CFFA update for September 20

CFFA update for September 20
First an apology for some confusion I created.  Usually when I say a practice is cancelled without attaching a specific qualifier it means the evening practice.  I will try to remember to be more specific.
Yesterday’s tournament had a small foil turn out, a solid epee event, and a small sabre event that was about 100% of our eligible sabre fencers.  The foil had just 7 fencers, with the Bogerts, Brett and Bryce taking 1st and 2nd.  Jesse Harvey and Josh White tied for the 3rds.  The epee was an A1, but unfortunately it came out pretty much as would be expected so no one earned any new ratings.  The medal results were exactly like the foil, but with Oliver Galbraith replacing Josh for one of the 3rds.  In the sabre Alex Hoelscher took gold, Erik Graf the silver, and Joe McLaughlin and Clayton Olson the bronzes.  Thanks to everyone who helped with the event.
Today up at UNC, Oliver took 12th in an A2 epee; and Joe took 26th in a B2 sabre.  Both were pretty large events.
Also today was the organizational meeting for the year for the homeschool league.  There are some interesting changes and I will email them and the schedule to my homeschool list.  The one change that may affect everyone is that we will be trying to do epee as a homeschool team event.  As the homeschoolers allow those who attend public school to participate in the “B” division, (although depending on numbers, we may not bother with “A” and “B” divisions) it would be an opportunity for all our epeeists to do some team competition.
This week, regular homeschool, afterschool, and Camp Lejeune practice.  Regular Tuesday and Thursday night practice, but I will again be out at UNCW Wednesday night.  Once they start coming in on Wednesday I will let you know as it looks like UNCW is on the upswing and will have a number of experienced fencers, at least in foil, for you to practice against.
The ROC in Fredericksburg is next weekend.  If you haven’t already entered do it tomorrow (Monday).  The registration is $30 and the event fee is $70.  Starting Tuesday the event fee jumps to $120.
October 3rd is Mixed sabre at UNC, while the 4th is mixed foil and epee there.
On October 3rd we will be doing an intro to fencing demo on board Camp Lejeune.  I will e-mail those fencers the details.
The next beginner class will begin on Tuesday, October 6th, at 6:30 pm.

October 9-12 is the actual NAC in Richmond.  Again there are significant late fees if you are not already entered.
Our next adult event is October 17th.  Open foil, open epee, and a D and under foil.  St. Mary’s Parish is having a Parish Fall Festival, so we would like to have huge events to show off what we do.  That means get signed up NOW so people will come out.  In addition, I will be hosting a booth and we want to have a demonstration involving our afterschool fencers.  I will be e-mailing you with more details.
Our next youth event will be October 24th.

NCFL is looking for some parents who might want to help constitute a
board to oversee it.  It was decided that the NCFL is getting big enough
that it is difficult to get all the coaches together, much less to
agree on things.  Let me know if you might be interested.

have a former fencer wanting to sell a barely used (6-8 times) 36 RH
front zip jacket, small mask, and small RH glove for $75.  Let me know
if you are interested and I will put you in contact.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon