WHQR Pledge Drive

WHQR Pledge Drive
WHQR will again be having community groups man the phones for their Pledge Drive, October 21 -27.  This is done as a contest and the group that raises the highest % over what was expected for that time period wins $1000 of free advertising on WHQR.  The second place group gets $500 of advertising.
We have done it before and although we have never won, just get our name out over the air for 3-4 hours never hurts.  They usually have someone from the organization speak on air every hour about the organization.
To do it we would need to have 3 people (plus me) for a total of four.  Most shifts are 3-4 hours long and actually signing people up and taking pledges is done by walking you and the donor through a computer program.  They generally have a lot of food there to get you through the shift.
Usually we have found it best for everyone’s schedule to grab a Sunday time.  It is scheduled up against the second day of the Tiger Open (MF).  The Sunday time slots are 7 – 10 AM and 10 Am – 1 PM.  If you might be interested and available for one of those times, please let me know.  The other available times are listed on their website whqr.org.  They ask that you sign up for 3 times in case your choices get taken, so if you have other good times, let me know.
If you are a regular donor to WHQR and your pledge is ending I would ask that you hold off to renew until we find out if we will be doing this and then donate during our time period.
As soon as we have four people for a team at the same time I will put in a request. 
Thanks and stay dry.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon