” epee team tournament had been moved July 30th in Charlotte.  Their coach will set the teams to try to make them even rather than allowing one team to be overpowering.
An RYC in Baltimore on the 6-7 of August.  That is in next season, so age classifications will change for some of you.
Mid-South has their Big Blue event on August 13-14.  Open sabre, open foil, and Y-12 saber events on Saturday.  Open epee on Sunday.  See askfred for more details.

Advanced sabre camp July 18-22.  Advanced foil July
25-29.  No one has expressed an idea August 1-5, so that may be
something or nothing.  Advanced epee August 8-12.  Let me know if you are coming to an advanced camp so I can reconfigure what we do for the level of the people involved.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon