CFFA update for February 14

CFFA update for February 14
We had three fencers compete yesterday at the JOS in lovely downtown Cleveland.  Samantha Milewski went 2-4 in her pool, but lost her first DE and finished 132/181.  Oliver Galbraith went 1-5 and finished tied for 194 of 243.  He missed moving into the second round by a couple of touches. Connor McCormick was 0-6 and finished 228.  Former CFFA fencer, Riley Hart, was 1-5 and finished 159, not making it into the DEs.

This should show people how hard these National Tournaments are.  Samantha had 3 As in her 7 person pool.  Connor is a D and was the lowest rated person in his pool.  These are not the kind of events you can practice for once a week and hope to do well at.  If you want to be prepared for these events it takes lots of home footwork practice, fencing at least a couple of times a week, working with the coach or other fencers on drills, and doing competitions outside of our own so you have seen a number of different styles.

No practice Monday due to President’s Day and the fact that I will still be in Cleveland as Samantha has another event.  Everything should be back to normal for the rest of the week.

February 20th is Mid-South’s Grand Opening anniversary event.  Lots of sabre on Saturday and Open foil and epee on Sunday.  The epee needs one more A to be an A2 event.  The foil needs a B for a B1.  The sabre needs a B for a B1.  Further info on askfred.

The 20th will be the NCFL’s High School A team championships at Kestrel.  The 27th is the NCFL’s individual championships.  Location as yet undecided, but possible Elkin.

The final regular season homeschool meet is being rescheduled.  They are looking at Sunday, February 21st.

Also on the 27th is an unsanctioned youth foil tournament in Fayetteville.  Starts at 10 am and has separate divisions for 7-9, and 10-12.  On Sunday they are having adult unsanctioned foil events.  Details on askfred.

Our next event will be the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden on March 5th.  It is the only all women’s event held in North Carolina and has all three weapons.  Many of our women are already signed up, but a few are not.  See askfred for details.  We will also be hosting the homeschool A team championship on that date at about 11:30 am.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon