CFFA update for October 25

CFFA update for October 25
We had a 20 fencer youth 12 and under foil event yesterday.  Of the 20, 12 were 9 or under.  I am very proud of the way everyone fenced.  There was some very good competition and I saw a lot of improvement as the day went on.  In the end, old man Will Golder of CFFA proved to be too much for everybody.  Ian Donnelly of Salle New Bern came in second.  Nicole Milewski of CFFA’s Jacksonville outpost and the rapidly improving Isabelle Artz tied for 3rd.  For the 9 and under fencers, Don Evans of CFFA won the gold medal.  Emily Childs and Zane Jaghman, both of Salle New Bern, took silver and bronze respectively.  Sometimes the 9 and under medals are an afterthought, but with the dozen fencers we had, winning a medal this time was a real accomplishment.  Great kudos and thanks to referees, Phil Nazzaro, Reaghan Juelke, and Samantha Milewski.  Also a huge thanks to Josh White of Salle New Bern, who ran the foil event.  Also great thanks to all the parents who helped the event run smoothly.  We did a 20 person tournament, with most of the fencers being tournament newbies, and with some equipment issues in about three and a half hours.  After that unfortunately we didn’t have enough sabre fencers to have an event.  In the epee, Nicole Milewski defeated Lydia Huggins in a hard fought match for 1st and 2nd.
Here are the sword points for the top ten boys and all the girls:
Boys                                            Girls
Golder            26                            Milewski            25
Donnelly         19                            Artz, I.             22
Santiago        16                             Artz, C.            15
Evans, D.        16                            Childs              13
Saxberg          12                            Juelke               8
Jessup            11                            Roos                 5
Jaghman         10                            Williams             4
Scott               9                            Campbell           4
Wood               7                            Willetts             3
Evans, J.          6

For adults, we had Erica Julien and Joe McLaughlin go to a Veteran’s event in Fredericksberg.  They had varying degrees of success in their pools, but each lost
their first DE.
Monday is the deadline to get entered in the December NAC in Baltimore before triple fees take over.

This week Monday and Tuesday will be as usual. We will need to take down the overheads after practice Tuesday.  The homeschool class will meet Wednesday afternoon.  Remember that parts of Market Street will be closed on Wednesday.  No afterschool or evening practice Wednesday or Thursday.  there will be practice in Jacksonville Friday night.

I don’t know what kind of shape the basement will be in after the
Haunted House, so unless you hear differently next week, assume no
Saturday morning practice.

The closest event on Halloween is in Williamsburg, VA.

November adult beginner class starts Monday, November 2nd.  The new set
of afterschool classes will start the same week, Monday through
Thursday.  The next set of homeschool beginner classes will start on
November 4th.  help get the word out.


7th is the first Homeschool League meet, out at Mustang Fitness in Oak Ridge.  It will start at 11:30 am.  If you want
to fence, all of your information to be on the team needs to be to the
Southeastern Cardinals by November 1.  Public school epeeists are
allowed to fence on B teams, this is for ages 10 and up, so let me know
if you are interested.  Epee will only be B teams, so you would get to
fence the best of the homeschoolers.  Since you aren’t homeschooled you
do not need to
join the Cardinals.  I really need to find out this week if we have enough people interested to put teams together.

is also a college meet at Greensboro on the 7th for UNCW people’s
possible participation.  No adult events yet listed for the area.

14th is the first NCFL meet and we will be hosting.  This is a very
large high school foil event and we need all the volunteer referees we can pull.  A
number of you did this previously and it will be time to give back.  I
need to get an idea of who wants to participate, 6th grade and up. 
Hopefully we can field two B teams, plus Hoggard and Coastal Christian. The men’s and women’s “A” teams are split, so I am not yet certain how that will affect the number of teams.  “B” teams can still be coed.

The 21st and 22nd is JOs at Research Triangle Charter School near Durham.  Saturday is for the junior events and Sunday is for the cadet events.  If you qualify for the junior event and are young enough to be a cadet you automatically are qualified for the cadet. The JOs are in Cleveland over the Presidents day weekend in February.  Even of you do not intend to go to the JOs, these are good events in which to participate.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon