CFFA update

CFFA update
We had a good youth event yesterday with a number of first time fencers.  Thanks to Donny Zelinski and Josh White from New Bern and Samantha Milewski for helping with the event.  Results:
1st – Will Golder   CFFA
2nd – Nicole Milewski   CFFA Jacksonville
3rd (tie) Luke Jessup   Salle New Bern
            Walker Rottman  Wilmington Fencing Club
9 and under
Gold  –  Amelia Alexander  CFFA
Silver – Evelyn Gunnell   CFFA
Bronze – Jaeden Scott   CFFA
1st – Avery Walston   CFFA
2nd – Jonathan Plapp  CFFA
3rd – Elina Grooman  CFFA
1st – Nicole Milewski  CFFA Jacksonville
2nd – Abbey Campbell  Salle New Bern
3rd (tie) – Lydia Huggins  CFFA
              Jonathan Plapp   CFFA
Here are the sword points for the top 5 boys and girls.  It looks like it will be hard for anyone to catch Will or Nicole.


Golder                          40

Donnely                        28

Evans, Don                   24





Milewski                         42

Artz, Isabelle                  22

Artz, Caroline                 15

Childs                             13

Juelke                             11

The UNCW students will be back, so there will be practice Wednesday.  All the other practices should be normal.

The next set of Camp Lejeune classes will start on Friday the 18th.
March 19th is the Homeschool individual championships, in Oak Ridge at 11:30 am.
21-28 is St. Mary’s Spring Break, so no afterschool.  Just as a
reminder that is the Monday – Friday the week before Easter and the
Monday after.
We could do a Saturday morning practice on the 26th if there is interest.  Let me know.  I haven’t heard anything from anyone but Kenyatta.
1-3 is the Ned Light RYC at Mid-South.  This is for fencers from 8-14
in various age groupings and is the next level up for those who want to
advance beyond our local youth tournaments.  You will need a full set of
gear, knickers, underarm protector, etc.  We will let you borrow club
gear if we have the correct sizing.  Let me know if you are interested.  Right now we only have a couple of people going.
The April beginner class will start on Monday the 4th.  The last afterschool class of the year will also start that day.
April NAC in Richmond is Friday, April 8th, through Monday, April 11th;
so no afterschool that Monday.  Also no fencing at Camp Lejeune that
next event is Saturday, April 16th.  Open foil, Open epee, and an E and
under foil.  Start getting signed up now.  We have a few open foil and epee particpants, but need more in the E and under foil.   If we can get 15 fencers of
whom 4 are Es we might be able to give away a D in the E and under.
Right now it looks like April 23rd will be the next youth event.  Charlotte is also holding adult events that day.
April 30 May 1 is an RJCC at Apex.  This is a regional competition solely for Y-16 and Y-19 events.  Most of the men’s events look like they will be A competitions.  The women’s events will be strong although probably not that strong.  Entry fees go up after April 15.
May 7-8 is the Division Div II/II and Y-14 qualifiers in Burlington.  Preregistration ends April 30th.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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