CFFA update for 10/4

CFFA update for 10/4
First, a big thanks to everyone who helped with the demo on board Camp Lejeune.
With the Chapel Hill events cancelled, our only fencer in action this week (to my knowledge) was Nicole Milewski at the SYC in Atlanta.  In Y-12 epee, she won her first DE but lost her second to the eventual winner.  In the Y-14 epee she lost her first DE 13-15.  It was her first time moving up to those age classes.
The New Hanover County schools are closed.  Although I don’t see anything specifically closing St. Mary, let’s call off afterschool tomorrow.  The next beginner class will begin this Tuesday, October 6th, at 6:30 pm.  Help get the word out.  UNCW will begin coming down on Wednesday nights starting this Wednesday.  A number of foilists and a few epeeists should be there.
No Camp Lejeune practice Friday due to the Holiday and the Richmond NAC.

October 9-12 is the actual NAC in Richmond.  Here are the people that I know will be there:  Samantha Milewski, Herman Smith, Joe McLaughlin, Erica Julien, and Connor Costa.  If I missed anyone, let me know.
No afterschool next Monday due to the holiday and the fact that I will be in Richmond.
The next set of classes at Camp Lejeune will start on Friday, October 16th, at 7 pm.
I would like to propose an armoring night for Thursday, October 15.  We need to get the club equipment up to snuff in case.people need it for the event on the 17th.

next adult event is October 17th.  Open foil, open epee, and a D and
under foil.  St. Mary’s Parish
is having a Parish Fall Festival, so we would like to have huge events
to show off what we do.  That means get signed up NOW so people will
come out.  Askfred doesn’t seem to be up and running, but the last time I checked, our numbers were horribly low. The idea of having a D and under is so
that there is the possibility of someone winning a C without having to
beat any Cs.  That requires 25 fencers with 4 Ds and 4Es.  If we get our
epeeists in and can pull in Steve Kmiec, we now need only one more A
for A event.  In addition, I will be hosting a booth and we want to have
demonstration involving our afterschool fencers. 

next youth event will be October 24th.  Foil at 10 am, sabre at 1:30
pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  We should have a bunch of new youth fencers to
make the events larger.  I could probably use some help refereeing foil.
I have had a few responses concerning WHQR’s pledge drive, but not enough to fill a time slot yet.  Things are still relatively open, so if you might be available, please let me know.  Usually we have grabbed a Sunday time, although I am open to whatever works for everyone else.
We used to hold a once a month in club tournament we called the McDougal.  The winner got to hold the trophy until the next months event.  It was a non-sanctioned event that had a couple of dollar entry fee.  Is anyone interested in trying to start it back up?
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon