CFFA update for February 22

CFFA update for February 22
A lot happening fencingwise over the weekend.  On Saturday the Coastal Christian men’s team (Oliver Galbraith, Mack Smith, Jonathan Hartness) took 4th in the NCFL’s state team championships.
On Sunday, the Southeastern Cardinals (Philip Nazzaro, Kyler Schoonmaker, Isabelle Artz, Caroline Artz) took first in the last homeschool meet of the season.  They defeated the Oak Ridge Mustangs 45-41 and the Forsyth County Hawks 37-29.
Also on Sunday, we had a number of fencers attend the tournament at Mid-South.  Robert Thomas finished in the top half of an A2 epee event, and Alex Hoelscher finished in the top half of a B2 sabre event.
Practice this week will be back to normal.  Everything will be meeting, the UNCW fencers should be in Wednesday night, and there will be practice at Lejeune on Friday night.
Saturday should be the NCFL team championships.  Tentatively it is scheduled for Elkin, but that may change depending on the state basketball tournament.
on the 27th is an unsanctioned youth foil tournament in Fayetteville. 
Starts at 10 am and has separate divisions for 7-9, and 10-12.  On
Sunday they are having adult unsanctioned foil events.  Details on
Those of you who want to attend the NAC in Richmond in April, remember that February 29th is the last day to enter before the triple fees.  Vets and Div III, primarily.
Our next evening class will start on March 1st (Tuesday) at 6:30 pm.
People wanting equipment, particularly for the NAC, should get the order to Herman or me by March 3rd.

next event will be the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden on March 5th. 
It is the only all women’s event held in North Carolina and has all
three weapons.  Many of our women are already signed up, but a few are
not.  See askfred for details.  We will also be hosting the homeschool A
team championship on that date at about 11:00 am.
The next set of homeschool classes will begin on Wednesday, March 9th.
Our first youth event of this semester will be on Saturday March 12th.  Apologies for not getting the date set earlier, but a number of other tournaments have been moving dates due to weather, etc.  Hopefully this one can stick.  These events are for fencers 12 and under and cost $5 per event.  We give trophies to the top 3 places, fencing usually has a tie for 3rd.  We also give medals to the top 3 fencers who are 9 and under who don’t win a trophy.  There are swords to the top girl and boy in our season long point competition, plus a sword awarded to the person voted the best sport by the other fencers.  Cost per event is $5.  Foil is at 10 am, sabre at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  As always, volunteer refereeing help is very welcome.  The other two youth events this semester should be on April 23rd, and May 21st.
The next set of Camp Lejeune classes should start on Friday the 18th.
March 19th is the Homeschool individual championships, probably in Oak Ridge.
I am trying to plan ahead for the Advanced camps this summer.  Advanced merely means that you have advanced beyond beginner.  I am trying to determine numbers and the level of the fencers so I can target the camps more precisely.  Please let me know about fencers who will be attending.  Thanks.
Advanced sabre  July 18-22
Advanced foil     July 25-29
Advanced epee   August 1-5
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon