Baltimore NAC

Baltimore NAC
I looked at the Baltimore NAC and although tons of people told me they were going, all I see so far are:
Friday  December 4th   Herman in the combined Vets epee
Saturday  December 5th   Erica in the Combined Vets epee
Sunday  December 7th  Herman in the Vet 60 epee
                                Samantha and Erica in the Div II epee
Monday  December 8th  Brendan in the Div II epee
                                 Erica in the Vet 70 epee
Today is the last day to sign up (by 11:59 Pacific time), so if you do, let me know.  The reason I ask is that the youth event was very well received and the kids are asking for another one.  I might be able to squeeze one in on the 5th and still make it to B-more for the more important events.  However, if a bunch of you will be doing events on Friday or Saturday, that plan doesn’t work.
So let me know if you get signed in and for which events.  Thanks.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon