CFFA update for September 28

CFFA update for September 28
First, in a peripherally fencing related matter, Emma Filer has been chosen by the Star News as one of their 15 under 15 award winners.  She is featured in a special section in Sunday’s newspaper.  There is also a website with additional fencing pictures and a short video interview at
We had a number of fencers go up to the ROC in Fredericksburg.  All of the men’s events were A events, and the women’s were at least C events.  (The epee was an A)  Our fencers had varying degrees of success in the pools, but all were eliminated in their first DE.  The epee was an A4.  Paul Perkins was never quite on and went 1-4 in his pool.  Josh Harvey was a solid 3-3 and went out to the fencer who finished third.  Herman Smith was 4-2 and the only person who beat the A in his pool.  On Saturday Jesse Harvey found out what kind of tournament this was.  He learned that the U in the event with his name in Korean (Not a Korean name, his name written in Korean script) is probably not really a U.  Jesse was 2-4 in his pool.  The Korean gentleman won the entire event going from a U to an A.
Some NC fencers had some very good results.  In foil, Charles Chow and Joe Alter were 3rd and 2nd respectively and earned their As.  Sandt Tapia was 6th in women’s epee.  Steve Kmiec also finished 6th and won his A in men’s epee.
week, regular homeschool, afterschool, and Camp Lejeune practice. 
Regular Tuesday and Thursday night practice, but I will again be out at
UNCW Wednesday night.  They start coming in on Wednesdays beginning in October and will have a number
of experienced fencers, at least in foil, for you to practice against.

October 3rd is Mixed sabre at UNC, while the 4th is mixed foil and epee there.

On October 3rd we will be doing an intro to fencing demo on board Camp Lejeune.  I will e-mail those fencers the details.

The next beginner class will begin on Tuesday, October 6th, at 6:30 pm.  Help get the word out.

October 9-12 is the actual NAC in Richmond.  There are significant late fees if you are not already entered.

Our next adult event is October 17th.  Open foil, open epee, and a D and under foil.  St. Mary’s Parish
is having a Parish Fall Festival, so we would like to have huge events
to show off what we do.  That means get signed up NOW so people will
come out.  We are still only at 6 epeeists, 2 foilists in the open, and 6 foilists in the D and under.  The idea of having a D and under is so that there is the possibility of someone winning a C without having to beat any Cs.  That requires 25 fencers with 4 Ds and 4Es.  If we get our epeeists in and can pull in Steve Kmiec, we now need only one more A for A event.  In addition, I will be hosting a booth and we want to have a
demonstration involving our afterschool fencers.  I will be e-mailing
you with more details.

Our next youth event will be October 24th.  Foil at 10 am, sabre at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  We should have a bunch of new youth fencers to make the events larger.
It is that time of year when I will be going through my e-mail lists and pulling people we haven’t seen in a long time.  If you want to stay on the list, but just haven’t been around recently, let me know.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon